45, apparently I have BPH

Just keep an eye on it and make it a point to see a urologist within the near future. I'm thinking you're good for the most part :cool:
So don’t blast again? Or test plus fin?

Re dutasteride, half life is 5 weeks, can .5 mg once weekly be of benefit?
you need high DHT and E2 for BPH try going on an aromatase inhibitor before nuking your DHT.

I wouldn't nuke your E2 with an AI, as there is Not much conclusive studies showing the co-relation PLUS you are not at this level of need. I would however add in tamoxifen or Raloxifene or Toremifene as there is some data suggesting they can block estrogen from binding to Prostatic cells.I would definitely discontinue ANY HGH, HGH peptides or IGF-1 since you do NOT want any extra cell hyperplasia or proliferation.

It varies from person to person, your call BUT I hear dut can seriously fuck up your Libido and Erection Quality much more than fin but YMMV. Yes 0.5 once weekly is better than nothing BUT both fin and dut decrease DHT in the prostate cells equally ~ 85-90% , hence fin is better if you want to stop taking the medication and are waiting for sufficient clearance.
So I read somewhere that rad140 has potential to help / shrink prostate. I ordered some as precaution but using Cialis daily and not having low e I don't pee any crazy amount (Dad said if not peeing every hour not drinking enough water).
My bad bout not giving better examples but here's a few things I found with a half-ass online search so maybe it'll spur you into looking for comparable options.
Best of luck !


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Also herbs such as Hawthorne berry extract and nettle root (maybe)
(Hawthorne is good for blood pressure and nettle is good for kidneys and liver).


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Appreciate all the comments. First thing I’m going is stopping the prop (500 weekly) and oxandrolone, both contribute or act like DHT. Studies showing lowering DHT (ie fin dut) can shrink the prostate. So I’ll quit this to substantially lower my DHT and get my TT to 7-800 and recheck mri in a few months, if no change I’ll add dutasteride. I can see a urologist but when I see certain specialists I’m always under impressed and shocked some tell me stuff that straight out wrong (ie my testosterone hormone has a different structure than injectible and that’s why my HCT creeps up, or my endo not knowing essentially anything to another saying a HCT of 57 was normal etc etc )
Appreciate all the comments. First thing I’m going is stopping the prop (500 weekly) and oxandrolone, both contribute or act like DHT. Studies showing lowering DHT (ie fin dut) can shrink the prostate. So I’ll quit this to substantially lower my DHT and get my TT to 7-800 and recheck mri in a few months, if no change I’ll add dutasteride. I can see a urologist but when I see certain specialists I’m always under impressed and shocked some tell me stuff that straight out wrong (ie my testosterone hormone has a different structure than injectible and that’s why my HCT creeps up, or my endo not knowing essentially anything to another saying a HCT of 57 was normal etc etc )

LOL, you're not wrong about that!

I lost my blind faith in doctors years ago when, after my neck was broken in a car accident, three "good" neurosurgeons told me I needed to have a crippling procedure that would leave me handicapped for life, along with repeated surgeries every few years to correct the problems caused by the original one. I was told there was no alternative.

I did my own research, found a cutting edge procedure in a NIH research paper that would restore me to full functioning. They told me it was a gimmick.

Long story short, contacted the lead researcher, a top neurosurgeon in NYC, he agreed to do the procedure, and instead of a year of bedridden recovery after what I was repeatedly told was my "only option", I went into the hospital at 7AM and walked out for lunch at 2PM, completely restored.

You're nothing but a boat payment to most doctors.

They're useful, but you must be your own advocate and your care will only be as good as your participation.
So I was researching dutasteride and some studies show an increase in prostate cancer! Not sure if u wanna add that


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So I was researching dutasteride and some studies show an increase in prostate cancer! Not sure if u wanna add that

A good find. It's from 2013 and after 6 more years of research it was shown more deaths weren't associated with Finasteride usage, and the original result was due to better tech detecting cancers. In fact finasteride (and by extension dutasteride) appear to prevent prostate cancer development.

LOL, you're not wrong about that!

I lost my blind faith in doctors years ago when, after my neck was broken in a car accident, three "good" neurosurgeons told me I needed to have a crippling procedure that would leave me handicapped for life, along with repeated surgeries every few years to correct the problems caused by the original one. I was told there was no alternative.

I did my own research, found a cutting edge procedure in a NIH research paper that would restore me to full functioning. They told me it was a gimmick.

Long story short, contacted the lead researcher, a top neurosurgeon in NYC, he agreed to do the procedure, and instead of a year of bedridden recovery after what I was repeatedly told was my "only option", I went into the hospital at 7AM and walked out for lunch at 2PM, completely restored.

You're nothing but a boat payment to most doctors.

They're useful, but you must be your own advocate and your care will only be as good as your participation.

Stem Cells? I'd love to learn more.......
A good find. It's from 2013 and after 6 more years of research it was shown more deaths weren't associated with Finasteride usage, and the original result was due to better tech detecting cancers. In fact finasteride (and by extension dutasteride) appear to prevent prostate cancer development.

Very reassuring that the people who took finasteride didn’t die more than those taking placebo lol
The question is, were there less deaths?
Stem Cells? I'd love to learn more.......

In my case multiple discs had been destroyed by my neck being twisted, pressing them into my spinal cord partially paralyzing my right arm.

The conventional surgery would have fused multiple vertebrae in my neck with a metal "cage" of bars and screws, permanently eliminating the ability of my spine to flex. Think no tilting your head back to look up, limited left and right motion, for life, along with putting pressure on the rest of the spine leading to it's inevitable degradation requiring more surgery.

This procedure installed "sandwiches" made of 2 cobalt discs and a high tech plastic sphere between the affected vertebrae, replacing the (severely damaged) soft discs. The cobalt is biocompatible with bone, which allowed bone growth to hold the discs permanently in place without screws. The result was completely natural function of the cervical spine.

The entire procedure took 40 minutes through a 1 inch incision.

This was over a decade ago, and it's now an FDA approved procedure, but still only practiced by a minority of surgeons. If they can't do the procedure they'll try and dismiss, pushing the patient towards ancient fusion rather than suggest you take your business to another surgeon of course.

If you ever hear of someone scheduled for a spinal "fusion", implore them to seek out disc replacement instead, they are now possible at every level of the spine if you find the right surgeon. It's not possible in 100% of cases, but it is in most, and fusion is irreversible.

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In my case multiple discs had been destroyed by my neck being twisted, pressing them into my spinal cord partially paralyzing my right arm.

The conventional surgery would have fused multiple vertebrae in my neck with a metal "cage" of bars and screws, permanently eliminating the ability of my spine to flex. Think no tilting your head back to look up, limited left and right motion, for life, along with putting pressure on the rest of the spine leading to it's inevitable degradation requiring more surgery.

This procedure installed "sandwiches" made of 2 cobalt discs and a high tech plastic sphere between the affected vertebrae, replacing the (severely damaged) soft discs. The cobalt is biocompatible with bone, which allowed bone growth to hold the discs permanently in place without screws. The result was completely natural function of the cervical spine.

The entire procedure took 40 minutes through a 1 inch incision.

This was over a decade ago, and it's now an FDA approved procedure, but still only practiced by a minority of surgeons. If they can't do the procedure they'll try and dismiss, pushing the patient towards ancient fusion rather than suggest you take your business to another surgeon of course.

If you ever hear of someone scheduled for a spinal "fusion", implore them to seek out disc replacement instead, they are now possible at every level of the spine if you find the right surgeon. It's not possible in 100% of cases, but it is in most, and fusion is irreversible.

View attachment 283978

Good to know! My c5 and c6 is herniated and will seek out this minimally invasive procedure when I can.
Hahah! Love your GIF btw, did you use an online program or photo/video editing software :cool: