I don't really feel much different to be honest lol. I genuinely enjoy being very heavy. I played this past season at 270 and even with the absurd amount of running and conditioning we did I felt great at that weight. I'm sure I'll feel different about it when I get to be 30-40 but for now I enjoy the weight.
What advice do you (and everyone else reading!) have for effective recomp? Aside from using 50 mg EOD of a certain PED that is known as the king of recomposition. I want to make the most of it.
I'm recomping quite well right now at 200lb eating 300 surplus lift days and 800 deficit none lift/cardio days. I am however on some sort of recomping compound too.
Incline bench 205 5x5
Bench 225 3x8 with a slanger AMRAP of 16
Cable fly 30lb 3x12 3sec pinch hold
Chest dips BW 4x16
Cable lifts 22.5 4x12 2sec pinch hold
Tricep extension 120 4x16
Tricep double rope 35lb 4x16
Tricep v bar 80lb 4x12
Tricep single rope 20lb 4x8
Front squats 185 4x8
Single leg extensions 100 4x16
All chest exercises were superseted with calves no brakes between any sets total sets of 20 for calves
Decline crunch 4x16
Leg lifts 4x12
Crunches 2x30
Mason twist 1x50
Planks 3min flat 1min each side 3 sets
So running into a problem, all these weights are incredibly easy now that I'm on cycle. I'm currently hitting all the numbers at my projected best progress but I'm hitting them too easily, I'm worried about jumping weights and get hurt throwing on strength too quickly cause I can already feel my tendons and joints as is but at the same time I don't really want to be in the 6-7RPE for the entire workout. For reference I probably could have done the incline bench of 205 for a 5x8-10 but 4 weeks ago 205 5x5 would have been a 9.5 RPE