24k Pharma US Domestic Source

Hey what's going on. Just giving yall a review. I'm not here to Suck his dick and not affiliated with 24k pharma. I looked for a lab for about 3 weeks before choosing him. I ordered 4 bottles of test e and on my door step 3 days later. I'm about a week and a half into my cycle. No noticeable gains yet but my sex drive has gone up. I might have fucked up my natural test from my last cycle. Idk. I do have some pip but that's to be expected. I will order again here in the next day or two. Just wanted to give him props. You can take what you want from this post. I really don't care.
Hey what's going on. Just giving yall a review. I'm not here to Suck his dick and not affiliated with 24k pharma. I looked for a lab for about 3 weeks before choosing him. I ordered 4 bottles of test e and on my door step 3 days later. I'm about a week and a half into my cycle. No noticeable gains yet but my sex drive has gone up. I might have fucked up my natural test from my last cycle. Idk. I do have some pip but that's to be expected. I will order again here in the next day or two. Just wanted to give him props. You can take what you want from this post. I really don't care.

I can't stand people like you. You might not be a shill but your lack of learning how this forum works or just not giving a shit is ridiculous and that's why people will not like you. You joined Sunday and your first post in is about how good this source is. There's no way in hell you didn't do at least a little looking around before coming here to suck him off for all of us to see. you saw the new member thread, you can't tell me In your research looking for a source here or whatever you haven't picked up on how we operate. Take that one post review and go fuck yourself.
I don't need to be a member to go through threads. Like I said I don't care what you think. You think im going to order from these labs that pay these sites to advertise. Ya ok... i wouldn't be here in the first place if my guy wasnt so flaky. If you have a problem you can talk to admin. Thank you for your constructive criticism
Hey what's going on. Just giving yall a review. I'm not here to Suck his dick and not affiliated with 24k pharma. I looked for a lab for about 3 weeks before choosing him. I ordered 4 bottles of test e and on my door step 3 days later. I'm about a week and a half into my cycle. No noticeable gains yet but my sex drive has gone up. I might have fucked up my natural test from my last cycle. Idk. I do have some pip but that's to be expected. I will order again here in the next day or two. Just wanted to give him props. You can take what you want from this post. I really don't care.

Maybe a labmax would at least have been more informative, than all the dumbshit you posted.
If you're going to insult make sure to get you're wording correct... People will go through these threads and still pick a ugl that's no good or won't receive any product. Trying to post a good comment maybe for that newb that doesn't know where to go or that doesnt have to have 100 post to contact a ugl. If anyone is like me I wasn't trying to wait months to get gear.
If you're going to insult make sure to get you're wording correct... People will go through these threads and still pick a ugl that's no good or won't receive any product. Trying to post a good comment maybe for that newb that doesn't know where to go or that doesnt have to have 100 post to contact a ugl. If anyone is like me I wasn't trying to wait months to get gear.

Who ever said you couldn't order from a source, do whatever the hell you want but why would anyone here trust what you have to say when you have one post. Nobody should. You know how this forum works so don't play dumb
I wouldn't trust me either looking from the outside looking in. But a accumulative of good reviews on this thread would.
If I got bloods it would only be good for that batch. Unfortunately my batch numbers don't match any of the previous post. Me getting bloods would only be good for that batch and maybe some credit to 24k pharma. But I've seen a couple bloods done already through this thread. If you done gear, you start getting signs of legit gear and that's all i was saying. Let me rephrase this whole post. If you order you will at least get the gear instead of being out money and gear
have not tried this product but I can tell you. The professionalism and promptness is definitely his forte. he told me I would get my gear on a certain day and by golly like clockwork perfect packaging very smooth and easy to deal with I can attest to that.
have not tried this product but I can tell you. The professionalism and promptness is definitely his forte. he told me I would get my gear on a certain day and by golly like clockwork perfect packaging very smooth and easy to deal with I can attest to that.

I appreciate the feedback, thank you for posting. Feel free to reach out if you counter any questions or concerns.
@24kpharma any word on getting test prop in?


I'm working on getting the product out to shippers now, so it should be in stock early-mid next week if no issues come up.

That being said, Tren E landed with shippers yesterday, so here is an updated stock list:

Test C 200 - $35
Test E 200 - $35
Tren A 100 - $40
Tren E 200 - $65
EQ 300 - $45
Arimidex 30x1mg - $50
Nolvadex 30x20mg - $70
Pramipexole 30x1mg - $50

I am going to trial the following policies:

- Customers may order under the min (100 Bitcoin/100 MG) for a $25 fee. Of course, as long as you meet min there is no fee, just the $10 flat shipping.

- Overnight/1 day shipping ($40 for most orders, $60 for larger orders). Payment has to be made before 10am for you to get it next day, otherwise you may get it the day after. If shipper is not able to send it overnight, you will be funded the difference from the flat rate in the form of cash. (Cash will be included in the package).

Thanks for reading.
I'm starting to sound like a shill but damn, ordered via email day.1..had payment info from 24k same day....PD on day 2....product shipped same day....receive day 4.....How do u beat that? Sorry but this is exceptional service for main stream products let alone this shit....i'll shut up now....:cool:
I give credit, where credit is due obviously he is doing a great job, when it comes to communication and t/a, but till we don't wee actual bloods from members of this board, I will not be sold.
I appreciate the feedback, thank you for posting. Feel free to reach out if you counter any questions or concerns.
no problem bro I give credit where credit is due. it was a pleasure doing business with you I love when things go smooth and everything is upfront. and I also think others should know that your professional stands out.
I give credit, where credit is due obviously he is doing a great job, when it comes to communication and t/a, but till we don't wee actual bloods from members of this board, I will not be sold.

Thanks for response, I fully support blood work. I've only had one so far from this board: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/24k-pharma-test-cyp-and-tren-a-bloodwork.134364093/

I've tried to incentivize member blood work with full store credit for the cost of the blood work. I believe this is fair, but if it isn't I'm happy to discuss it further. I've always been fully supportive of blood work, however I cannot coerce members to get blood work. I am also against free or reduced price product for customers promising future blood work because could be seen as unfair, as I might give these customers "better" product, and would not represent the typical customer experience. I try my best to incentivize blood work, but unfortunately, at the end of the day, it is beyond my control. I have provided local customer blood work, and will continue to do so, but I understand source testing is completely invalid. However, it does give me some sort of guideline in terms of my dosing before it goes to online customers.

If there's any policies the community would like changed, I'm open to discussion. There are some business and safety policies that will not change regardless of community input, but everything else I'm open to discussion.

Thanks for reading.