400mg test undecanoate. Success !!

The recipe I followed and attempted was this:

Final Recipe (All in Grams):

1. Testosterone Undecanoate: 8 grams

2. Benzyl Alcohol (1%): 0.209 grams

3. Benzyl Benzoate (50%): 11.18 grams

4. Castor Oil: 9.42 grams

For those measuring in mL:

1. Testosterone Undecanoate: 8 grams

2. Benzyl Alcohol (1%): 0.2 mL

3. Benzyl Benzoate (50%): 10 mL

4. Castor Oil: 9.8 mL

I do my brewing in grams after I do some math. I use density to do that.

Here are the factual densities for the ingredients:

1. Benzyl Alcohol (BA): The density is 1.044 g/mL.

2. Benzyl Benzoate (BB): The density is 1.118 g/mL.

3. Castor Oil: The density is 0.961 g/mL.

This is a total solution of 20 mL with a slight overage to account for any filter hold-up.

I let it cool before filtering to truly make sure what I'm doing is going to work.

It worked. God damn it. It just worked. I heated it right to 50°C for 10 minutes. It all just dissolved. I suspected it wouldn't hold, so that's why I did this test batch. It filtered very well, much better than my testosterone cypionate. Got it done in 15 minutes for 10 mL. About to fill up another 10 mL and call it a day. I'll put one in the fridge to see if it crashes.1000008353.webp
Well done my man! Well done!

@narta is the one that deserve all the praises.

We would have never thought of it without him

Blasting 1g of test is now easy as fuck!
Can't imagine using this for a blast though. It's mostly to get that bolus shot down hahahaha. Ima try for 500 for my next 10ml to 20ml batch and report back. Half life 33 days and once every 2 weeks injection. Seems like a dream.
yeah definitely wouldn't even attempted anything I'm doing with out you or spaceman
I would have kept buying oils if it wasn't for these guys.

My wife would be more happy as I'm probably out of quite a few thousand right now ahahahah but fuck me the feeling I have it's amazing. Brewing itself it's gonna be a beauty and injecting my own product will be the cherry on top.
Nah, I 'm just setting some ground rules, you guys take it to the next level. Specially @Spaceman Spiff, he is the one that is pushing the envelope in the homebrew group here.
I have OP on my ignore list. This is not how I advise people to home brew.

He cant even say this is a success cause he has 0 testing on any raw or finished products.

Who knows if this is even Test U
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I have OP on my ignore list. This is now how I advise people to home brew.

He cant even say this is a success cause he has 0 testing on any raw or finished products.

Who knows if this is even Test U
Yeah I told him to test his RAWS as you can't really know if it's even 400mg or test U

I have already lined up 10+ RAWS testing with jano, need only the goods to arrive.
I have OP on my ignore list. This is not how I advise people to home brew.

He cant even say this is a success cause he has 0 testing on any raw or finished products.

Who knows if this is even Test U
Yo spaceman. I don't think you are being very cool here ignoring me. I contribute as much as i can when i can. I try to share advice.

1000008394.webpTo add to this. I don't think its worth just yet testing this as qsc already had this tested. I asked. My balls are small as shit right now. My blood work is coming back high. Granted this is off my test cyp that I'm currently taking of course. Which also had it tested already by qsc.


Are we not being overkill by double testing? I mean? I literally see zero point testing my raws if my bloodwork is coming back as I expect it too. It melts like test U. It looks like test U. It dissolves like test U. It even smells like test

Same can be said for my test Cyp that I made.
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I would be too paranoid about that dry wood near my vial. You could get an oil free vacuum pump and copy this setup if you're too lazy for syringe filtering by hand.

I would be too paranoid about that dry wood near my vial. You could get an oil free vacuum pump and copy this setup if you're too lazy for syringe filtering by hand.

What about the dry wood thats bad?
The setup just doesn't look sterile enough for me.
The only thing that needs to be sterlized in this setup is the filter and the needle and the vial. The container it's being held in doesn't need to be sterlized. The sterilization happens during the filtering process. The wood won't contaminant the brew. Assuming it's not being opened and spilling everywhere that is. I do not see the contamination risk.