Can you share the physical changes as you went through the process and end result.
Where you working during those 6 days?
I felt extremely tired and hungry about 1.5 days into it. Days 2-3 I felt totally fine, night 3 I had issues sleeping, even on 10mg of Ambien, same for all the days afterwards. After day 2, I felt extremely euphoric, great mood, tons of energy. IIRC I started around ~215 and ended the 6 days around ~205. Was extremely flat after day 2. If I got a random headache (
happens when water fasting, even with electrolytes), I would take roughly 500mg of salt under my tongue, and wash it down with mineral water. About 15-20mins after that I would be extremely vascular for a little bit, looked cool lol. Definitely wasn't thinking about sex, morning wood wasn't as strong either, 100% didn't pork my wife during that time-frame, haha. Mentally and physically I felt very "
clean". I know that's a weird way to describe it, but that's about the only description that comes to mind.
The original goal was to do 7 days and squat 315 for 10 reps, bench 225 for 10 reps, and deadlift 405 for 5 reps. I, obviously, only made it to day 6, but still completed my lifts afterwards, went home, showered, and broke my fast - then ate a big meal ~1hr later. I only stopped at day 6 because this new taco place opened up the next day nearby and they were giving out free tacos
I worked 4 out of the 6 days while I was fasting, but luckily my job wasn't super physically demanding (
at least most of the time), mainly just sitting in a car, driving around, walking around a little, nothing crazy. They were 12hr shifts as well, so it was easy to keep myself distracted from food.