2nd cycle input Test/Mast/VAR/(EQ VS Nandrolone)

makes plenty of sense. the original reason I did 16 weeks was because they say EQ should be ran that long supposively.

I appreciate the input, Thats why I like getting views from other people ot avoid fuckups.

Ill target the run for 10-12 weeks.

Right now I am leaning toward this

10-12 weeks of
injection M W F

400mg of test C
400mg of mast E for anabolism/boat control.
200-400mg of NPP(Will titrate starting from 200 a week and see how I feel)
4.5-5 units of hgh daily
still unsure about a low dose anavar of 25mg daily through the entire cycle.

I know ironwill said mast+var does the same thing, but I believe science wise that anavar acts no where has "Serm like" effects. Where the creation of mast was for estrogen receptor control.
Pretty much what I just wrote when you were posting this. Lol. Sounds like a solid plan. You will love NPP. Though I would pick a dose and not go up or down. You want to keep blood levels stable so you can dose your AI accurately. You'll know from the first pin if you tolerate NPP well.

I'd save the anavar for the back end of your cycle. Last 4-6 weeks. Are you bulking or cutting?
Pretty much what I just wrote when you were posting this. Lol. Sounds like a solid plan. You will love NPP. Though I would pick a dose and not go up or down. You want to keep blood levels stable so you can dose your AI accurately. You'll know from the first pin if you tolerate NPP well.

I'd save the anavar for the back end of your cycle. Last 4-6 weeks. Are you bulking or cutting?
bulking as lean as possible. I will have to create a diet plan for sure this time.

I ran 600 test 600 mast on my first cycle with no AI. my libido worked but I couldnt cum. my e2 was at 142 and didnt have any nasty water retention until I was on prednisone(steroids) for shingles.
I've used all these compounds. And I guess the one thing you didn't share was your goal. Except you did say you're 5'10 220lbs. 16-18% bodyfat. And that's a bit chubby and this is almost April.

Mast is a feel good compound. And IMO that's the only thing it'll do for you. So keep in mind that's what you're using it for. It won't do much for bloat if something else more powerful than it is causing the bloat. Equipoise is a bulking compound and you don't need to bulk. Anavar has it's healing/recovery properties but don't expect a whole lot of results from it. And at 50mg it's harder on the liver than people give it credit for.

Otherwise test/npp is a very effective and versatile combination. But NPP does screw with your head. It makes you act and feel like a girl on her period. But people do suffer sometimes for gains ;)
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I've used all these compounds. And I guess the one thing you didn't share was your goal. Except you did say you're 5'10 220lbs. 16-18% bodyfat. And that's a bit chubby and this is almost April.

Mast is a feel good compound. And IMO that's the only thing it'll do for you. So keep in mind that's what you're using it for. It won't do much for bloat if something else more powerful than it is causing the bloat. Equipoise is a bulking compound and you don't need to bulk. Anavar has it's healing/recovery properties but don't expect a whole lot of results from it. And at 50mg it's harder on the liver than people give it credit for.

Otherwise test/npp is a very effective and versatile combination. But NPP does screw with your head. It makes you act and feel like a girl on her period. But people do suffer sometimes for gains ;)
Start of the cycle was targeted for early to mid may. I am planning to cut 8-10 lbs prior the start of the blast.
Start of the cycle was targeted for early to mid may. I am planning to cut 8-10 lbs prior the start of the blast.
But then the question again would be what do you want the PEDs to do for you? I find it really hard to cut weight without PEDs. I was a wrestler for about 15 yrs, cut weight many times... usually water weight, but also became good at keeping my weight down. And still, especially as I age that weight wants to stay on and it's just brutal losing a lb of fat per week while natty or cruising on 200ish test. You inevitably lose some muscle too. Some might say I'm just a pu$$y and just eat chicken and broccoli and do your cardio but I'm not a masochist either.

So, in May you get down to 210-212lbs (13% bf) and then blast... what are you then trying to do? A lean bulk? Replace that 8-10lbs of fat lost with muscle? I would say that's very doable with 400/400/400 test/mast/npp and some var. You'll probably want to gain about 20lbs and then expect 7-10lbs will be water weight and lost after the cycle. 800mg of test and nand will cause water retention, end of story.

Keeping your calorie intake right at the edge of enough to fuel muscle growth but not add fat will be key though. And you should look good all summer. Otherwise if you overeat you'll just end up right where you started but maybe a few lbs heavier.

And also your success cutting weight between now and may will be key to your plan. Otherwise you'll be looking at a recomp cycle.
But then the question again would be what do you want the PEDs to do for you? I find it really hard to cut weight without PEDs. I was a wrestler for about 15 yrs, cut weight many times... usually water weight, but also became good at keeping my weight down. And still, especially as I age that weight wants to stay on and it's just brutal losing a lb of fat per week while natty or cruising on 200ish test. You inevitably lose some muscle too. Some might say I'm just a pu$$y and just eat chicken and broccoli and do your cardio but I'm not a masochist either.

So, in May you get down to 210-212lbs (13% bf) and then blast... what are you then trying to do? A lean bulk? Replace that 8-10lbs of fat lost with muscle? I would say that's very doable with 400/400/400 test/mast/npp and some var. You'll probably want to gain about 20lbs and then expect 7-10lbs will be water weight and lost after the cycle. 800mg of test and nand will cause water retention, end of story.

Keeping your calorie intake right at the edge of enough to fuel muscle growth but not add fat will be key though. And you should look good all summer. Otherwise if you overeat you'll just end up right where you started but maybe a few lbs heavier.

And also your success cutting weight between now and may will be key to your plan. Otherwise you'll be looking at a recomp cycle.
Either way I'm ok with either option. I don't mind having a recomp cycle. My first one was. I am still in the edge of running 300 max of npp just and doing 500 mast. I liked the way I felt on cycle, strength gains, size gains.

I am running semaglutide and hgh right now which is a little interesting, I am contemplating the effectiveness on cycle to keep blood glucose in control.

Semaglutide, hgh, injectable carnitine is what I'm currently running. I don't care for looking a little chubbier over the summer time. I am still leaner than last summer and in general lol
If you are prone to feeling Anxious I would stay well clear of E.Q - I have tried with it many times and the stuff makes me edgy as hell, I can tolerate a lot of gear too such as 850mg Tren and 100mg Dbol/ED but E.Q to me is nasty, I can get that worked up over big lifts before hand on it that I end up missing them!! Lol In terms of a muscle builder its weak sauce too, I'd choose NPP rather than Deca. NPP is uplifting I find and Deca is quite depressive compared.
I think you'll like the way you look better on 500 mast and 300 npp. You'll sacrifice gains from 400/400 but not much. You'll probably feel better too.
I think you'll like the way you look better on 500 mast and 300 npp. You'll sacrifice gains from 400/400 but not much. You'll probably feel better too.
Yea. I am still kind of set on the mast regulating alot of the negative effects from the 19nor. I am hoping for that tbh. The mental side effects is why I was wary of nandrolone. Considering I don't feel negative effects of mast other than body acne I am hoping for it to help.
If you are prone to feeling Anxious I would stay well clear of E.Q - I have tried with it many times and the stuff makes me edgy as hell, I can tolerate a lot of gear too such as 850mg Tren and 100mg Dbol/ED but E.Q to me is nasty, I can get that worked up over big lifts before hand on it that I end up missing them!! Lol In terms of a muscle builder its weak sauce too, I'd choose NPP rather than Deca. NPP is uplifting I find and Deca is quite depressive compared.
So something I was wondering is if you did deca 3x a week would you still have that same issue? I am unsure of your injection regimen. But I was contemplating every other day because of the half life of npp and I like consistency.
I am going to run bold cyp so i will let you know how that goes. I have been reading a ton about bold and i feel like it gets a bad wrap and there is alot of regurgitation about it. I disagree about it being a bulking compound. You dont gain water on it and it can add solid lean tissue as long as your not eating like an idiot. My plan is to run
Test E 250-500/wk
Bold cyp 600/wk
Primo 450/wk
Injections eod to keep blood stable and injection volume down.
Orals first 4wks and last 4wks. Probably tbol 1st winny last to finish with a nice look.
So something I was wondering is if you did deca 3x a week would you still have that same issue? I am unsure of your injection regimen. But I was contemplating every other day because of the half life of npp and I like consistency.
I inject ED buddy, but with NPP it would be no problem doing EOD. Deca doesn't matter whether you pin it twice a week or EOD it still feels the same.
I inject ED buddy, but with NPP it would be no problem doing EOD. Deca doesn't matter whether you pin it twice a week or EOD it still feels the same.
Yes that's what I was wondering. Creating a more stable level instead of ups and downs. Guess not. I'll stick with NPP. Thanks broski
I didn’t see any mention of diet until page 2. I saw in your opener that you estimate bf at 16-18%. Way too much emphasis on drugs here. Bulking may not be the best idea at this point for you, imo, of course.
I didn’t see any mention of diet until page 2. I saw in your opener that you estimate bf at 16-18%. Way too much emphasis on drugs here. Bulking may not be the best idea at this point for you, imo, of course.
planning to cut down to 13% by the start of the cycle
planning to cut down to 13% by the start of the cycle
Excellent, in that case, I’d just go test/primo and stay on the GH with metformin. I’m finishing 700 test, 650 primo, up to 6iu GH and 1500mg/day metformin. Put on a bunch of size and stayed lean.
Excellent, in that case, I’d just go test/primo and stay on the GH with metformin. I’m finishing 700 test, 650 primo, up to 6iu GH and 1500mg/day metformin. Put on a bunch of size and stayed lean.
I ran 600 test 300 primo+hcg with an e2 of 39 and no libido. I will eventually try trest/primo/low test down the road. If I see trest e I will be grabbing that shit for sure for a future cycle.

I am wondering how the semaglutide would do even for recomp and controll blood sugar with 6 of hgh
I ran 600 test 300 primo+hcg with an e2 of 39 and no libido. I will eventually try trest/primo/low test down the road. If I see trest e I will be grabbing that shit for sure for a future cycle.

I am wondering how the semaglutide would do even for recomp and controll blood sugar with 6 of hgh
I’d save the semaglutide for dieting, not sure you’d be able to power through to eat enough on a recomp. I’d opt for metformin in this case. I ran 25mg/day MENT first 4 weeks this blast, did nothing. My libido is fine and haven’t touched an AI the whole blast. I’ve run mast before on blasts, not nearly the same effect as the primo. But, we all react differently.
I’d save the semaglutide for dieting, not sure you’d be able to power through to eat enough on a recomp. I’d opt for metformin in this case. I ran 25mg/day MENT first 4 weeks this blast, did nothing. My libido is fine and haven’t touched an AI the whole blast. I’ve run mast before on blasts, not nearly the same effect as the primo. But, we all react differently.
Yea I am using the semaglutide right now. I was just curious. I plan on metformin SR

if I used MENT it would be more for e2 support during a cycle. I kind of wonder how much I would aromatize if I got leaner .

I preferred primo aesthetically over mast, but my libido is important. so I gave that up. I was irritable on it but I dont know if it was the primo or the test/e2 ratio.

It would be interesting to run
TRT dose + 300mg of primo e and 300mg of trest a or E a week(If I can get it somehow)