3 months on and ?off

Ok, normally nolvadex is great with clomid, and hcg is highly advised. But, once you get done running your nolva for 5 weeks, you have to wait ATLEAST 12-14 weeks. Otherwise you will never recover. Just wait it out man. Trust me you want to recover fully.

Thanks really appreciate it . So the day after I stop Nolvadex. Wait 12 to 14 weeks ?from that day not from last pin

HCG is suppressive and not to be ran during PCT, clomid and nolvadex only
What's would the vets or any input recommended before starting up again after finishing a 3month cycle.?

The most frequently overlooked factor with respect to effective PCT is PRECYCLE LABS OP!!!!!!

Of course the SECOND most commonly ignored factor is POST-PCT labs.

Both are fundamental assays should one elect to cycle AAS, bc comparative testing of this nature is the ONLY means of KNOWING whether HTPA recovery was successful.

And it's not necessarily a "everyone is different" phenomena but rather due to other factors such as
- ones age
- AAS potency
- duration of cycle
- number of AAS cycled
- number of PRIOR CYCLES
- whether HTPA recovery occurred
- time bt cycles !


So the answer to your question lies in LABS, LH and TT to be more specific.

If you don't acquire labs the amount of time on cycle should NOT exceed the off cycle duration!

Choose not to follow these guidelines
or shorten your recovery believing effective PCT "occurs in 5-6 weeks" and chances are you'll be joining those who "blast n cruise" AAS.

Bc of the cumulative nature the adverse effects are remarkably amplified with B&C AAS use.

In fact few cyclists understand just how much greater risk B&C is, only realizing the difference when overt signs or symptoms develop (due to end organ damage) IME
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Oh and ENSURE your PCT ancillaries are pharm grade, NO EXCEPTIONS,
as the alternative can mean the difference bt successful vs unsuccessful HTPA recovery!
Oh and ENSURE your PCT ancillaries are pharm grade, NO EXCEPTIONS,
as the alternative can mean the difference bt successful vs unsuccessful HTPA recovery!
Thanks Dr Jim. That's one thing I'm starting to understand is not to try to save a buck on AI'S and PCT. I made that mistake with AI ugls
The thing is I had a retard for a mentor this guy never takes a break and swears that he's ok he does small doses of Tren and test on his off Cycles never recommended any ai or pct's I had to find out all this on my own when I thought the guy was legit and knew what the hell he was talking about. Come to find out . Anyway thanks really appreciate your input

It's very unfortunate but this in the NORM for many who use AAS but what's even more troubling some of these "gym rats" actually believe this crap!

How can this be? For most it's ignorance or outright denial knowing the alternative will COST much more and the notion of "losing gains" is simply unbearable!

How can anyone cycle AAS and state they haven't suffered any adverse effects (even though their endogenous TT and gonadotropin production is ZIPPO) knowing the sides are almost exclusively demonstrable thru lab testing?


It's for these reasons, excluding those involved in competitive sports or BB for monetary reasons, I believe the goal of AAS use should be the pursuit of a more healthy lifestyle, otherwise the risk exceeds the benefit, IME.
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Thanks Dr Jim. That's one thing I'm starting to understand is not to try to save a buck on AI'S and PCT. I made that mistake with AI ugls

The quality control is questionable in this regard bc these compounds, when legally purchased, are granted FDA "approval" as supplements, and as a result their efficacy is also disputable.

I've seen many AAS users "fail PCT" bc of UGL ancillaries and when one compares the cost differences it's just not worth the risk of failure, IMO.

Also it's worth noting bc they are NOT controlled substances, some Docs are willing to prescribe PCT meds to help AAS users "recover".
OP - check your half lives of your esters next time bro, so then you can gauge when you need to start pct. my last course was 14 weeks test p/Tren a/mast p @400mg PW then started HCG 2 days after last pin and ran 5000iu for 1 week then waited another week with nothing then started my Nolvadex at 40/20/20, then added proviron after Nolvadex @ 50/50/50. I have only just recovered now and my last pin was Dec 5th!!! My pct was wrong due to wrong advise so my advise to you is do your own research bro. Run HCG throughout next cycle and then Nolvadex and clomid for pct and as stated its... time on cycle = time off + pct time so I did 14 weeks on plus you need 4 - 6 weeks pct then 14 weeks off! I would finish your Nolvadex and then do 12 weeks with nothing and let your body take over and learn from this like the rest of us have had to do. But bro no matter how tough it gets DO NOT jump straight back on the juice till you know your recovered. Stay posture man..