A cardiovascular event due to clomiphene and enclomiphene


Estrogen has heart-protective properties. Although clomiphene and enclomiphene don't reduce the estrogen level, they trick the body into thinking estrogen is low, by blocking the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus.

Both drugs are selective (SERMs), but not 100% precisely selective, meaning some estrogen receptors in other body systems will be blocked, too.

On Wikipedia, I saw very concerning information. According to what I saw, which is shown in the screenshot attached to this thread, enclomiphene can cause embolism, thrombosis, and ischemic stroke.

Source: Enclomifene - Wikipedia

Is this information scientifically and statistically verified, or is it just the typical nonsense from a study with an odd group of people who are far more prone to such health issues than average people?

And if it's true, in what condition such issues can be caused, and how do I prevent them? Are these issues dose-specific, meaning a specific dose has to be exceeded in order for them to happen, or can they happen at any dose?


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The shit is just bad. I now see "clinics" on Instagram pushing this shit like some sort of TRT solution.
When my endocrinologists finally acknowledged my natural testosterone was never going to return to even "low normal" levels, one was about to prescribe testosterone. The other one chimes in that no, they are going to have me take 50mg of clomifen for a month. I told them I wasn't going to take it and they asked why. I told them I wasn't interested in the eye damage that comes with it.
This is no shit, they both kind of tilted their heads and sort of made a face that said "Well, there IS that".

I recently started helping a client who had 300 test levels and his physicians put him on gonadarelin and clomifen. His levels are now 1037.
I asked if they mentioned eye or heart damage from clomifen. They did not.
Then I find out he has been on it for THREE MONTHS!!!!!
Reckless, clueless Johnny Come Lately "doctors" to the testosterone/male hormone game.
Same idiots that prescribe a milligram of anastrozole to a guy on 200mg of cyp per week, BEFORE seeing if his estrogens are even going up. AIs right out of the gate. I don't know which is worse, prescribing an AI blindly or taking one based on 'feelz".
, they trick the body into thinking estrogen is low, by blocking the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus.

You've been reading it appears. Keep up the good work.

You've been reading it appears. Keep up the good work.
What do you think of short cycles of enclo (say 25mg EOD for one week) while on a lower dose of test (300mg/week)? Could that be enough enclo to cause some natural LH/FSH release? Considering whether enclo can be used like this during cycles to stimulate Sertoli cells instead of using HMG since HMG is so freaking expensive.
What do you think of short cycles of enclo (say 25mg EOD for one week) while on a lower dose of test (300mg/week)? Could that be enough enclo to cause some natural LH/FSH release? Considering whether enclo can be used like this during cycles to stimulate Sertoli cells instead of using HMG since HMG is so freaking expensive.
