20yrd old suffering from ED

My pct can't be the problem here because I start having this issue 6 week into my cycle. My PCT right now is clomid 50mg and Nova 40mg a day
And I went to the doc and all she said was wait -_- and come back January for another blood work. I don't understand how that would help if the blood work now is normal. Just a little problem with my LH
And I went to the doc and all she said was wait -_- and come back January for another blood work.

Then you already have your answer. Wait. Took you a while to get this fucked up, likely take you a while to get unfucked.

You didn't by any chance actually come clean and tell her the stuff you injected? or that you are now taking crumbly white "pills" of some shit you got from some dude?

Because without that info, her diagnostic abilities will be severely constrained.

You are 20, otherwise healthy and your cock has stopped working. That is not something that should happen to 20 year old men! If that isn't enough of a wake-up call to come clean, stop fucking around with your HPTA, and get true medical advice then I doubt anything in the world will be.
Are you dealing with rough stuff in life? Anxiety, insomnia and/or depression can have a negative impact on your sex drive. ED would be an extreme, but seems plausible from your post.
"test e 400mg week"
"NPP 100mg eod"

It takes approx. 7 weeks to get FULL 400mg dose due to half life of the compound & your injection timing.
So its easy to see what you did there : low test base + 3/4 mg of test equivalent dose of NPP + Long ester test vs Short ester Nandralone(=kicks in faster) = Don't
f*k around with so potent stuff if you have no idea wth you're doing.

Also where is your cabergoline(dostinex)+ cialis ?

Things to do :
-Get PHARMA GRADE Clomid+Nolvadex+Cialis(for libido) IMMEDIATELY
-Educate yourself.Steroids = science.
-Don't touch nandrolone again

Good luck.
The doc said to just stop talking everything and to wait till it fixs itself. It's been a month and things have gotten better but still no sex drive. The erection has improved a little bit tho
I've had a low test of 179
total but I'm gomna test now.but even then when I started eating pussycat I was ready. maybe you are fine if you was comfortable with a hot woman or any woman.back when I was gomna methadone and now Suboxone. I told my case worker I don't think I can still perform, she said how do you know do you have a woman. I found out my past opiods, heron, methadone did give less sex drive but it also helped make me last longer. I think it raises prolacton. n.p.p. does as well. um on n.p.p. I am on at 350 mg week but I also think I am fine its a fine line I play with hormones but I'm 42 and when I was you're age I might of had a low test cause I was born with a hernia of the balls. but I still made gains. alot of it is in the mind.I think you should do you're Nova. and clomid,maybe hcg.but that should of already been done and stopped
I'm one who stays on constantly so take what I say like a grain if salt its all Neo.science but I'm sure you're body will recover in 2 months even maybe 3 all them hormones will be in you a month and honestly maybe more so you're body winstrol want to make test tell you are all out
It's gonna take awhile dude. Grey, drpz, and others have covered the areas. You started a bit young now your hormones are so fucked. Find cialis and viagra and quit messin with chemicals you're not educated enough to pin. Welcome to AAS, you'll live.
So the only solution right now is to continue using my Nova and clomid? Also take Viagra for now till things fix itself?
These are my blood test results. The doc said everything is normal but they are not because i still have zero sex drive at the age of 20. What could be the reason for my problem?

Alkaline phosphatase- 61.
AST- 36.
ALT- 51
TSH- 1.56
LH- <1.
FSH- 2.

My cycle was:

EQ 600mg aweek
NPP 100mg eod
TEST E 400mg aweek
Aromasin 12.5 eod

Duration of this cycle was 2 months exact, however, i stopped the use of NPP after the first 6 weeks.
How long has it been since you cycled and how long since pct. I ran into similar problem. Ran test e and deca. Stopped after 7 weeks didn't start pct until 2 months after. Had bloods done at 3.5 months after everything checked out fine. But had no sex drive at all. I mean nada. As if my stuff wasn't even attached lol was pretty scary since I'm a highly sexually active person. But on the flip side couple weeks ago I really started getting my urge to beat up some pussy again getting hard randomly throughout the day. But when I was having problems Biafra wasn't even helping. Was pretty embarrassing my gf like wtf is going on lol. I'm like I promise it's not u baby. Lol
I'm starting to think my clomid and Nova is not legit. I'm about to make an order for some pharmacy grade PCT. should I also get "Proviron"? Would this help my sex drive till thinks heal ?
Seriously go to a doctor man, and if that doc says just wait don't except that for an answer. Tell him how you've screwed around with gear and you need help. Sure order the pharm grade serms but still see a doc man.
I already did, I told her everything. She said wait and don't even take clomid or anything, come back in 2 months for another blood work. No disrespect but this family doctor doesn't really understand steroids other than the basics.
That right there, you understand she doesnt know about it other then the basics but yet you arent going to go see a doctor who does understand it? just because she doesnt know doesnt mean there wont be doctors who will take proper action. go see and endo even possibly


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