3 week Past PCT Blood Work Question


New Member
Looking for some help with my post cycle bloods.

I missed calculated and got my post cycle bloods drawn a week early from my initial intentions of 4 weeks after my PCT. So that being said, my natural level precycle was 450 TT.

The post cycle bloods which were drawn 3 weeks post PCT were at 731 TT.

My cycle consisted of Test only at 300/week for 10 weeks. Mid cycle bloods came in at 3000. I finished the cycle off with prop. The last injection of sort of AAS was November 28.

PCT consisted of nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

My interpretation of these is the 731 TT is elevated from the nolva. Is this correct?

Thanks for the help bros!
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Freaking doc didn't test for LH. :mad: I'm going to retest in 2 weeks to be sure on my own.

I went in fully expecting to be TRT candidate as I have a few symptoms. I'm not mad I'm not on TRT but odd that they'd be that high this long after any AAS.
Alright fellas. I did my bloods again, but on my own this time. I am in the 6th week post PCT. Let me know what you guys think.


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Did you obtain a precycle LH level?

How long has it been since your LAST PIN?

How long were you on PCT?
Thank you for the reply.

Attached are my precycle bloods.

LH is 5.0

Last pin was November 28th

PCT consisted of 4 weeks nolvadex.


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Considering your LH is now 1.3 you've two options either continue PCT or watchful waiting anticipating an eventual rise of your TT via enhanced endogenous LH secretion.

The latter should occur in due course, generally bt 8-12 weeks.

Of course the advantage of the former is having higher TT levels while "we're waiting" for natural mechanisms to readjust to the ABSENCE of AAS
Thanks Doc.

I might try another pct.

I was hoping to do another cycle in a few months but seeing as recovery has been sketchy on this first cycle I might hold off.

I figure if I run another cycle it would put me into trt.
I don't want to start a new thread so I thought I'd update this once since my previous blood work is already here.

I waited another 4 weeks and got some more bloods done. So I'm 10 weeks post PCT in total.

Test is creeping back up: 419

The more troubling numbers in my eyes are

LH: .7
FSH: 1.1

Both are lower than the bloods I had done just 4 weeks ago:

LH: 3.0
FSH: 1.2

Please take a look and give me your thoughts as these results have confused me.
Yes at 10 weeks post pct those #'s would be of concern to me too.
Id perhaps do a restart. HCG 1000iu's-2x/week for 5 weeks followed by a proper clomid/nolva pct. Bloods 8 weeks after the end of that pct. Hopefully it works.
Thanks for the advice!

I forgot to upload the blood work also.


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Just following your thread because I'm in a similar situation myself except now Many months after pct with low T.

Like You i Only did a tapered dose of nolva for pct at the time.
Believe it or not i had really Turned my Life around, exercising alot, eating well,etc. I didnt do pre cycle bloods but in 2013 when i was in top shape i had very high natural test. I had even managed to improve lipids greatly.

Now it seems ive undone all that good Work.
My test was never really high @ 451. Which is why my bloods confuse me. My test seems to have recovered for the most part but LH and FSH remain low.

Like You i Only did nolva for pct after a 16 week cycle.

3.5 months later my Free and bioavailable test were low but in normal range (FSH LH not tested)

Now 8 months later my Free and bioavailable test are below range and FSH LH come back low but in range.

I would definitely keep an eye on things and pls let me know if you try anything that Works.

Personally I'm really Just hoping Time off does the trick.
I think I'm going to try HCG as mentioned above.

Then nolva/Clomid. I strayed away from Clomid the first time because of acne and other side effects. Guess I don't have a choice now.

Also was hoping to run another cycle in about 3 months but not sure it's a wise idea at this point.
I think I'm going to try HCG as mentioned above.

Then nolva/Clomid. I strayed away from Clomid the first time because of acne and other side effects. Guess I don't have a choice now.

Also was hoping to run another cycle in about 3 months but not sure it's a wise idea at this point.

Def get this squared away before considering another cycle....