3 weeks into cycle blood results


3 weeks into first cycle, test-E 250mg E3D, 0.25mg arimidex EOD.

I started noticing strength increases within a week. I'm very lean currently and basically eating around maintenance, slight surplus, PRing every session on everything and up about 10 pounds at same leanness.

Do these levels look fine?:




Noticed my AST and ALT are a bit high. Also I was going to start HCG soon to get the balls working since LH and FSH are obviously tanked. Should I up the AI also since estrogen is on the edge of the normal range and will get higher when I start Hcg? Thanks for the feedback.
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I would try arimidex .5mg e3d with your injection for simplicity. Good numbers, what gear are you running?

I cannot comment on AST and ALT
I would try arimidex .5mg e3d with your injection for simplicity. Good numbers, what gear are you running?

I cannot comment on AST and ALT
Domestic-supply, they distribute for Pharma. Test-E 300. I don't inject a full ml though. About 0.8-0.9 ml for 250 E3d. As for arimidex. Isn't the half life shorter than 72 hours? So eod would be the most common dosing, right?
After some research I've learned having 2-5x the upper range of ALT and AST is common in athletes. I train hard 6 days a week so I'm not concerned about that anymore. Still curious about increasing AI for when I start Hcg.
Hcg does slightly elevate e2. But Your numbers all look pretty good. If you handle the slightly elevated e2 well don't worry. See how it goes and if you need to increase ai due to high e2 sides do it. You'll never know if you don't try.
Correct, I misspoke. I meant Hcg will mimic LH and make my balls work, making coming off much easier and keeping me fertile. Just for those benefits I plan to start Hcg soon.

I thought hcg brings down lh and fsh further

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Hcg does slightly elevate e2. But Your numbers all look pretty good. If you handle the slightly elevated e2 well don't worry. See how it goes and if you need to increase ai due to high e2 sides do it. You'll never know if you don't try.
Sounds good, I'll do this.
I agree with BigSky, leave as is unless bad estro sides. However E2 @ 41 is good IMO. Btw adex has a half of roughly 48hrs~
Don't do shit. Numbers are good! Its cool to run estroidal right where you're at! If you think you're holding to much water you could up it slightly but you should be feeling good right now. I wouldn't mess with a thing....
3 weeks into first cycle, test-E 250mg E3D, 0.25mg arimidex EOD.

I started noticing strength increases within a week. I'm very lean currently and basically eating around maintenance, slight surplus, PRing every session on everything and up about 10 pounds at same leanness.

Do these levels look fine?:




Noticed my AST and ALT are a bit high. Also I was going to start HCG soon to get the balls working since LH and FSH are obviously tanked. Should I up the AI also since estrogen is on the edge of the normal range and will get higher when I start Hcg? Thanks for the feedback.
I would say these levels are perfect. I try for these exact numbers. Alt and Ast Will be fine. You are dialed in!
Man, it's nice to see someone doing shit right! It's up to you on hcg. For this cycle I probably wouldn't hit the hcg. Good luck my man! Make sure to get your post bloods to make sure you get back to normal hormones! Thanks for sharing. One more thing, do you have pre-bloods?
1) Noticed my AST and ALT are a bit high.

2) Also I was going to start HCG soon to get the balls working since LH and FSH are obviously tanked.

3) Should I up the AI also since estrogen is on the edge of the normal range and will get higher when I start Hcg? Thanks for the feedback.

1) They are fine for NOW but are more likely to INCREASE by week SIX, so either cease the orals at that time OR repeat your LFTs

2) HCG will NOT alter the suppressive effect AAS have on the HTPA! (But go ahead and run some and see for yourself YOUR LH and FSH will change minimally if at all)

3) NO! Don't treat E-2 in the absence of symptoms and the fact you did not mention "bloat" or GCM means the use of an AI is the equivalent of treating A LAB NUMBER! BAD IDEA
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Man, it's nice to see someone doing shit right! It's up to you on hcg. For this cycle I probably wouldn't hit the hcg. Good luck my man! Make sure to get your post bloods to make sure you get back to normal hormones! Thanks for sharing. One more thing, do you have pre-bloods?
Yessir I do:


It wasn't as complete of a test if you notice they didn't check for some things like free test, etc.
1) They are fine for NOW but are more likely to INCREASE by week SIX, so either cease the orals at that time OR repeat your LFTs

2) HCG will NOT alter the suppressive effect AAS have on the HTPA! (But go ahead and run some and see for yourself YOUR LH and FSH will change minimally if at all)

3) NO! Don't treat E-2 in the absence of symptoms and the fact you did not mention "bloat" or GCM means the use of an AI is the equivalent of treating A LAB NUMBER! BAD IDEA

I am on no orals. I'm just on test-E 250mg E3D + 0.25 adex EOD. Also, I've spent quite a bit of time researching AST/ALT levels and mine are completely normal for someone who lifts regularly. They become a concern once they're elevated beyond 5-6x the upper end of the normal range.

I agree Hcg won't save my HPTA but it has been shown to keep the testes working and allows for a much smoother transition and recovery when coming off. Agreed on point 3. Will not mess with AI dosage unless I notice sides.
Dude, your AST and ALT were higher on your pre-cycle bloods as was your Glucose. WTF?

Yea, weird. I was very overtrained precycle I will admit. Again, this elevates AST/ALT. Was training 2-2.5 hours a day, 7 days a week, while lean. I think the glucose may be due to a huge refeed the day before the bloodwork was done.
Yea, weird. I was very overtrained precycle I will admit. Was training 2-2.5 hours a day, 7 days a week, while lean. I think the glucose may be due to a huge refeed the day before the bloodwork was done.
Looks more like you just came off a cycle with some heavy orals in there and your insulin sensitivity was shot due to HGH. Usually the AST elevated beyond ALT is due to alcohol consumption. You been partying bro?