21% bf, wait to cycle?(


New Member
218 lbs 21.5% bf....I have cycled before at a larger bf to bulk and expirienced no sides. Have been cutting natural for the past 4 months. Is cycling above 15% bf generally a bad idea, would throwing 600mgs of test a week only be fine at my current bf ? Also could someone here tell me what these numbers at the bottom.of my bodyfat test mean, ty


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How tall are you? Age? Testosterone baseline levels? Training and fitness experience?

You will have various options depending on your answers. The vets here will be able to help you better if you provide more information.

For example, if you have been lean before or are you on trt already, these factors will greatly affect the advices you will be given.
Im 5/10 with , 2 years worth of cycling, albeit certainly half assed in terms of consistancy and getting much out of it. Ive built a solid base theough semi consitant lifting over past 5 years..last 2 I have done about 4 cycles going up to about 1g of test at 500 tren ace a week with minimal sides. I gained some size but moreso focused on powerlifting..., my diet and hypertrophy consistancy has much to be desired. I am.on the middle of a long cut...218, was 255 6 months ago. Idk what my base test levels are.
Im 5/10 with , 2 years worth of cycling, albeit certainly half assed in terms of consistancy and getting much out of it. Ive built a solid base theough semi consitant lifting over past 5 years..last 2 I have done about 4 cycles going up to about 1g of test at 500 tren ace a week with minimal sides. I gained some size but moreso focused on powerlifting..., my diet and hypertrophy consistancy has much to be desired. I am.on the middle of a long cut...218, was 255 6 months ago. Idk what my base test levels are.
focus on your consistency first.

you say that youre more so focused on powerlifting. does this mean competing? or just chasing heavy 1rm? what is your weight class?

either way, focus on your consistency first. take advantage of being at a higher bf and to prepare your joints for the heavy singles doubles and triples
I am not focused on powerlifting anymore, strictly bodybuilding, ...never seen my six pack before so I guess I am.going to keep cutting until I am around 10 13ish%. I am.on 40 mcg clen a day, wondering if I should add some test into the mix or weight till im around 15% as ive read its generally better to start at that bf range or lower to minimize size and make the most out of the compound
I can still hit 4 plates on bench for a double off everything with moderate carbs, happy with that strength level...would love to maintian something close to that the remainder of the cut but if not im not too worried about that. Main goal is just to shed fat and maintain muscle for next 3 months
218 lbs 21.5% bf....I have cycled before at a larger bf to bulk and expirienced no sides. Have been cutting natural for the past 4 months. Is cycling above 15% bf generally a bad idea, would throwing 600mgs of test a week only be fine at my current bf ? Also could someone here tell me what these numbers at the bottom.of my bodyfat test mean, ty
The numbers at the bottom are your total energy expenditure or the baseline to maintain current weight at different levels of lifestyle activity. Your RMR is what you expend just existing. This times the other numbers gives you the caloric requirements to maintain current weight at that activity level.

I’d suggest finding a program and focusing on consistency before adding any AAS.
I did just what you are doing right now, albeit its a recomp because I was off lifting for a decade due to life changes.

I think you can push the cut till you really plateau then add a moderate dose of test and mast for 8-12 weeks by then you should be around 12% or so. Take a diet break then continue on. I don't know if you are on trt, but if you are then you can just milk that dose of test till you stop losing fat, then adjust from there.
218 lbs 21.5% bf....I have cycled before at a larger bf to bulk and expirienced no sides. Have been cutting natural for the past 4 months. Is cycling above 15% bf generally a bad idea, would throwing 600mgs of test a week only be fine at my current bf ? Also could someone here tell me what these numbers at the bottom.of my bodyfat test mean, ty
Are you on TRT?

RMR = Resting Metabolic Rate (calories you need basically doing nothing, to sustain life and not waste away)
Est. TEE = Total Energy Expenditure (what calories you should eat based off activity/used to adjust macros for body composition, with each category listed to the right)