6 weeks later, blood levels look perfect but not feeling any better

Its actually quite simple - you're taking too much T.

Your T is high and your estradiol is over the top of the normal range. Estradiol is the OPPOSING hormone to T. Nothing like having a high T level and still feeling like shit, right? That's what high estradiol will do. Arimidex is not necessary when all you need is a T dose adjustment.

Lower your T dose to 100 mg per week.

Here's how to do it.

1. Skip your next weekly T injection(s). Your T level will drop, but its high anyway, so no harm done. This will allow your liver to clear the excess estradiol.
2. Start injecting again at 100 mg T per week.
3. Repeat your labs after 4 or 5 weeks on the lower dose.
4. Adjust your dose again (up or down), if needed, based on the lab results and how you feel.

It isn't called 'dialing it in' for nothing. It takes time, labs, and patience.
was seriously thinking of getting AI, I'll try lowering the dose first and see how it goes.
was worried if i drop the dose and the levels go down then i'll prolly feel worse but not feeling that good with current protocol anyways
kinda annoying coz of how slow the dialing process is lol but it's solid advice, thanks mate
was seriously thinking of getting AI, I'll try lowering the dose first and see how it goes.
was worried if i drop the dose and the levels go down then i'll prolly feel worse but not feeling that good with current protocol anyways
kinda annoying coz of how slow the dialing process is lol but it's solid advice, thanks mate
I was thinking a small amount of arimidex, but his advice seems sound. Allowing your body to adjust rather than forcing the estrogen out.
You don’t want the low-e side effects that come with over doing it with arimidex. (I.e.-joint pain, bone pain, headaches, just general shot feeling.)
If you do decide to go with something, Exemestene seems to be the preferred anti-e. Not as harsh on the body. Exemestene also increases LH & FSH, so if you do want to try and kick start your own production, this is the one to do it. (Enclomiphene also, if a reliable source were ever to become available.)
How did his SHBG go lower on test compared to when he was natural? I though having high T and E2 would increase SHBG through the negative feedback loop. Im probably wrong in some way so it would be great if someone could explain this to me.
was seriously thinking of getting AI, I'll try lowering the dose first and see how it goes.
was worried if i drop the dose and the levels go down then i'll prolly feel worse but not feeling that good with current protocol anyways
kinda annoying coz of how slow the dialing process is lol but it's solid advice, thanks mate
I've been on clomid only, T injections only, T + HCG, T gels, and (now) HCG only. They ALL need dose and/or frequency adjustments to be dialed in properly.

While it may be annoying, it is the right way to do it. Adding in arimidex presents yet another dose/frequency problem requiring its own dialing in procedure. Too complicated! Get T injections working as well as you can before doing anything else. 140 mg/week is real close to the upper limit for TRT dosing and you're coming in with a very high Total T result. Lowering the dose is clearly indicated, AFAIC.

When you go to 100 mg/week, do it as 50 mg twice a week (say, Mondays and Thursdays). Your previous dose/frequency (~40 mg, EOD) may have been both too much T and too frequent to get a good T level with E2 in the normal range

How old are you? Are you overweight at all?
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Maybe It's something else and has nothing to do with hormones?

People always make it sound like trt will fix everything. It can help alot but it's not everything


Whenever some bro on a bbing forum doesnt feel like a god, its because his hormones.

In reality, your neurotransmitters are far more likely to be the factor.

And yes AAS have substantial effects on neurotransmitters, and just like bingeing any recreational drug for months at a time, the aftermath is not feeling optimal for awhile.
I was thinking a small amount of arimidex, but his advice seems sound. Allowing your body to adjust rather than forcing the estrogen out.
You don’t want the low-e side effects that come with over doing it with arimidex. (I.e.-joint pain, bone pain, headaches, just general shot feeling.)
If you do decide to go with something, Exemestene seems to be the preferred anti-e. Not as harsh on the body. Exemestene also increases LH & FSH, so if you do want to try and kick start your own production, this is the one to do it. (Enclomiphene also, if a reliable source were ever to become available.)
yeah still open to trying AI if nothing natural works.
worried coz im doing trt and if i end up relying on AI then idk how safe it it super long term + its already a struggle to get testosterone here even UGL, no idea how I'd get an Ai. Ill look ino the one you suggested cheers
I've been on clomid only, T injections only, T + HCG, T gels, and (now) HCG only. They ALL need dose and/or frequency adjustments to be dialed in properly.

While it may be annoying, it is the right way to do it. Adding in arimidex presents yet another dose/frequency problem requiring its own dialing in procedure. Too complicated! Get T injections working as well as you can before doing anything else. 140 mg/week is real close to the upper limit for TRT dosing and you're coming in with a very high Total T result. Lowering the dose is clearly indicated, AFAIC.

When you go to 100 mg/week, do it as 50 mg twice a week (say, Mondays and Thursdays). Your previous dose/frequency (~40 mg, EOD) may have been both too much T and too frequent to get a good T level with E2 in the normal range

How old are you? Are you overweight at all?
sounds good, thanks for the info.
dialing in sounds like the best option to try.

Im 25, nah not overweight, actually trying to gain weight and muscle. 70kg atm, maybe around 15% body fat.
Diet is all whole foods, no alcohol etc so no idea how my e2 is so high in the first place :/

Whenever some bro on a bbing forum doesnt feel like a god, its because his hormones.

In reality, your neurotransmitters are far more likely to be the factor.

And yes AAS have substantial effects on neurotransmitters, and just like bingeing any recreational drug for months at a time, the aftermath is not feeling optimal for awhile.
haha yeah when i was waiting for my shipment i was dreaming all kinds of things i'll be able to do with better T levels when i start injecting

Unfortunately still waiting for that feeling / power to kick in and now thinking may be T is not the answer. Either that or maybe i just need to wait a bit longer to see effects and/or dail in my dose and/or control the e2 as others have said.
Hope i atleast get to feel some effects
sounds good, thanks for the info.
dialing in sounds like the best option to try.

Im 25, nah not overweight, actually trying to gain weight and muscle. 70kg atm, maybe around 15% body fat.
Diet is all whole foods, no alcohol etc so no idea how my e2 is so high in the first place :/


It may take more than one adjustment to get it right.

At your age and if you are not overweight, you should NOT need an AI.
haha yeah when i was waiting for my shipment i was dreaming all kinds of things i'll be able to do with better T levels when i start injecting

Unfortunately still waiting for that feeling / power to kick in and now thinking may be T is not the answer. Either that or maybe i just need to wait a bit longer to see effects and/or dail in my dose and/or control the e2 as others have said.
Hope i atleast get to feel some effects
So did you try AI?
When I took 200mg of Test Cyp per week and 1/2mg of Adex twice a week, my Total was 1050 and my E2 was 8.
When us old timers tell you to BE CAREFUL using adex.
If it were me, I would take 1/4mg Adex twice a week for 4 weeks, Adex has a half-life of 36 hours or so. Two weeks of Adex and taking a blood test that is too soon.
I have been on TRT since 2006...I don't know everything about TRT for you, I do know for me.
was seriously thinking of getting AI, I'll try lowering the dose first and see how it goes.
was worried if i drop the dose and the levels go down then i'll prolly feel worse but not feeling that good with current protocol anyways
kinda annoying coz of how slow the dialing process is lol but it's solid advice, thanks mate
Treat the symptoms not the numbers. I feel my best on 120mg/week with my test levels to a healthy low 550ng/dl. Don't care about numbers I am at the middle and feel the best. When I was at 200mg/week sure numbers where at 1400ng/dl but felt like a mess. E2 was high, RBC was high etc.

Lower the dose and switch to 2x week injecting. If that doesn't improve things and e2 levels add an AI.

You need to dial it in and it takes time
Not everyone gets on TRT and feels amazing.

There is no difference for me on test or off with insanely low test, now high (blasts). I feel exactly the same.

I take it because it’s not healthy to have chronic low levels of T, I wish I took it because it made me feel amazing.
Highly doubt the "feel" here has much to do with your hormones but if you keep adding/subtracting shit in you will enter into the biological equivalent of PIO.

Pilot Induced Oscillations are sustained or uncontrollable oscillations resulting from efforts of the pilot to control the aircraft and occur when the pilot of an aircraft inadvertently commands an often increasing series of corrections in opposite directions; each one is an attempt to control the aircraft's reaction to the previous input with an overcorrection in the opposite direction.

At some point you likely need to step away from pharma interventions for minor things (you aren't dying for example).
Ha ha. Great rhetoric and very good justification.

Experience trumps whatever any fucking man can say, or imply what is.

Doubt I would have any children listening to text book crap like that.

Hormones play an immense part of how we act and FEEL.

And no man can sit there and tell me I don’t recognise, FEEL and understand where my test - estro levels are at, without a test.