45, apparently I have BPH

I bet you the doctor doesn’t even know what DHT is.
I hear what you are saying, but first I’m going to recheck in 3 months as I stopped all high dose androgens and DHT derivatives…

A decent move.No symptoms = extended grace period to try and reach a happy-medium, risk to reward ratio
I wouldn't nuke your E2 with an AI, as there is Not much conclusive studies showing the co-relation PLUS you are not at this level of need. I would however add in tamoxifen or Raloxifene or Toremifene as there is some data suggesting they can block estrogen from binding to Prostatic cells.I would definitely discontinue ANY HGH, HGH peptides or IGF-1 since you do NOT want any extra cell hyperplasia or proliferation.

It varies from person to person, your call BUT I hear dut can seriously fuck up your Libido and Erection Quality much more than fin but YMMV. Yes 0.5 once weekly is better than nothing BUT both fin and dut decrease DHT in the prostate cells equally ~ 85-90% , hence fin is better if you want to stop taking the medication and are waiting for sufficient clearance.
the reason I suggested taking an AI is this quote

"In addition to not being a cause of prostate issues, DHT may actually help shrink enlarged prostates. In France, DHT creams are often prescribed to men with enlarged prostates. Therapeutic DHT can improve the androgen-to-estrogen ratio–without the risk of converting to unwanted estrogens. According to Harrod Buhner: Estradiol–but not DHT–has been found to act with SHBG to cause an eightfold increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in human BPH tissue, which causes increases growth of the prostate. In other words, in cases of enlarged prostate, estrogen is the likely culprit. Here’s Ori Hofmekler on the same topic: When estrogen is present in excess in a male, it has been shown to cause feminization of the body and metabolic disorders including the enlargement of the prostate"

but as that runs counter to a lot of established medicine take it with a grain of salt.
I am aware of those studies, they are older and have been challenged as of late. Having said that, there is an increase in vulnerability if the E2 to : Testosterone ratio is abnormal with regards to Low t and high E2.
Finasteride is literally conceived, studied and used extensively for BPH , and its mechanism of action is to supress conversion of DHT, it has no effects on any of the Estrogens. As I have said there are theories that estrogens Maybe can cause some minor proliferation in prostatic cells. I recommended a SERM, as aromatase inhibitors are Not warranted ie) Bazooka for a fucking Ant. Plus OP will be reducing his exogenous testosterone as stated by him a few times. So crush his estradiol for a theroretical 2-3% safety net. Nahh! thats not how we science dude.
I bet you the doctor doesn’t even know what DHT is.
I hear what you are saying, but first I’m going to recheck in 3 months as I stopped all high dose androgens and DHT derivatives…
He doesn't need to. He would refer you to the urologist who could guide you.

Plenty of people have bph and on no anabolics.
He doesn't need to. He would refer you to the urologist who could guide you.

Plenty of people have bph and on no anabolics.
That was the doctor who I was referring to

I know a close relative who went to a GI doctor for inflammatory bowel disease, they didn’t even know humira was indicated for that
That was the doctor who I was referring to

I know a close relative who went to a GI doctor for inflammatory bowel disease, they didn’t even know humira was indicated for that

I always research then propose the drug I think I should be prescribed and let them justify why it should be something else, which they rarely do.

BP meds were my epiphany. I was initially prescribed 2 pills, and even after adjusting the dose my BP was out of ideal 120/70 for months.

I then realized these were very old drugs long surpassed by better options. The doctor indirectly acknowledged they use these by default because they're the cheapest for patients without insurance. $6 a month. I'm fortunate to have good insurance, found the most effective variation of what I was already taking (A calcium channel block/ARB combo), and switched to that, immediately bringing my BP to perfect numbers and stopping the hairfall I was experiencing as a side. $550 a month cash price, $5 with insurance.

Ever since then I've noticed this is a pattern. Many "go to" first line meds are chosen for cost effectiveness, rather than whatever would be best for treatment. Not to say a drug can't be good and cheap, but very often the best drug isn't chosen in favor of the "best value".

PS: My $550 / mo BP meds, a generic, is available from Indian pharma for less than my $5 deductible, lol
You can try saw palmetto , I'm surprised a lot of people don't talk about it. Less harsh than fin.
I pick my berries seasonally in early fall. Dried, then froze. This stuff is legit, yet the farther down the line, they stomp on this too.
August, September, they are all over, sell for a couple bucks a pound, you can pick couple hundred pounds in the day. Or night ( golf course raids)
You play middle man to the tweaked out crackheads for pennies on the dollar.

Oh yeah, if they roto rooter your junk, good chance no more fun.
I pick my berries seasonally in early fall. Dried, then froze. This stuff is legit, yet the farther down the line, they stomp on this too.
August, September, they are all over, sell for a couple bucks a pound, you can pick couple hundred pounds in the day. Or night ( golf course raids)
You play middle man to the tweaked out crackheads for pennies on the dollar.

Oh yeah, if they roto rooter your junk, good chance no more fun.
That was the doctor who I was referring to

I know a close relative who went to a GI doctor for inflammatory bowel disease, they didn’t even know humira was indicated for that
What makes you say that humira can be used for something that isn't always auto immune?
What makes you say that humira can be used for something that isn't always auto immune?
Not sure what you mean but humira is FDA approved for inflammatory bowel disease. The point was that the GI specialist who sees this condition daily had no idea it was a treatment
Not sure what you mean but humira is FDA approved for inflammatory bowel disease. The point was that the GI specialist who sees this condition daily had no idea it was a treatment

I can tell you aren't familiar with this stuff at all

It is indicated for autoimmune diseases that can cause it.

If it's lbs/ibd causes by diet or other factors it won't fix it.
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I can tell you aren't familiar with this stuff at all

It is indicated for autoimmune diseases that can cause it.

If it's lbs/ibd causes by diet or other factors it won't fix it.
I don’t think you know what inflammatory bowel disease is, it is autoimmune!
I don’t think you know what inflammatory bowel disease is, it is autoimmune!
No it isn't. It's a condition. Can be caused by a poor diet and environmental factors along with autoimmune

Crohn's is a type IBD

Not all IBD is autoimmune.

That's like saying all arthritis is autoimmune.
No it isn't. It's a condition. Can be caused by a poor diet and environmental factors along with autoimmune

Crohn's is a type IBD

Not all IBD is autoimmune.

That's like saying all arthritis is autoimmune.
Oh boy, here we go. Inflamatory bowel disease is Ulcerative colitis and Chrons, both autoimmune! Please stop, you are wrong. Both are treated with humira!


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6’10 315. BPH since teen years.

Fixed 100% with Gemtesa / Vibegron. It works so damn good. It works immediately for me and then lasts for months after I stop. It slowly creeps up on you though if you stop.

It’s way better and safer than finasteride.
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Oh boy, here we go. Inflamatory bowel disease is Ulcerative colitis and Chrons, both autoimmune! Please stop, you are wrong. Both are treated with humira!
You are right. I'm confused with ibs

Still doesn't justify assuming all doctors don't understand treatment for bph