2nd Cycle


2nd cycle but first real cycle with any length. First time did a rebound with Ment Ace up to 35mg/day w TRT and it was smooth sailing. The goal is to just grow as much as possible and not get ridiculously fat. Starting this Sunday 9/3

38 5'9 165-170lbs 8.5%BF (dexa) on 220mg/wk TRT w HCG no AI, high normal 1050T, e2-50-60 no sides
I'm on 5iu HGH 4iu PM 1iu AM, been on this dose for 1.5 weeks before that 4iu for 3 weeks.

I'm going to run Test with Mast and Ment Ace thrown in at the end.
Wk 1-17: Test C 560mg 500HCG in 2 shots
Wk 10-17: Mast E 300mg/wk
Wk 12-17: Mast P 210mg/wk shot daily
Wk 12-17: Ment A titrated to 25mg/day by wk13

Training RP style 5 days a week M-F upper/lower with an arm day in the middle. Training 5 weeks on then deload weeks 6,12,18.

Nutrition: 3k cals Maintenance. Week 1 +150 calories and adding 100 each week so by week 5 ill be +550. Tend to gain fat easily so going slow before the test is saturated but then it's on. Will adjust up from there as needed, but trying to eat as much as I can without getting crazy fat.
Diet is 95% clean P- 225-250 F- 50 C- 450. Rest days usually 90 fat 350 carbs.

Cardio is 1 5mile moderate hike a week &14-15k steps daily.

Bloods pre, post, & monthly while on
I got the usual boatload of health supplements I take daily. Going to up the P5P when I start.
40mg Telmisartan daily
Adex, Asin, ralox, nolva, caber as needed. Won't really use the nolva prefer ralox.
Last time on Ment w TRT needed very low AI and no caber.

Just got my TRT pre cycle labs done yesterday so got home and it was time for my Test. Figured shit why not start half a week early so pinned 1.4ml and it's on. Ill update this as I go, keep it up if there's interest.

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Cycle starts today, technically I took my first shot last Wednesday. 2nd pin done yesterday, just going to stick with my usual wed and sat am pin routine. Extra food starts today and hitting the gym tomorrow. Shooting for an extra 150 calories this week so not a ton. With these extra calories +150 this week and +250 next week not even sure if I should expect to see a big water weight jump the first 2 weeks or if it'll happen as the calories get higher?

Nothing exciting to report yet & wasn't expecting anything. Got shitty sleep the last 2 nights woke up at 5 and couldn't get back to bed. Doubt it's from the Test but hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. It's actually the first times I've had trouble sleeping since throwing in HGH at night like a month ago
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I find it very hard to believe you've been training for 2 years. I'm 5'9" and the last time I weighed 165 was the 9th grade. You need to learn how to train and eat or this cycle won't do crap. Or best case you'll gain some then lose it all. What ever happened to first building a base before jumping on the aas train?
I find it very hard to believe you've been training for 2 years. I'm 5'9" and the last time I weighed 165 was the 9th grade. You need to learn how to train and eat or this cycle won't do crap. Or best case you'll gain some then lose it all. What ever happened to first building a base before jumping on the aas train?
Fair enough I'll b the first to say I have natural gains I could have still made. I'm feeling the creep of 40 so taking the next couple of years to push as hard as I can for when the odometer rolls over.
Out of those 2 years 1st 6 months was an apartment gym then hit the gym and gained for 6 months. Cut for 6 months down to 7% did a rebound and have been cruising the last month waiting for this cycle. Starting weight was 140 and skinny fat down from a total weight of 270 years ago.
I see you've added a lot of additional information to your op since I responded. Good luck.
Ya your probably right. I had such a good experience with Ment on my 6 week rebound I wanted to find a way to use it as a finisher for the last 6 weeks of this cycle. I'm here to learn and experiment
The idea behind the mast was to help control some of the e2 with Ment since the test is higher than last time I did ment w TRT
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I'm running mast p for the first time and love it. 350mg test p 350 mast p. I personally think you should try ppl style workouts for better growth. And I'm guessing that since you used to be obese you're gonna be afraid to eat what you need to grow.
I see you've added a lot of additional information to your op since I responded. Good luck.
You made it clear your think the total anabolics is too high. So if I'm running 550 test w 25mg day of Ment Ace the last 6 weeks would you drop the Mast entirely.
The idea behind the mast wasnt to push the anabolics higher for tissue gain, it was more to keep the use of AI down. Also saw lots of good reports of people using mast with ment to offset any issues. Last time with TRT test I didn't need much AI with ment but realize it might be a different ballgame with test at 550
You made it clear your think the total anabolics is too high. So if I'm running 550 test w 25mg day of Ment Ace the last 6 weeks would you drop the Mast entirely.
The idea behind the mast wasnt to push the anabolics higher for tissue gain, it was more to keep the use of AI down. Also saw lots of good reports of people using mast with ment to offset any issues. Last time with TRT test I didn't need much AI with ment but realize it might be a different ballgame with test at 550
Actually I changed my opinion after I reread your cycle. Then edited my post. Your doses don't look that bad. If you can handle the ment those last 6 weeks then go for it. I really don't know much about ment to give you a constructive opinion.
With just test and mast you should have more then enough growth if you're at 165lbs.
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Just finished first week of training. Felt good in the gym and just to get back in. Got Doms from the first 3 workouts of the week. Was expecting it since I took last week off the gym and deloaded the week before.
1st week is always lower volume in sets & had to remind myself it's a marathon not a sprint and not push it yet. This usually happens every week 1 whether I'm on or off peds. I always want to push it, but just have to remember volume will be going way up by the end of the meso cycle, then the cycle starts all over again.

Weight is going up but very slowly, I'll update my weekly avg every Saturday. Looking forward to bumping the calories from +150 to +250 starting Sunday.
So got my daily average weights for the last 2 weeks. Week 1 was +150 calories, today we're moving up to +250 for week 2.
Wk0 avg wt- 166.3; Wk1 avg wt- 168.8
Can't say I've noticed much yet, up 2.5lbs. I'm guessing most if not all is from the mild increased food intake and switching from moderate carbs on maintenance to high carbs now.
Haven't felt the test kicking in but wasn't expecting it yet, maybe look a little more full but nothing drastic.
Looking forward to extra food and going to have my first cheat meal today. Probably going to do 1 cheat meal a week just to try and actually enjoy food every once in a while. Today's cheat meal is going to be pretty mild since I'm only +250 on the calories right now. I'm just looking forward to the next couple of weeks when the test starts kicking in.

The HGH has been messing with my morning fasted blood sugars. I went from pulling a solid 85 every AM on 2iuAM/2iuPM to 105 w 4iuPM/1iuAM. Adding a second berberine with my last meal has brought it back to the 80s for the last 2 days, gonna keep up the extra berb and see how it goes.
Just finished my 4th workout of week 2, 1 more workout to go tomorrow. Technically today's my first day of 3 weeks on test. Not feeling anything yet but am definitely getting antsy, just gotta remember to stay patient. I see why people frontload or kickstart, I just want to start feeling it.
I have noticed my muscles are denser/fuller in feeling. Like last time I was on my muscles changed and started feeling firmer is the best way to describe it esp bis/tris even if I hadn't worked that muscle that day. Probably extra glycogen uptake but I don't look fuller. Well I think my chest looks fuller in the good mirror then I go to the other mirrors and realize nope it's the same.
Sunday starts week 3 of the cycle and 3.5 weeks on Test so hopefully it starts kicking in next week. Calories get a bump too from 250 -> 350 plus I'm going to have a more significant free meal for dinner on leg day.
Weight is steadily increasing I'm up a little less than 7lbs this morning from the day I started (11 days).
Any advice I'm all ears thanks.
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I do have plenty of anavar in 25mg capsules I could run but I'm trying to take the first half of the cycle to see how I deal with just high dose test since I have some finishers for the back end. Trying to remind myself to be patient but it's hard
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Alright end of week 2, and 2.5 weeks of being on test. I talked myself off the ledge with the Var, just gotta be patient. Weight is still steadily creeping up. I got some some good gym work in this week. Sets increased and are going up even more next week.
Didn't want to be a pansy with the calories so instead of going to +350 cals this week, I'm doing +350 on my 2 rest days and +400 on my 5 training days. I'm probably overthinking it but hey more food is better right?
Not a major increase just want to make sure I'm eating enough just gotta figure out what I'll do the following week (week 4) which was supposed to be +450 everyday.
Anyways up 4.5 lbs in avg weight over last week and today's morning wt was 176 and the day I started 166 so up 10lbs total.
Wk0 avg wt- 166.3; Wk1 avg wt- 168.8 Wk 2 avg wt- 173.3

Not sure if anyone actually cares about this log, but for right now it's a good place for me to record everything. Might let it tail off since it doesn't seem anyone's interested. Either way looking forward to busting my ass in the gym this week and hopefully starting to feel the test since Im just about the middle of week 3 since first injection. So far still ain't feeling much different.
Keep at it man, I'm trying to decide how much I should be eating for my cycle. I'm going for 300 test 500 primo and hcg, am 6'3" 195lb. I might need a bit more than you maybe 4k calories?
Keep at it man, I'm trying to decide how much I should be eating for my cycle. I'm going for 300 test 500 primo and hcg, am 6'3" 195lb. I might need a bit more than you maybe 4k calories?
Do you know your maintenance calories or have you been tracking what you eat?
If you're very active I would probably start in that 3500-4k range but track everything you eat and make changes as you go. I like pyramiding up the calories. There's no reason I could see to eat +500 calories the day I take my first shot so I did week 1 +150 then added 100 each week.
I had maintenance cals. really dialed in before I started so it made calculating the surplus easy. Like every every single thing I put in my mouth was tracked and I weigh in daily then record both in the MacroFactor app so it was able to give me a very accurate maintenance calories number that was always updating.
I am going to guess that my maintenance is somewhere around 2500-2800 calories. I have an excel sheet for the meals that I eat that includes calories and macros.

I was eating about 2800 but it seemed like my body fat was going up on the calipers, so I dropped to 2500 and got really lazy, only going to the gym maybe once a week, next thing I know i dropped from 198 to 194.
Week 3 of the cycle is in the books, 3.5 weeks since my first shot. Still not feeling like I'm "on". Don't notice any big increase in strength in the gym, recovery is pretty good not sure if better than normal or not. Sets went up quite a bit this week and going up more next week. Did feel strong yesterday finishing the week with deads and leg press. I love my squats but something about leg press just really seems to stimulate my quads. Wonder if gains would be better leg pressing 2x a week instead of 1 day squatting and 1 day leg pressing.
Got a real free meal in yesterday with some Chinese. Weight is still going up. Im up 13lbs this morning, was up 11 yesterday morning before my free meal. For week 4 next week calories are going up to +450 a day with a free meal added somewhere in there.
Hoping I'll start to feel the test soon, waiting for that feeling of being on or at least getting that strength increase. Chest and arms look a little fuller but nothing dramatic yet, I've heard weeks 6-8 is when you really start noticing it in the physique so well see

Wk0 avg wt- 166.3; Wk1- 168.8 Wk 2 - 173.3 Wk 3- 176.9
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