3 months on and ?off


New Member
AnabolicLab.com Supporter
What's would the vets or any input recommended before starting up again after finishing a 3month cycle.?
I had trouble with my ai . I think I got some bunk shit AI "amridex "that i used during cycle so I used Nolvadex helped a lot. I guess I won't rush just trying to find out what is the less amount of time . I didn't take hcg
I had trouble with my ai . I think I got some bunk shit AI "amridex "that i used during cycle so I used Nolvadex helped a lot. I guess I won't rush just trying to find out what is the less amount of time . I didn't take hcg

What's as your full pct?
Im just taking Nolvadex 40mg ed
Ok, normally nolvadex is great with clomid, and hcg is highly advised. But, once you get done running your nolva for 5 weeks, you have to wait ATLEAST 12-14 weeks. Otherwise you will never recover. Just wait it out man. Trust me you want to recover fully.
Thanks really appreciate it . So the day after I stop Nolvadex. Wait 12 to 14 weeks ?from that day not from last pin
The thing is I had a retard for a mentor this guy never takes a break and swears that he's ok he does small doses of Tren and test on his off Cycles never recommended any ai or pct's I had to find out all this on my own when I thought the guy was legit and knew what the hell he was talking about. Come to find out . Anyway thanks really appreciate your input
The thing is I had a retard for a mentor this guy never takes a break and swears that he's ok he does small doses of Tren and test on his off Cycles never recommended any ai or pct's I had to find out all this on my own when I thought the guy was legit and knew what the hell he was talking about. Come to find out . Anyway thanks really appreciate your input

If he's taking a 19 nor like tren I guarantee he isn't recovering. Get bloods like 10 weeks after you finish with pct. And yes, if your testes never recover you'll need trt the rest of your life.
So far everything seems to be working fine not losing sex drive . And got my girl prago 2months ago . But I know I won't find out until bloods . When you lose testes does your sex drive go with it?
So far everything seems to be working fine not losing sex drive . And got my girl prago 2months ago . But I know I won't find out until bloods . When you lose testes does your sex drive go with it?
Yes, with low test levels you have a huge problem in more than just your libido