45, apparently I have BPH


Well-known Member
So normal prostate is 30ml, mine is 38.5ml (checked by mri)…. Not sure if it matters I’m 6’5 240 pounds.
Nevertheless I a little freaked cause I feel like I’m 25. Im on prop and oxandrolone and I know that’s counterproductive so I’m stopping. Hope the size goes down, but I’m scared to go high test or DHT derivatives anymore. Maybe deca but not the safest either. Anyone been able to reduce size of prostate or insight?
Finasteride 5mg day is the standard treatment for BPH, and it'll save your hairline as a side effect. I assume you've been offered it?

Still. I'd try the daily low dose Cialis first, potential sides with 5mg Fin could be brutal.
Finasteride 5mg day is the standard treatment for BPH, and it'll save your hairline as a side effect. I assume you've been offered it?

Still. I'd try the daily low dose Cialis first, potential sides with 5mg Fin could be brutal.
Rather not the fin, scared of the sides … I’ll start with lowering my doses and adding cialis
Rather not the fin, scared of the sides … I’ll start with lowering my doses and adding cialis

Sorry dude, the only pharma solution is fin or dutasteride. If you don't. block DHT this is going to be a one way street until you might need surgery, (and those sides can be catastrophic, suicide rates go up substantially after prostate surgery), whether or not on gear.

You could try as little as 1mg a day, It's fine for most, If that's too much, even .50 or .25 a day can slow prostate growth a lot, with minimal sides.

I'm very finasteride sensitive. 1mg was awful, intolerably depressing. .50mg just a little better but still quit, .25mg is tolerable for me and still manages to reduce DHT by as much as 80%.
Sorry dude, the only pharma solution is fin or dutasteride. If you don't. block DHT this is going to be a one way street until you might need surgery, (and those sides can be catastrophic, suicide rates go up substantially after prostate surgery), whether or not on gear.

You could try as little as 1mg a day, It's fine for most, If that's too much, even .50 or .25 a day can slow prostate growth a lot, with minimal sides.

I'm very finasteride sensitive. 1mg was awful, intolerably depressing. .50mg just a little better but still quit, .25mg is tolerable for me and still manages to reduce DHT by as much as 80%.
I think I can lower my DHT if I drop my DHT derivative (oxandrolone) and get my TT down from 2000 to 700ng/dl
I think I can lower my DHT if I drop my DHT derivative (oxandrolone) and get my TT down from 2000 to 700ng/dl

This is true but only one factor. You have a prostate prone to growth via DHT exposure. It's like male pattern baldness. Higher DHT levels will speed it up, but it's very likely going to keep progressing even with normal DHT levels.
This is true but only one factor. You have a prostate prone to growth via DHT exposure. It's like male pattern baldness. Higher DHT levels will speed it up, but it's very likely going to keep progressing even with normal DHT levels.
Ok maybe .25 fin to start

But, is my prostate normal for my body size? Does it correlate like a heart would?
Ok maybe .25 fin to start

But, is my prostate normal for my body size? Does it correlate like a heart would?

The only way to know would be to compare a previous scan. But you're grasping at straws. You're well out of the normal range and the "range" is what it is for good reason. Could you have always had a freakishly large prostate? Maybe. But it's very unlikely. Your prostate is probably enlarged for the same reason it is for 40%, of 45 year olds.

I get it. These aging "milestones" suck. We try to deny them as much as possible because it doesn't correlate with how we feel.

The biggest favor you can do for your future self is grasp this situation with both hands and deal with it now, when you can still halt the problem before symptom begins.

Thank god we have finasteride and Cialis, A couple of generations ago you'd be helpless as it got worse and worse until you couldn't piss any more.

The prostrate is wrapped tightly by nearly every nerve responsible for erections and pleasure. Operating on it is like trying to diffuse a bomb, and you have to sign a waiver acknowledging you could permanently lose feeling down there.
The only way to know would be to compare a previous scan. But you're grasping at straws. You're well out of the normal range and the "range" is what it is for good reason. Could you have always had a freakishly large prostate? Maybe. But it's very unlikely. Your prostate is probably enlarged for the same reason it is for 40%, of 45 year olds.

I get it. These aging "milestones" suck. We try to deny them as much as possible because it doesn't correlate with how we feel.

The biggest favor you can do for your future self is grasp this situation with both hands and deal with it now, when you can still halt the problem before symptom begins.

Thank god we have finasteride and Cialis, A couple of generations ago you'd be helpless as it got worse and worse until you couldn't piss any more.
So start the fin at .25 and recheck size in 6 months? If I wanted to blast? Just don’t or add deca and hold the fin for 12 weeks?

Or short blasts with prop plus finasteride ?
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If you want to be as proactive as possible, find the top urologist in your area, usually found connected to a university hospital, and get an appointment. They'll have the latest tech and most diagnostic resources.

Tell them you've been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate during an MRI.

When you see the doc, explain you want to be assertive and slow or halt the enlargement of your prostate to the greatest extent possible at this early stage, before symptoms appear,

After he prescribes a treatment, ask how often it can be monitored for effectiveness of treatment.

Too many small town docs will blow off your concerns as "it's normal aging", as if we're doomed to decline and should just accept it when it can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed with modern tech.
So normal prostate is 30ml, mine is 38.5ml (checked by mri)…. Not sure if it matters I’m 6’5 240 pounds.
Nevertheless I a little freaked cause I feel like I’m 25. Im on prop and oxandrolone and I know that’s counterproductive so I’m stopping. Hope the size goes down, but I’m scared to go high test or DHT derivatives anymore. Maybe deca but not the safest either. Anyone been able to reduce size of prostate or insight?

DO You have the Radiologist report! They will present with findings, etiology of likely tissue types and differentials.
Once the summary explains " most likely" ...... Take it from there. Re-test after a month with Finasteride.I would also get a small biopsy soon afterwards to confirm. A rectal ultrasound is another great diagnostic tool, especially for measurments. Then Yes start with finasteride, Dutasteride if it's agressive as it blocks both 5AR Isoenzyme 1 and 2.
When I did heavy cycles I used Fin @ 2.5 mgs at 3 x weekly and to this day my prostate is on the smallish side and my PSA numbers are Great! I'm 43 y/o.
You will be fine @Theworm :cool:
If you want to be as proactive as possible, find the top urologist in your area, usually found connected to a university hospital, and get an appointment. They'll have the latest tech and most diagnostic resources.

Tell them you've been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate during an MRI.

When you see the doc, explain you want to be assertive and slow or halt the enlargement of your prostate to the greatest extent possible at this early stage, before symptoms appear,

After he prescribes a treatment, ask how often it can be monitored for effectiveness of treatment.

Too many small town docs will blow off your concerns as "it's normal aging", as if we're doomed to decline and should just accept it when it can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed with modern tech.
Will do! So stop blasts completely? I’m going to lower my TT to 700 as well
DO You have the Radiologist report! They will present with findings, etiology of likely tissue types and differentials. Re-test after a month with Finasteride
Once the summary explains " most likely" ...... Take it from there. I would get a small biopsy soon afterwards to confirm. A rectal ultrasound is another great diagnostic tool, especially for measurments. Then Yes start with finasteride, Dutasteride if it's agressive as it blocks both 5AR Isoenzyme 1 and 2.
When I did heavy cycles I used Fin @ 2.5 mgs at 3 x weekly and to this day my prostate is on the smallish side and my PSA numbers are Great! I'm 43 y/o.
You will be fine @Theworm :cool:
My psa is .5
Here’s the report


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My psa is .5
Here’s the report
Is this in ng/ml? the 0.5 result? That's a good result and Benign is fucking GREAT ! Are you in USA, Canada or Europe ? Why I ask is a simple cost reason. Repeat just a genitourinary MRI, after first reducing some of the usual suspects of AAS if you don't want to start on Fin. How are you urinary sysmptoms, any pain, urgency increased frequency or weak streams/hesitation upon start-up ?
Is this in ng/ml? the 0.5 result? That's a good result and Benign is fucking GREAT ! Are you in USA, Canada or Europe ? Why I ask is a simple cost reason. Repeat just a genitourinary MRI, after first reducing some of the usual suspects of AAS if you don't want to start on Fin. How are you urinary sysmptoms, any pain, urgency increased frequency or weak streams/hesitation upon start-up ?

Just want to interject that I think it's awesome someone with such comprehensive first hand experience could join the conversation and take it to the next level. Really no substitute for someone who's "been there".
I see that ng/ml OR mcg(ug)/L is a 1:1 ratio, its on par so your 0.5 is Great news. Some family doctors willl not do a rectal exam( finger up your ass) But its valuable as he can feel for gland smoothness and conssitency. If not go see a Urologist as @Ghoul advised you
Is this in ng/ml? the 0.5 result? That's a good result and Benign is fucking GREAT ! Are you in USA, Canada or Europe ? Why I ask is a simple cost reason. Repeat just a genitourinary MRI, after first reducing some of the usual suspects of AAS if you don't want to start on Fin. How are you urinary sysmptoms, any pain, urgency increased frequency or weak streams/hesitation upon start-up ?
Yes ng/ml
Yes usa
No symptoms