3/4 inch needle for IM glute shots

I cant hit a damn quad without lighting up a nerve. I think its cause I used to play court sports and have a lot of fast twitch down there. But I am outright freaked out at the mere thought of attempting to pin a damn quad and even with a 25. Hurts like a fucking bitch so bad I cant even go thru when I hit it..

So 3 inches above the knee right in the midline?
I've had so many issues hitting nerves. I thought 'd be ok injecting into the lats and i was for a while, but then I would start to hit nerves so had to change to another location. I've hit nerves in the anterior, lateral and posterior delts and almost everwhere in the legs. The only location i haven't hit a nerve so far is the glute max.
I walk around at a true 10% BF and dip down to 8%.
I use 25g 5/8" for upper thigh and shoulder shots.
25g 1.5" for gluts....I could probably get away with 1" but would rather be sure and go an extra .5"
I've hit nerves in my thighs plenty of times with a 25g 5/8" pin....no big deal, you twitch a little....meh
The biggest reason for using the 1.5" is not only to penetrate deep into the glute muscle but also to allow for some needle exposed in case the need breaks. You then have a bit to grab on to remove. Ive only experienced this one time, but im glad i didn't bury the needle. In fact i never do. I no longer use that brand.
Ill say it like this and just now using the 1.5 for first in a long time. and just went back from 25 to 23. 1.5 is Way better. i buried it with and buzz and 30% BMI.. I worked great. no reason what so ever to ever use a 3/4// IMHO... 1" quads. 1.5 glutes case closed///

And FYI the BD "easy glide" smoke the terumo. You cant even feel them in comparison..