24 week cycle blood work.


OK had my bloodwork done 2 days before this 24 week cycle ended.

Got my blood work back and I just want to see if anyone of the ogs could help me out with a couple of things.

First off I don't know what the hell kind of test my doctor ordered instead of my normal trt panel he did a free testosterone count which confused me as to why... FYI I'm 44 yrs old.
I've noticed a couple of things like my T4 is low. Before I continue let me break down what I've been taking.

600 mg Test- all 24 weeks.
400 mg deca- (weeks 2-16)
400 mg Mast E- all 24 weeks.
each per week pinned every 3 days.

30 mg Dbol pre workout 1st 5 weeks.
50mg Anavar pre workout last 5 weeks.
3 Iu of Optis hgh 5 days a week for 6 months now.

I'm trying to figure out if my T4 is low enough to supplement? And secondly what kind of liver protection does everyone use? I am taking milk thistle along with my multi vitamins, biotin, apple cider vinegar, iron 2 times a week and a probiotic. My numbers don't seem to bad but better safe than sorry.
Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. 1376.jpg

Them liver numbers are way fine while being on orals you shouldn't complain there. The only drug that's been proving to help liver function is folic acid. Manny people who take medication that's hard on there liver get prescribed folic acid to help liver function. Example I know someone taking methotrexate wich is a liver killer there numbers really shoot up folic acid really made a big difference other than that all the other supports are not proven at all and is all bro science.
Your T3 is on the higher end of within range and T4 is converted to T3 in the body. I wouldn't stress that too much, but you could use it if you wanted to. I just wouldn't with your #s though.
Your T3 is on the higher end of within range and T4 is converted to T3 in the body. I wouldn't stress that too much, but you could use it if you wanted to. I just wouldn't with your #s though.
It’s really nothing to be stressed about ..your right.. just like his my t4 is on borderline low but t3 is good to...

I think some don’t realize the conversion of T4
I used to be a huge fat ass over 650 pounds I'm now at 368, but bare in mind I'm also 6 foot 7..
Until I can get this skin surgery nothing worth seeing (honestly embarrassed) . But the gains were massive. To the point the gym bros are asking many questions.
Buddy... all facts concidered with the amount of and time you e been on the gear, and that you used to be a huge fat ass... you’re bloods look pretty good, I think however it’s time to look into thyroid replacement/supplementation.
The only drug that's been proving to help liver function is folic acid. Manny people who take medication that's hard on there liver get prescribed folic acid to help liver function. Example I know someone taking methotrexate wich is a liver killer there numbers really shoot up folic acid really made a big difference other than that all the other supports are not proven at all and is all bro science.

Methotrexate is a folate antagonist that is approved for use in certain forms of cancer and collagen vascular diseases.

And because it's an antimetabolite that inhibits protein synthesis AND is metabolized by the liver, hepatic toxicity (elevated liver enzymes) is a well recognized side effect.

And while a reduction in serum folate is common in those prescribed Methotrexate, I'm unaware of evidence supporting folate as an oral AAS "hepatic protector".

Bottom line there are no validated oral AAS "hepatic protectors".
For more info search the Steroid Forum / Sticky - Anabolic Steroids and the Liver.

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