400mg test undecanoate. Success !!

Bro be serious the sterilisation process happens when you push the oil through the filter... Do you think the vaccum pump is sterile? Lol not until it goes through the filter! So it's all in your mind
Convinced people play devils advocate for the fuck all of it. Sterilization happens once it passes through the filter into the pre sterlized vial. Anything before that time other than getting maybe lots of dust in the brew means fuck all.
No, it's not. I can see detritus on it. I think your whole setup is dirty. Enjoy your cellulitis.
The setup is clean. It's made of wood and I use it only for brewing when it's done it's cleaned with alcohol and wiped down. The towel might have some wood dust on it but that's not getting in the vial lol. Infact nothing is getting in the vial. The filter process is extremely safe once I put the needle in the vial. The vial is cleaned with alcohol before putting anything into it. The needles are pre sterlized. The vial is. The filter is. The syringe body is used only one time. Nothing is getting in the vial. It's fine. My entire cyp was made this way and iv injected that and had zero issues. No pip. No infection no reaction. It's been the smoothest test cyp i ever put into my body.
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I would be too paranoid about that dry wood near my vial. You could get an oil free vacuum pump and copy this setup if you're too lazy for syringe filtering by hand.

That guy has some of the most beautiful finished product I've seen in a long time. Crystal clear, and the vials are sexy as fuck.
Vent. Very common. Not sure what the issue is there. Also your circling ugly wood. It's ugly. Doesn't mean it's covered in germs. I choose the cheapest wood I could to build this thing. I bet if I choose a nicer grain you wouldn't even bat an eye lol. As for the towel. That spot is old as fuck jb weld residue. It's dry. It won't come out. But this towel is clean as in its been washed. It's just a temporary prop up.