A guy with shoulder impingement.


New Member
Hey there!

Who am I: 27 years old guy from Latvia.

What do I do: Work in IT/finance sector.

Gym Experience: At 15 years of age started to go to gym and fell in love with the sport, at the end of higschool I believe I was at or very near to my natural max potential. In large part I thank the coach who was at the small gym I went to, he was a 60+ years old dude, still in great shape, who was a competitive bodybuilder in Soviet times. At that point I had highest strength. During this period, I made a mistake by joining a rugby team, and choosing to keep the same intensity in the gym. After 6 months, one of my hips was fucked and both of my shoulders were fucked.
After highschool I went to study in the Netherlands and, long story short, life was hard. I was suddenly not going to the gym, extremely low on money, lost 10kg in 6 months while I was already lean before. After 3 years of studies in the Netherlands I would restart going to the gym, however I was inconsistent with it, as work and studies often overtook priority. In 6th year of studies, I was mentally fucked, suicidal, on anti-depressants and 2 years delayed on my studies, so I made the stupid decision of using amphetamine to crank out productivity to finish my studies, whatever the cost. Soon afterwards amphetamine started to screw with my thinking, routines and while I mostly finished my studies, I was full on addict, and gym was rarely used. Due to amphetamine appetite suppression I was looking like an anorexic.
Close to end of my studies, I started to help out my brother with his startup, which grew exponentially. During this time I was hiding my amphetamine use, but I would be utterly unreliable worker. After 2 years of amphetamines, I got clean, and started to work on my mental issues. One thing I always noticed was that every time when I was going to the gym, I was much better off in my mental wellbeing, so I restarted going to the gym. However, as I restarted going to the gym when I was back in Latvia, I was at square one. In part to get back to my previous state, and also influenced by a video by Huberman and Derek from MPMD which mentioned that "Test makes effort feel good" I decided to try out PEDs, as at the time I thought that I would likely off myself in a year or two. Also, I thought that it could help with craving for amphetamine, and reinforce the habit of going to the gym.

PED use history: Right before using anything I did a blood test to get my baseline. At first I started with LGD4033, and jesus fuck, I just fucking EXPLODED. Also I did MK677 for a while and it worked very well for me, as appetite was often a bottleneck for me, already in higschool times. It was obvious to everybody around me, and as I wasn't in any competitive sports, I was brutally honest about my PED use, and honestly nobody minds. Afterwards I overcame my fear of pinning and started to use test at around 300-500 mg/week. For me, the mental well being improved a lot. I got off antidepressants, and didn't feel suicidal anymore, life was actually ok. Later I tried primo for a while, and while it was decent, I noticed that I would get more irritated when on it, so I haven't used it much lately. I also used dbol a bit as a preworkout, but as I had elevated liver markers, I didn't use it much. For me, I find I get better endurance and pumps from LGD4033 rather than dbol.

Current PED use: Currently I use ~400mg test per week, and 7mg oral LGD4033 pre-workout. As I understand there is a concern that using LGD4033 with above TRT levels of test, the LGD out-competes the test in receptor binding aspect.

Current issues: I had serious shoulder pain, would wake up during nights from the pain, and after MRI scan, I have shoulder impingement. This was already before restarting to go to the gym, and I think that I developed it already in highschool (~10 years ago). I have done some physiotherapy and am using some workouts in the gym from physio, and also Im not training shoulders and chest for the 1,5 years since I restarted going to the gym. Whenever I tried training chest or shoulders, the pain would flare up. Currently I am thinking of starting to use anavar, BPC157, TB-500 and GH to try to tackle the shoulder impingement, because it just robs so much fun when you cant bench or train shoulders. As I understand, if I dont resolve the shoulder impingement, I am risking a tear, and I would rather try to fix it when I am relatively young.
Hey! I can totally resonate with what you are saying about how test helped you mentally. I am in my mid 30s and dabbled with test last year after I took my blood test ( test was in lower ref. range) - I noticed significant increase in energy and confidence. I started feeling more happier.

Now, I am thinking to start using test properly. How is the scene here in Latvia? As a newbie I am not sure where to look for it and how.
Hey there!

Who am I: 27 years old guy from Latvia.

What do I do: Work in IT/finance sector.

Gym Experience: At 15 years of age started to go to gym and fell in love with the sport, at the end of higschool I believe I was at or very near to my natural max potential. In large part I thank the coach who was at the small gym I went to, he was a 60+ years old dude, still in great shape, who was a competitive bodybuilder in Soviet times. At that point I had highest strength. During this period, I made a mistake by joining a rugby team, and choosing to keep the same intensity in the gym. After 6 months, one of my hips was fucked and both of my shoulders were fucked.
After highschool I went to study in the Netherlands and, long story short, life was hard. I was suddenly not going to the gym, extremely low on money, lost 10kg in 6 months while I was already lean before. After 3 years of studies in the Netherlands I would restart going to the gym, however I was inconsistent with it, as work and studies often overtook priority. In 6th year of studies, I was mentally fucked, suicidal, on anti-depressants and 2 years delayed on my studies, so I made the stupid decision of using amphetamine to crank out productivity to finish my studies, whatever the cost. Soon afterwards amphetamine started to screw with my thinking, routines and while I mostly finished my studies, I was full on addict, and gym was rarely used. Due to amphetamine appetite suppression I was looking like an anorexic.
Close to end of my studies, I started to help out my brother with his startup, which grew exponentially. During this time I was hiding my amphetamine use, but I would be utterly unreliable worker. After 2 years of amphetamines, I got clean, and started to work on my mental issues. One thing I always noticed was that every time when I was going to the gym, I was much better off in my mental wellbeing, so I restarted going to the gym. However, as I restarted going to the gym when I was back in Latvia, I was at square one. In part to get back to my previous state, and also influenced by a video by Huberman and Derek from MPMD which mentioned that "Test makes effort feel good" I decided to try out PEDs, as at the time I thought that I would likely off myself in a year or two. Also, I thought that it could help with craving for amphetamine, and reinforce the habit of going to the gym.

PED use history: Right before using anything I did a blood test to get my baseline. At first I started with LGD4033, and jesus fuck, I just fucking EXPLODED. Also I did MK677 for a while and it worked very well for me, as appetite was often a bottleneck for me, already in higschool times. It was obvious to everybody around me, and as I wasn't in any competitive sports, I was brutally honest about my PED use, and honestly nobody minds. Afterwards I overcame my fear of pinning and started to use test at around 300-500 mg/week. For me, the mental well being improved a lot. I got off antidepressants, and didn't feel suicidal anymore, life was actually ok. Later I tried primo for a while, and while it was decent, I noticed that I would get more irritated when on it, so I haven't used it much lately. I also used dbol a bit as a preworkout, but as I had elevated liver markers, I didn't use it much. For me, I find I get better endurance and pumps from LGD4033 rather than dbol.

Current PED use: Currently I use ~400mg test per week, and 7mg oral LGD4033 pre-workout. As I understand there is a concern that using LGD4033 with above TRT levels of test, the LGD out-competes the test in receptor binding aspect.

Current issues: I had serious shoulder pain, would wake up during nights from the pain, and after MRI scan, I have shoulder impingement. This was already before restarting to go to the gym, and I think that I developed it already in highschool (~10 years ago). I have done some physiotherapy and am using some workouts in the gym from physio, and also Im not training shoulders and chest for the 1,5 years since I restarted going to the gym. Whenever I tried training chest or shoulders, the pain would flare up. Currently I am thinking of starting to use anavar, BPC157, TB-500 and GH to try to tackle the shoulder impingement, because it just robs so much fun when you cant bench or train shoulders. As I understand, if I dont resolve the shoulder impingement, I am risking a tear, and I would rather try to fix it when I am relatively young.
What was the prognosis from the physio? Did they leave you with some sort of doomed outlook that you can't fix your impingement without surgery? Usually, it's amenable to training; you want to progress the PT exercises, and make wise choices about exercise selection.

Do you have close relatives who have had rotator cuff surgery? There can be a genetic component, involving heritable genetic factors and basically just predisposition due to narrow space between the humeral head and acromion.
Hello sir, you’ve been through a lot, but it’s good to see you bouncing back. Hope you sort out the injury and keep pushing forward. Take it easy!