34M on his way to lose fat and build muscle. HGH, Tongkat Ali and L-Citruline


New Member
Hi members.

At the moment I'm 101kg (220lb) and 177cm (5ft11). 34 male, European

By no means I'm lean and my gym experience is 2y back in 2017. I have rapidly gained weight due to unstoppable appetite once I have introduced combo sets of compound lifts. For example 10reps bench, 10 squats, rest. Since then I have abandoned gym, went on alcohol and drugs journey. At this moment I want a change and after massive research I have come up with stack you see in topic.

Once HGH arrives I hope to give it my all. Plan is:

1.wake up
2. 3iu of HGH
3. 1x pill of Tongkat Ali
4. 6-10g of L-citruline

Mon,Wed,Fri - Strength training
Tue,Thu,Sat - Sauna + swimming

Wish me luck.