59 years old looking for cycle advice

I think there is a lot of overly conservative info about compounds and dosages. With the right ancillaries and cardio you can keep all blood markers, bp and resting heart rate in healthy ranges. This comes from 60 yr old who has used gear for 40+ years.

Here is formula that works for most:

Keep your body fat under 10%

Do 30 min of hard cardio 5x per week. Not leisurely cardio but the kind where your really sweating.

Get/keep your resting heart rate under 55 bpm. Very rare to have any cardiac episodes with this.

Keep BP in normal range. I define that as 130/80 max and I always strive for 120/70. That is without bp meds. If you need them to get there then take them. If you can’t control bp with max of 80mg of Telmisartin you most likely have a bodyweight/bodyfat issue

For most it will require a cap on your body weight. For me it’s 195 at 5’10”. If I go over 200lbs it’s much harder.

Take the right ancillaries.
Citrus bergamot
High DHA fish oil

If you do this most will be able to take up to 1g/week of injectables,4-5 iu hgh, incl the occasional low dose tren and maintain healthy cbc, lipids, glucose. You just have to monitor and adjust.

Many guys will see bp and resting heart rate issues first. If you do it requires lowering dosage, changing compounds or both and most likely means your not at the right body fat and or weight to begin with.
So you're telling us you can do 1g test, 4-5iu hgh, and low dose tren all the while keeping your resting heart rate at or below 55 bpm at age 60?
If this is true you are the exception not the rule. Before I started back on aas my bpm was under 60. But now I float around 70.
And if you've been doing aas for 40 years why in the world would you need 1g test (aas combo) to maintain 195lbs 5'10"?
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So you're telling us you can do 1g test, 4-5iu hgh, and low dose tren all the while keeping your resting heart rate at or below 55 bpm at age 60?
If this is true you are the exception not the rule. Before I started back on aas my bpm was under 60. But now I float around 70.
And if you've been doing aas for 40 years why in the world would you need 1g test (aas combo) to maintain 195lbs 5'10"?

I do pretty well on no more than 600mg test a week, and thinking of taking the plunge and running GH at 2-3 iu's a day at bedtime. Currently my weight is sitting at 179lbs at 5'8.
I do pretty well on no more than 600mg test a week, and thinking of taking the plunge and running GH at 2-3 iu's a day at bedtime. Currently my weight is sitting at 179lbs at 5'8.
I know it gets harder as we age. I'm starting to see this with every year that passes. I'm currently cruising and sitting at 250lbs. I'm getting excited about my Feb cut cycle. Going for at least 10% bf. I'm hoping to end up at between 238- 240lbs. Then hold this for awhile. No more bulking...I keep telling myself. It's hard excepting I'm getting old and need to focus more on health. If I was a ripped 195lbs 5'9" I'm not so sure I'd be able to handle the mental trauma lol.
I didn’t say I needed 1g/week to maintain 195. I usually take 500mg of test and 100mg of deca to maintain my muscle and strength at 60. You may think that’s a lot too but that’s what it takes for me to maintain a legit single digit bf at 195. I’ve not used continuously for 40 years as there has been plenty of time off although for the last 15 or so years I’ve had few brakes from at least 250mg of test. For fun I do occasionally do higher dosages up to 1g including Tren ace and will always stop if my resting heart rate gets over 60 bpm. Once I stop it fairly quickly goes under 55 bpm and even under 50 bpm. I’m not an anomaly at all. What I’ve found is consistent higher intensity extended exercise like sled pushing or circuits does wonders for everything cardiovascular.
I didn’t say I needed 1g/week to maintain 195. I usually take 500mg of test and 100mg of deca to maintain my muscle and strength at 60. You may think that’s a lot too but that’s what it takes for me to maintain a legit single digit bf at 195. I’ve not used continuously for 40 years as there has been plenty of time off although for the last 15 or so years I’ve had few brakes from at least 250mg of test. For fun I do occasionally do higher dosages up to 1g including Tren ace and will always stop if my resting heart rate gets over 60 bpm. Once I stop it fairly quickly goes under 55 bpm and even under 50 bpm. I’m not an anomaly at all. What I’ve found is consistent higher intensity extended exercise like sled pushing or circuits does wonders for everything cardiovascular.
Ya, It's a different story at 250lbs. I'm trying to slowly get into the mindset of being a lighter person. I haven't been 195 since my senior year in high school so I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that low of bodyweight. It's a mental thing. I'm gonna do a cut soon down to about 238lbs. I'll hopefully be able to slowly drop some mass over the next 5 years maybe, don't know. Maybe it'll just happen anyways.
Ya, It's a different story at 250lbs. I'm trying to slowly get into the mindset of being a lighter person. I haven't been 195 since my senior year in high school so I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that low of bodyweight. It's a mental thing. I'm gonna do a cut soon down to about 238lbs. I'll hopefully be able to slowly drop some mass over the next 5 years maybe, don't know. Maybe it'll just happen anyways.
last time I was at 179lbs consistently was like 20 years ago and I ballooned in weight over the years till I peaked at 220 at 47 and my weight has been between 190 and 205 until recently I started a cut.
I have to keep my carbs and cals pretty low 5.5 days a week and can be loose 1.5 days. It’s definitely a mind set. If I let it go pretty quickly I’m 220 (bloofy) and everything health wise goes downhill (bp, lipids, heavy snoring, out of breath going up stairs).
Thanks. Yes I agree on tren. It works awesome but at my age it is a bit riskier. I do have statins and blood pressure pills as well . Getting old sucks. I came off everything for a while to clean out etc and now I hate being "small" lol 190 at my height looks good but I loved the look when I was bigger. I am only looking to go around 210 or so. At one point I wanted to get 250 at my usual 10 percent bf. I got up to 243 lbs and I couldn't walk without getting out of breathe. lol I have no idea how these guys do it! So I came down to 2200 and was more comfortable but then I came off and cleaned out and my test was like 99 !! Doc put me on trt and so i started using my gear and saving the pharma stuff for a good run with pharma to see if it is better. lol Thank for the response.
it depend how much tren use...