24 week cycle blood work.

While they aren't quite identical, both folate and folic acid have benefits when it comes to liver health andlowering ALT. A 2011 short-term, randomized controlled trial found that taking 0.8 milligrams of folic acid a day was helpful for lowering serum ALT levelswhen combined with medication.Nov 27, 2018
Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. › health
Methotrexate is a folate antagonist that is approved for use in certain forms of cancer and collagen vascular diseases.

And because it's an antimetabolite that inhibits protein synthesis AND is metabolized by the liver, hepatic toxicity (elevated liver enzymes) is a well recognized side effect.

And while a reduction in serum folate is common in those prescribed Methotrexate, I'm unaware of evidence supporting folate as an oral AAS "hepatic protector".

Bottom line there are no validated oral AAS "hepatic protectors".
For more info search the Steroid Forum / Sticky - Anabolic Steroids and the Liver.

While they aren't quite identical, both folate and folic acid have benefits when it comes to liver health andlowering ALT. A 2011 short-term, randomized controlled trial found that taking 0.8 milligrams of folic acid a day was helpful for lowering serum ALT levelswhen combined with medication.Nov 27, 2018
View attachment 131666
Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. › health

Your beneficial folate comments are extrapolated from a “health” blog that fails to cite evidence supporting their claims?

Post the SCIENTIFIC evidence, as in studies, to support your comments that folate can be used to abate oral AAS mediated hepatic toxicity.
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Stephen daniels published a study on july 2007 on it. Look it up cant link it its copy right protected

Stephen Daniels ?? Does Mr Daniels have a middle name? What are his qualifications; PHD, MD, MS or was he another blog commander?

Post a link to this study or is that copyrighted also?

Here's the entire citation it was free and required little effort to acquire.

!) WHAT outcome measure was being evaluated in this study?

2) WHO specifically was the population under study?

3) WHY was this population being studied?

4) WERE the participants at greater risk than the general population?

5) HOW how did the authors account for the varied differences in folate levels between subjects at risk?

6) CAN these results reasonably be extrapolated to BB using oral AAS or any other potentially hepato-toxic drug?

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Hey I guess anyone can pick apart any study. I am not saying I am rite just sharing maybe some potential good info. Take it with a grain of salt but taking folic acid wont hurt you so why not use it. There are some obvious benefits.
Hey I guess anyone can pick apart any study. I am not saying I am rite just sharing maybe some potential good info. Take it with a grain of salt but taking folic acid wont hurt you so why not use it. There are some obvious benefits.

Thats not quite the case bc your initial post specifically states the following :

"The only drug that's been proving to help liver function is folic acid'!

And since YOU won't address the question of validity I will, so others may learn to be more cautious about BLOG commentary.
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Here's the entire citation it was free and required little effort to acquire.

!) WHAT outcome measure was being evaluated in this study?

2) WHO specifically was the population under study?

3) WHY was this population being studied?

4) WERE the participants at greater risk than the general population?

5) HOW how did the authors account for the varied differences in folate levels between subjects at risk?

6) CAN these results reasonably be extrapolated to BB using oral AAS or any other potentially hepato-toxic drug?
1) the relative risk of HEPATIC CANCER

2) Patients with HEPATITIS B!

3) Because the complications of HEP-B, liver transplantation in particular are VERY expensive!

4) Absolutely HEP-B patients have a 20-40% higher lifetime risk of developing Hepatic CA

5) They ignored outlier data!

6) Absolutely not, unless perhaps the BB also has HEPATITIS-B!

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Well jim many other info on internet says it does help with liver function so I will take it. You can pick apart any study with any drugs just about. I am not saying take all the orals you want with it at all but some potential positive info out there says it helps with liver function. Now go back to reading your books. Let me guess your a Democrat.
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I'm a scientist who believes other social media outlets are better suited for quibbling over politics. religion and culture wars, rather than a PED forum.

Yet I only reviewed the citation to determine it's validity as it applies to users on this forum, which is what I'd like to believe you will do in the future.

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