59 years old looking for cycle advice


New Member
Hey guys. Im not on here much but I have been using gear and lifting since I was born . lol. I have used it off and on from age 30 until now and Im 59. I have just been running test cyp ( trt from doc) 100mg a week for the last few months. I home brew my other stuff and this is the powders I have . test cyp, test prop, tren,deca, eq, dianabol, anadrol, winstrol and drostalone enathate. I know I am pushing it with my age etc and tren and anadrol are the hardest. But I want to use up what I have of those and the winstrol etc and just keep the test and eq and dball for later use . I have nolva and clomid as well.. My knees shoulders elbows etc are killing me. So deca etc for joints. What do you all recommend with out saying im to old. Im 59 5ft 9 190. i shrunk down from 220 when I went off and just did trt and I hate it. lol Thanks guys in advance
Winstrol will absolutely murder your knees shoulders and elbows even more so I wouldn't even touch it. Tren and Adrol are going to destroy your lipids, and Tren increases a lot of the biomarkers for diseases like Dimentia and Alzheimer's:
Others call me stupid for it, but Tren should really only be used for the end of a cutting phase if you're competing or for a photoshoot or something. If I were in your place I'd use a very moderate dose of test, low dose deca, and drostalonone and run it for longer periods. Something like 300 test, 100 deca, 100 Drostanolone or something around that. You don't wanna be messing around with your lipids if you care at all about longevity. You also want to keep your E2 relatively higher if you're having joint issues. You've been doing gear for years so should you probably know your body by now. And obviously get bloodwork regularly.
Thanks. Yes I agree on tren. It works awesome but at my age it is a bit riskier. I do have statins and blood pressure pills as well . Getting old sucks. I came off everything for a while to clean out etc and now I hate being "small" lol 190 at my height looks good but I loved the look when I was bigger. I am only looking to go around 210 or so. At one point I wanted to get 250 at my usual 10 percent bf. I got up to 243 lbs and I couldn't walk without getting out of breathe. lol I have no idea how these guys do it! So I came down to 2200 and was more comfortable but then I came off and cleaned out and my test was like 99 !! Doc put me on trt and so i started using my gear and saving the pharma stuff for a good run with pharma to see if it is better. lol Thank for the response.
I am an old fart, but you have it worse bro...

IF you are hell bent on using your tren and drol, microdose the tren on say 50mg/w and drol on workout days only, watching for spikes in bp and how your lipids react.

When I reach your age its test and like 100mg deca for the joints.

We had our peak and we are past that time.
I'm another old fart about to turn 60 and I kept things simple as I can't quite do the things I did when way younger. I've murdered my joints over the years and now I'm paying the price for that. My cycle is basically just test and proviron...

Keep it simple and perhaps do more reps at lower weights when training.

My rusty 2 cents :)
All depends on what side effects you are willing to have now or in the future. I have a bunch of powders but don't use them and i am a few years older then you. Deca may help mask the pain so you can do more damage or wear without noticing it. But you will deal with that latter. Being as big as i was years ago has passed for me. I don't like it but i could do a big cycle then shrink back down to where i am now or smaller from even more wear and tear but choose not to. Everything has a half life or expiration date i find.
Throw the orals in the trash. If you're gonna do tren regardless of all the warnings against it, don't use more then 20-30mg every day or eod, 4-6 weeks max.
Pick 2 compounds. I like test and mast. Then throw in your tren for 4 weeks and see how you hande it. At 59 I'd simply stay away from tren but each to their own.
And I don't think it needs to be said, but I'll say it anyways. Blood work before, mid, and after cycle is a must. Check your blood pressure daily...daily!
Hey guys. Im not on here much but I have been using gear and lifting since I was born . lol. I have used it off and on from age 30 until now and Im 59. I have just been running test cyp ( trt from doc) 100mg a week for the last few months. I home brew my other stuff and this is the powders I have . test cyp, test prop, tren,deca, eq, dianabol, anadrol, winstrol and drostalone enathate. I know I am pushing it with my age etc and tren and anadrol are the hardest. But I want to use up what I have of those and the winstrol etc and just keep the test and eq and dball for later use . I have nolva and clomid as well.. My knees shoulders elbows etc are killing me. So deca etc for joints. What do you all recommend with out saying im to old. Im 59 5ft 9 190. i shrunk down from 220 when I went off and just did trt and I hate it. lol Thanks guys in advance
You got me by 3 years.

1. At our age cardio is king and mitigates a lot of crap. When you use AAS steps are a useless metric as you're not getting proper amounts of systemic oxygen and blood flowing, much less to the brain and heart.

2. There's no reason on Earth you can't be doing 500 weekly of something; it's just selecting the right compounds. I'm partial to NPP/Test - 3/2 or 4/1.

3. At our age GH helps a lot with recovery and sleep.

Increased cardio, just 2 compounds and GH. Keep it simple and safe.

Good luck old man.
0.61 0
Thanks. Yes I agree on tren. It works awesome but at my age it is a bit riskier. I do have statins and blood pressure pills as well . Getting old sucks. I came off everything for a while to clean out etc and now I hate being "small" lol 190 at my height looks good but I loved the look when I was bigger. I am only looking to go around 210 or so. At one point I wanted to get 250 at my usual 10 percent bf. I got up to 243 lbs and I couldn't walk without getting out of breathe. lol I have no idea how these guys do it! So I came down to 2200 and was more comfortable but then I came off and cleaned out and my test was like 99 !! Doc put me on trt and so i started using my gear and saving the pharma stuff for a good run with pharma to see if it is better. lol Thank for the response.
I do have blood work done every 8 weeks regardless. My creatini9ne is always a bit off but thats normal being muscular etc. Blood pressure never gets to high but I have lisinopril and of course lipitor. My cholesterol has always been a bit high. I am surprised about my strength. I am still pretty strong on everything. I don't bench and haven't for years. I will do inclines, behind neck press and squats all on a smith machine. I am fortunate to have a fully equipped gym at home with everything from leg press to nautilus pullover to cable crossover and rear delt lateral raise pec dec lat pulldown seated row calf raise ( seated and standing) leg extension/curl power rack, hack squat and dumbells up to 120 lbs. Oh I even have an old universal 10 station machine ( kind from the 70s) so I can train when I want without waiting etc. Funny thing leg extensions( even light) wreak my knees. Leg press weather its high reps or low reps I never feel in the things. Hack squats wreck my knees too but squats dont!! As long as I stop just above parallel and l am good. I keep all my reps above 10 for everything now. Anyways I appreciate all the advice. I have another question. I have always reused the same needle to DRAW the oil and then of course switch it for injection. I do it for a few times. I have never had any issues. Has anyone else done this? Yes I know needles are cheap.lol
I do have blood work done every 8 weeks regardless. My creatini9ne is always a bit off but thats normal being muscular etc. Blood pressure never gets to high but I have lisinopril and of course lipitor. My cholesterol has always been a bit high. I am surprised about my strength. I am still pretty strong on everything. I don't bench and haven't for years. I will do inclines, behind neck press and squats all on a smith machine. I am fortunate to have a fully equipped gym at home with everything from leg press to nautilus pullover to cable crossover and rear delt lateral raise pec dec lat pulldown seated row calf raise ( seated and standing) leg extension/curl power rack, hack squat and dumbells up to 120 lbs. Oh I even have an old universal 10 station machine ( kind from the 70s) so I can train when I want without waiting etc. Funny thing leg extensions( even light) wreak my knees. Leg press weather its high reps or low reps I never feel in the things. Hack squats wreck my knees too but squats dont!! As long as I stop just above parallel and l am good. I keep all my reps above 10 for everything now. Anyways I appreciate all the advice. I have another question. I have always reused the same needle to DRAW the oil and then of course switch it for injection. I do it for a few times. I have never had any issues. Has anyone else done this? Yes I know needles are cheap.lol
Most draw with a large gage needle (18-21g) then inject with 25g.
If I were in your place I'd use a very moderate dose of test, low dose deca, and drostalonone and run it for longer periods. Something like 300 test, 100 deca, 100 Drostanolone or something around that. You don't wanna be messing around with your lipids if you care at all about longevity. You also want to keep your E2 relatively higher if you're having joint issues. You've been doing gear for years so should you probably know your body by now. And obviously get bloodwork regularly.
This right here ^. I'm 48. I run a TRT dose of test 175mg/week along with 100 Mast/100 NPP per week and 3IU's of GH a day and feel amazing on it. I have bloodwork every 10 weeks to make sure everything is on track. At our age there's no need to run harsh compounds. Longevity and health should be our top priority and focus.
This right here ^. I'm 48. I run a TRT dose of test 175mg/week along with 100 Mast/100 NPP per week and 3IU's of GH a day and feel amazing on it. I have bloodwork every 10 weeks to make sure everything is on track. At our age there's no need to run harsh compounds. Longevity and health should be our top priority and focus.
How is E2 with that protocol?
I do have blood work done every 8 weeks regardless. My creatini9ne is always a bit off but thats normal being muscular etc. Blood pressure never gets to high but I have lisinopril and of course lipitor. My cholesterol has always been a bit high. I am surprised about my strength. I am still pretty strong on everything. I don't bench and haven't for years. I will do inclines, behind neck press and squats all on a smith machine. I am fortunate to have a fully equipped gym at home with everything from leg press to nautilus pullover to cable crossover and rear delt lateral raise pec dec lat pulldown seated row calf raise ( seated and standing) leg extension/curl power rack, hack squat and dumbells up to 120 lbs. Oh I even have an old universal 10 station machine ( kind from the 70s) so I can train when I want without waiting etc. Funny thing leg extensions( even light) wreak my knees. Leg press weather its high reps or low reps I never feel in the things. Hack squats wreck my knees too but squats dont!! As long as I stop just above parallel and l am good. I keep all my reps above 10 for everything now. Anyways I appreciate all the advice. I have another question. I have always reused the same needle to DRAW the oil and then of course switch it for injection. I do it for a few times. I have never had any issues. Has anyone else done this? Yes I know needles are cheap.lol
There's probably a joke about @janoshik picking glass particles out of his own ass, then ASS fudging the assays.

Always use a different needle!
well for years I would use the same needle to draw the compound and then a new needle to inject obviously. I would use the same needle to draw about 10 times or so then discard it and start a new one. I have never had a problem. I know needles are cheap etc but I just hate wasting one. lol.
I think there is a lot of overly conservative info about compounds and dosages. With the right ancillaries and cardio you can keep all blood markers, bp and resting heart rate in healthy ranges. This comes from 60 yr old who has used gear for 40+ years.

Here is formula that works for most:

Keep your body fat under 10%

Do 30 min of hard cardio 5x per week. Not leisurely cardio but the kind where your really sweating.

Get/keep your resting heart rate under 55 bpm. Very rare to have any cardiac episodes with this.

Keep BP in normal range. I define that as 130/80 max and I always strive for 120/70. That is without bp meds. If you need them to get there then take them. If you can’t control bp with max of 80mg of Telmisartin you most likely have a bodyweight/bodyfat issue

For most it will require a cap on your body weight. For me it’s 195 at 5’10”. If I go over 200lbs it’s much harder.

Take the right ancillaries.
Citrus bergamot
High DHA fish oil

If you do this most will be able to take up to 1g/week of injectables,4-5 iu hgh, incl the occasional low dose tren and maintain healthy cbc, lipids, glucose. You just have to monitor and adjust.

Many guys will see bp and resting heart rate issues first. If you do it requires lowering dosage, changing compounds or both and most likely means your not at the right body fat and or weight to begin with.
Add some HGH your gunna see huge benefits at your age from generics at 2-3iu a day.. It won't break the bank and you'd probably get away with using less gear..

You sound like you have a handle on everything, all I would advise would be not to run the dry compounds together if your joints are already hurting.. Maybe try mixing wet and dry compounds together, throw Winstrol in with Deca etc..

Keep away from the orals and not sure what I'd say about the Tren.. Maybe as some of the other guys say microdose and just watch how your bloodworks affected.. I'd be very interested in a log if you bother with one..