a few Q's about PCT? who's had fucked up experiences with clomid?

If you get on hrt how often do they check your test levels? Like if you want to cycle and do hrt you'd need short esters so your doctor wouldn't get suspicious right? Do they give you the bottle of test for self Injection or you have to go into the docs once a week for shots?
I made a thread here about using HMG, and the responses I got were basically, "It's overkill." "No one uses that."

How do you use it? what do your PCT's look like and how do your bloods look at 3 weeks after concluding PCT?
I trying basic PCT like : Clomid with Nolvadex, Hcg with Clomid, Hcg with Arimidex, Hcg with Exemestane and the last Hcg with HMG ( and some Arimidex if the HCG up the oestrogen level.

It's my favorite pct but it's really expensive if you compare clomid & nolva per exemple.

My last cycle of AAS was :

Nandrolone Proprionate 100mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate around 250mg / week
Nandrolone Laurate
Nandrolone Decanoate
Testosterone isocaproate
Testosterone decanoate around 300mg / week
Testosterone propionate
Testosterone phenylpropionate

After this cycle, i used this PCT :

HCG 2500 Uis twice per week
HMG 37,5 Ui's three time per week
In option :
Arimidex 0.25mcg every three day if the oestrogen level are high

Nandrolone made me fall very low HTPA function, in two weeks i found myself as if i were teenager (big desire) and quantity of sperm increased significantly and my levels are back to normal after about 4 weeks 0 to 4.10 LH and 0 to 3.80 FSH.

The only annoying problem i had, it was very oily skin with face buttons (like when you have your puberty) and lot desire.

Clomid gives me a bad vision, I use it when I have no other opportunity.
Clomid also gives me blurry vision and causes me to get headaches when i'm reading. That's why i never front load climid or run it more than three weeks. Clomid 100/50/50 and Nolva 40/30/30/30/20 worked perfectly for me.
I found I had the blurry vision at 50mg but reducing the dose to 25mg day resolved this but was still enough to keep lh and test high