2nd Cycle

So I started to notice some nipple sensitivity last night and figured I'd re evaluate in the morning. Yup definitely sensitive so put in an order for an e2 test nothing else and am going for bloods in a bit. Won't be fasted but don't think that matters.

I didn't want to take an AI or serm until I got bloods done just to see where my e2 naturally falls at this dose. After bloods the plan is to start ralox tonight at 60mg/day and see if the sensitivity goes away. I'm debating whether I want to also take Asin tonight or wait for the lab reports. The sensitive test takes about a week to come back.

If ralox controls the gyno then there should be no reason why I couldn't wait a week to start AI right?
Or am I risking something?
Also how quickly does it take for ralox to have an effect?
I do also have plenty of Adex and nolva.
So got bloods done then took my 60mg of Ralox and decided to take 12.5mg aromasin. I got my scheduled bloods next week so I should be able to see what my e2 looks like with no AI and with 12.5 Asin every 3.5 days
Started on Tuesday w 60mg Ralox. Ended up taking 120mg Ralox split Wednesday and Thursday. Will continue the 120 Friday then drop down to 60 and eventually 30.

As of this morning, Friday, nipples still have a bit of sensitivity but it has come down. There is no puffiness or anything visually noticeable. My wife did say she thought she felt a small lump above and below the nipple just on the right side. I was always checking for something right underneath the nipple and I think I've felt what she's talking about before so it may have already been there but has never been visually noticeable.

Got another 12.5 Asin planned for Saturday night and then wed morning after bloods. I am considering introducing the Masteron early like this weekend at 300/Wk to help combat the gyno as the cycle progresses.
So got my estrogen results back, it's at 64.5 on this 550/Wk test dose. On 220mg/Wk TRT pre cycle bloods it was 27. Looks like the ratio of estrogen to testosterone injected is almost scaled exactly.
We'll see what happens with next week's bloods which will be more comprehensive and see what the 12.5 Asin every 3.5 days does to my e2.
I guess I should give a final update now that the cycles over. Finished the 17 week cycle on 12/30 ended up at 201lbs. So 166 to 201 - 35 lbs total not bad. Gained 2 lbs a week most weeks. Ended up holding at 195-196lbs 6 weeks after cycle ended. Also dropped HGH from 5 units to 2 units 3 weeks after cycle ended.

Food did end up getting pretty high. When I started my maintenance cals were dialed in at 3k. By the end I was eating 4600 calories a day to grow. Maintenance cals at the end after coming off everything are 4100, so I'm still eating a ton.

At the end I still had a faint outline of abs but definitely put on some muscle. My back looked way better than the front. My front generally looks higher body fat since that's where I store fat and I got some old loose skin on top of it. Can't even get my bottom 2 abs to show at under 7% body fat.

Overall I felt like the cycle was quite successful. Not sure if I pushed the drugs too high at the end. I thought I did at first and that's why I was having to eat so much food at the end but now that my maintenance calories are staying so high im rethinking that.

Cycle was 17 weeks of 550 test, last 9 weeks 400 mast,. The final 6 weeks added 210mg Mast P a week + Ment ace 25mg/day.
Came off all the injectables down to TRT and ran Anavar for 3 weeks and trained more for strength those 3 weeks.

Got a dexa scan 5.5 weeks after stopping injectables and 18 days after stopping Anavar. I also reduced my GH from 5 units to 2 units at the same time as stopping Anavar.
Dexa scan showed 12.5% body fat at 196lbs with 24.5lbs of fat. I was really happy with that result. Started at 8.5% at 166lbs w/ 14lbs of fat.
Test showed 19lbs of lean mass gained with 10.5 lbs of fat gained, I was pretty happy overall.

Just started a 12 week cut on TRT. Looking to get sub 7% again and hit a 6 week rebound with NPP and then do a other cycle this September probably test Deca mast for 22 weeks.

If anyone's got an opinion or critique of my cycle or results I'm happy to hear it
The clinic will prescribe you as much gear as you can pay for. That does not mean it is a real TRT.
If his number is 1050 TT on that dose, it's within range and reasonable for TRT.

Everyone is different. Also your post has no point other than to be an asshole.
If his number is 1050 TT on that dose, it's within range and reasonable for TRT.
You really have no clue what you are talking about, do you?
Fact is: that is impossible to tell by just looking at his numbers. If he injected on saturday and bloods were drawn on wed-fr his numbers are elevated way above the natural reference range. Which is likely the case looking at his e2 being out of range as well.
You really have no clue what you are talking about, do you?
Fact is: that is impossible to tell by just looking at his numbers. If he injected on saturday and bloods were drawn on wed-fr his numbers are elevated way above the natural reference range. Which is likely the case looking at his e2 being out of range as well.
I'm not going to spend all day arguing with an autistic person. Who cares what he calls it? He has doctor managed TRT. Whether it fits your definition or not, it's legal TRT. Maybe you should get a hobby instead of nitpicking people on the internet.

BTW, every doctor who manages TRT whether a clinic, endo, urologist, etc run labs at the trough and manage based off of that number, so not sure what your point is.