3 week Past PCT Blood Work Question

Not yet bro. I got really sick for a couple weeks and never gathered my supplies. I'm working on it though.

How's yours going?
What are your hopes for your endo appointment? Looking to get back on track or trt?

Well I'm going to get a couple of opinions. I am only 34 so I'm trying to avoid hrt for the moment, I'd like to get back to at least close to pre AAS hormone state.
I'm hear ya bro. I'm right around your age as well (younger). Trt is a serious decision that I don't know if I'm ready to make. It sounds great on paper but maybe not so much in the real world.

I've been tested twice by 2 different docs and neither one suggested trt even with lowish numbers. I think the ranges for TT that doctors use are kinda fucked but what do I know? Lol.