I believe, if you are getting addicted to steroids, you are enjoying them too much. I guess, it depends upon how you change your life around when using them.
To be honest, this is my first cycle in 4 yrs, and just like my previous cycles, I just can't wait till its over(the sooner the better, lol). Usually, I do exercises 5 days on 2 days off, and then 4 days on, 3 days of when I am not on cycle. Since I am in IT, I always need time to keep upgrading my skills and need time for that. However, when I am cycling, I do 7 days on when I am on cycle, doing 1.5-2 hours everyday and that does not include feeder workout and 30-45 min of stretching every morning, yea, all those minutes, add up. It means setting part of my life to the side and boy do I HATE injections. My theory is that if I am going to juice and put my body at risk for that certain amount of time, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY CALORIE counts. That means no parties, no video games, no goofing around, no procrastinating anything which would take your focus away from gym, etc. Not even many things such as training, taking my wife out , etc. All that pressure, gets tiring real quick, and I can't wait till my cycle is over. I believe you gotta put your life on extra discipline when on juice, that stresses you enough from enjoying it too much.
Also, I wouldn't recommend anyone to start juicing immediately when getting off the recreational drugs too soon, the extra stress gonna just force you back into the junky lifestyle. The only other time I did 7 days workout (no juicing) a week was when I was trying to get off meth and wanted keep myself busy, anything to force myself not to think about it.
There are those who does steroids wrong, just like many idiots who spends 4-5 hours a fucking day watching fucking TV. Thats mean you can get addicting to any stupid shit out there. I salute my brothers in here who got any kind of past and they are working hard to get over it, they are not taking the easy way out, but forging ahead not only for themselves but also for those who love them. I say, keep soldiering on.
Sorry for the long rant!