a few Q's about PCT? who's had fucked up experiences with clomid?


New Member
would like to know if there are many of you on this forum who don't do the typical pct.. I'm into my first cycle at the moment, got everything all ready to go. but I'm interested to see who follow different protocols.

NONE of the people i know in real life who juice do pct, they might sometimes use nolva if they get gyno symptoms, but none of them run on cycle AI's, HCG or PCT, which blows my mind. especially considering i know a lot of gear heads.

i was also wondering, is 4 weeks really long enough for a 12 week cycle? i feel like after 12 weeks on test i should be doing a longer pct, more like 6 weeks.. is there a reason its usually only 4??

ive also read a lot from people who say clomid makes them softer than warm lettuce. makes them heaps emotional etc, is this typical?

I get depressed on clomid I can't handle two weeks at high doses I stick with 50mg thru out.. 4 weeks is about enough for me. Only way to really know is getting bloods
I've ran pct without clomid and recovered fine.
The sides affect everyone differently. You're going to be emotional regardless. Your TT levels are going to be bottomed out and E2 is going to be higher than normal. Will clomid make it worse? Maybe, and in most cases yes. You just have to see how your body responds.
Colt said it pretty damn good. I can run clomid and have good composure, just have to remind myself and be mindful its the clomid. Im sure a person could get away with only nolva, but better safe than sorry.

Hcg while on cycle will also make for a much easier and faster transition to recovery.

Sometimes people dont recover after four weeks but I believe they could be predisposed to hypogonadism eventhough its a rare occurance. Along with other factors such as age. But for most, 4 weeks is a suffient amount of time. Just remember, time on equals time off.

Im not sure what you mean by clomid makes people softer? But yes, it can heighten your emotions as you are fucking with your hormones. Bottom line pct is to get your natural hormone production back in line and it can be a bumpy road for some.
Im not sure what you mean by clomid makes people softer? But yes, it can heighten your emotions as you are fucking with your hormones. Bottom line pct is to get your natural hormone production back in line and it can be a bumpy road for some.

haha i mean soft as in emotional..

thanks for that response.. I'm not looking fwd to pct but I'm all set
haha i mean soft as in emotional..

thanks for that response.. I'm not looking fwd to pct but I'm all set

For me the worst part is losing my pumps, strength and drive in the gym. Its like taking my superpower away and making me normal.
For me the worst part is losing my pumps, strength and drive in the gym. Its like taking my superpower away and making me normal.
I know it's not a popular compound around here, but Ostarine will help a little. It will help preserve your pump and give you a little xtra strength.
It will also slow recovery as it's slightly suppresive. But you will recover!

Arachidonic Acid will also help with strength and give you a nice pump.
But it's kinda spendy.
I always see little stars or tracers or whatever you want to call them when I'm taking clomid. I hate it but I've always recovered nicely.
I know it's not a popular compound around here, but Ostarine will help a little. It will help preserve your pump and give you a little xtra strength.
It will also slow recovery as it's slightly suppresive. But you will recover!

Arachidonic Acid will also help with strength and give you a nice pump.
But it's kinda spendy.
have you ran ostarine. I've been on for a year. I'm 42 had low test but might want to break a bit I was thinking anavar bridge but ostarine would be the choice it it still lets uptake recover
have you ran ostarine. I've been on for a year. I'm 42 had low test but might want to break a bit I was thinking anavar bridge but ostarine would be the choice it it still lets uptake recover
Yes I have.
Do plan on coming off and running a full pct or are you just looking to bridge?

Don't get me wrong ostarine will not give you gains, especially when your body is in such a suppressed state.
But it will help preserve what you already have.
I get weird cloudy vision on clomid when running it past two weeks like I'll be in Costco and I ask my gf if it was foggy in there she thought I was high lol. However clomid at 150 or 100 makes me horney as fuck! Which BTW is awesome.
I get weird cloudy vision on clomid when running it past two weeks like I'll be in Costco and I ask my gf if it was foggy in there she thought I was high lol. However clomid at 150 or 100 makes me horney as fuck! Which BTW is awesome.

Is that your typical dosage for clomid? 100-150mg?
Last ptc I did:

20mg nolva and 25mg clomid
And aromasin 12.5mg eod
X4 weeks.

I had zero libido for the whole pct. my woman could walk naked in front of me, spread her legs and start dildoing herself and I would be: get the fuck out of here! I wanna watch a movie... Man it was bad!!

After I stopped it, bang! Back in business :)

The foggy vision was scary... One night I was watching TV alone and I noticed I couldn't read or see almost at all... It was all foggy no matter what... I thought it was me being tired but then it happened again... Scary as fuck :)

First pct I did? Toremifene and aromasin. Had the sex drive of a beast for the whole pct and kept fucking like a champion. Was awesome. But I did have a lot of moody moments something I didn't have on clomid/nolva