A Reminder For UK Steroid Users


New Member
I'm not preaching to the choir with this copy/paste post or making any specific point but I want UK guys to stay safe and be aware in this game so I'm posting this just as a reminder.
There's a few crafty ways around the UK steroid import laws that were introduced in 2012 to avoid being prosecuted and charged like a criminal but I'll get to that later (privately) if the convo progresses.

British bodybuilders who order anabolic steroids over the internet will be considered criminals beginning today - April 23, 2012 - under a new amendment to the British steroid law. Fortunately, the possession of anabolic steroids for self-administration remains perfectly legal under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 ("MDA"). However, the new amendment makes the importation of steroids illegal.

The only exception involves cases of "personal custody". For example, athletes attending the London Olympics this summer can legally bring steroids and performance-enhancing drugs with them in their luggage. But everyone else living inside the United Kingdom is prohibited from importing them via mail.

The amended steroid law reflects the recommendations made by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs ("ACMD") last summer. The recommendations reflect a blatant disregard for the health and safety of anabolic steroid users.

The primary beneficiary of the new steroid laws are "underground labs" (UGLs) that illicitly manufacture anabolic steroids within the United Kingdom. In fact, UGLs could not have dreamed of crafting legislation that would have been any more beneficial to them!

The ACMD did a few things that will directly and dramatically increase business for domestic UGLs.

They recommended the removal of references to "medicinal products" in the old steroid law. Courts had previously interpreted this to mean that the possession of non-medicinal UGL steroids was illegal. The new law makes UGL steroids unambiguously legal to possess for personal use.

By banning the importation of steroids, the new law effectively eliminates ALL competition from internet sources or international sources.

The new law essentially directs bodybuilders to obtain their steroids exclusively from domestic sources i.e. underground labs if they wanted to follow the law.

Harm reduction organizations are warning Needle-Syringe Program (NSP) workers to be prepared for an increase in the number of bodybuilders who may suffer adverse consequences from the increased use of UGL steroids.

Nigel Brunsdon, the director of Injecting Advice LTD and a planning committee member at the National Needle Exchange Forum, issued this notice for NSP workers involved in steroid harm reduction:

Part of the conversations with steroid users have always been about their knowledge of the law and the sources of their steroids. Previously these have been two separate topics, but with importation being illegal this now means that for at least the next few months this becomes one discussion.

After that of course we'll start seeing the fallout from the increased underground production, at a guess this will be a rise in bacterial infections, abscesses and issues relating to variable strengths of products produced.

Last year, MESO-Rx wrote about the ramifications of the ACMD's steroid-related recommendations:

What impact will this have on steroid use in the United Kingdom?

The production of anabolic steroids by UGLs within the United Kingdom will likely explode accompanied by a concomitant increase in the use of UGL steroids by British bodybuilders. Bodybuilders will switch from pharmaceutical steroids to lower-quality UGL steroids.

Unfortunately, this seems largely at odds with the efforts at "harm reduction" by the government. The quality control standards of UGLs are generally inferior to those of legitimate pharmaceutical products (that have been legally obtainable over the internet prior to the current pending amendments.)

Brunsdon also discussed the effect of the new steroid law with Martin Chandler, the Inter Agency Drug Misuse Database Manager at Liverpool John Moores University, during the Welsh National Drugs Conference last week. Chandler confirmed the negative consequences for steroid harm reduction.

This will cause a rise in home produced products by illicitly sourced raw testosterone powders, so we'll see a rise in underground products produced in the UK, this is likely to decrease the quality and increase the risk….. and this year in particular there is a crackdown on raw materials as the government have to be seen to be preventing the importation and production of anabolic steroids prior to the Olympics.

The environment for steroid users in the United Kingdom is likely to become increasingly risky as the London Olympics approach. At least Britain has resisted the increasing pressure by the World Anti-Doping Agency to criminalize the personal use of steroids. Nonetheless, the passage of legislation that takes a major step backwards from the goal of steroid harm reduction is reason for significant concern. Bodybuilders looking for steroids in the months ahead should proceed with caution as law enforcement seeks to crackdown (or at least give the appearance of a crackdown) on steroids before the Olympics.
British bodybuilders who order anabolic steroids over the internet will be considered criminals beginning today - April 23, 2012 - under a new amendment to the British steroid law. Fortunately, the possession of anabolic steroids for self-administration remains perfectly legal under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 ("MDA"). However, the new amendment makes the importation of steroids illegal.
Nice article! Here is a link to the original I wrote for MESO-Rx:

Yeah, Thats the original source I got it from and I already stated clearly it was just a "copy/paste" article didn't I bro ;)
Not trying to steal your thunder bro, I said it was a copy/paste lol :)
Good article though. Informative and on point.

New updated info available now though if you want to write a new article about the current state of importing and also domestically posting steroids/prescription meds in UK and the charges and penalties that apply if you are caught doing either ???

Maybe you've also got some insider knowledge about what's started happening recently (post brexit/post covid) with increased domestic package inspections at Royal Mail and the other UK main courier companies as well as what's going on now at the border/customs with increased inspections there too ???

Share your knowledge bro :cool:
Yeah, Thats the original source I got it from and I already stated clearly it was just a "copy/paste" article didn't I bro ;)
Not trying to steal your thunder bro, I said it was a copy/paste lol :)
Good article though. Informative and on point.

New updated info available now though if you want to write a new article about the current state of importing and also domestically posting steroids/prescription meds in UK and the charges and penalties that apply if you are caught doing either ???

Maybe you've also got some insider knowledge about what's started happening recently (post brexit/post covid) with increased domestic package inspections at Royal Mail and the other UK main courier companies as well as what's going on now at the border/customs with increased inspections there too ???

Share your knowledge bro :cool:
Thanks! I don't have any more information about the post-Brexit situation except what everyone else is reading on the forums sources/consumers about more seizures.

x2 request for others to share
Thanks! I don't have any more information about the post-Brexit situation except what everyone else is reading on the forums sources/consumers about more seizures.

x2 request for others to share

In regards to knowledge about UK seizure’s both domestically and cross borders. Your best bet for maximum data knowledge is to drag a UK Source in here, although i know he doesn’t move from his thread.

Any input Millard on making this happen? Might be beneficial for UK users?
Yeah, Thats the original source I got it from and I already stated clearly it was just a "copy/paste" article didn't I bro ;)
Not trying to steal your thunder bro, I said it was a copy/paste lol :)
Good article though. Informative and on point.

New updated info available now though if you want to write a new article about the current state of importing and also domestically posting steroids/prescription meds in UK and the charges and penalties that apply if you are caught doing either ???

Maybe you've also got some insider knowledge about what's started happening recently (post brexit/post covid) with increased domestic package inspections at Royal Mail and the other UK main courier companies as well as what's going on now at the border/customs with increased inspections there too ???

Share your knowledge bro :cool:
Does anyone actually know anyone ( in the UK) who has been prosecuted for importing personal use quantities of AAS since 2012?

That what’s is needed to give perspective to the article

You could FOI the MOJ but that might be red rag to a bull !
Thanks! I don't have any more information about the post-Brexit situation except what everyone else is reading on the forums sources/consumers about more seizures.

x2 request for others to share

I'll share some relevant pieces of info I know atm to try and get the convo started and this info came from 3 very expensive online consulations I recently had with legal experts/lawyers/solicitors.

Firstly, it's not just illegal now to import through customs it's also now illegal to even send/receive gear domestically via mail/courier and the charges/penalties if caught are the same for both. So even though all us UK guys are now in the situation where we've all been forced to only buy from UK UGLs in the last 10 years and UK UGLs have taken over the UK steroid supply market now (and most guys stupidly think they're staying within the law by only buying UGL), there is actually no real point in just limiting yourself to UK UGLs (especially when most of it is just fake/underdosed shite now anyway coz there's no regular testing being done anymore and feedback is controlled by biased forums and hush-hush rumours started behind closed doors) when you could import proven top quality gear from abroad/international with only a slightly higher degree of risk (customs).

Secondly, (edited/waiting to see responses).
I'll share some relevant pieces of info I know atm to try and get the convo started and this info came from 3 very expensive online consulations I recently had with legal experts/lawyers/solicitors.

Firstly, it's not just illegal now to import through customs it's also now illegal to even send/receive gear domestically via mail/courier and the charges/penalties if caught are the same for both. So even though all us UK guys are now in the situation where we've all been forced to only buy from UK UGLs in the last 10 years and UK UGLs have taken over the UK steroid supply market now (and most guys stupidly think they're staying within the law by only buying UGL), there is actually no real point in just limiting yourself to UK UGLs (especially when most of it is just fake/underdosed shite now anyway coz there's no regular testing being done anymore and feedback is controlled by biased forums and hush-hush rumours started behind closed doors) when you could import proven top quality gear from abroad/international with only a slightly higher degree of risk (customs).

Secondly, (edited/waiting to see responses).
Most countries domestic mail is not subject to customs though, is it different for UK? Does customs inspect domestic parcels? That would be a huge load of work..
Most countries domestic mail is not subject to customs though, is it different for UK? Does customs inspect domestic parcels? That would be a huge load of work..

It's all gone a bit fucked up and serious over here lately tbh bro. Too much to explain (brexit). It's not just about steroids and prescription drugs either. It's about almost anything coming into the UK from abroad where duty (tax) isn't being paid.
glad they kept gear legal to posses. Imagine losing your test to the feds mid cycle and having your hormones fucked up. prolly the reason for it.
glad they kept gear legal to posses.

Our Government have played a very clever game over here and driven steroids DEEP underground in UK and made bodybuilding a total "social outcast/criminal" pursuit now in UK.

We've been able to ship gear and meds in legally for years over here (pre 2012) but the new laws strangled the supply chain for good gear and fucked things up for everyone.

Our Government probably thought that by leaving gear as Class C (legal to possess) and only giving everyone the option to buy dodgy stuff made in the kitchens of low life scum and criminals, that that would somehow slow the use of steroids in UK an deter people from getting involved in bbing. It had the opposite effect though. It only revealed the resilience of the bodybuilding community and how far people would go to get steroids and it fuelled the birth and growth of UGLs here.

Thinking forward, I'm 90% sure that steroids and all illegal prescription drugs (i.e not prescribed by a GP) will get re-classified over here sometime in the next 1 to 3 years and they will become illegal to even possess.
Class B re-categorisation is coming. Trust me !
Our Government have played a very clever game over here and driven steroids DEEP underground in UK and made bodybuilding a total "social outcast/criminal" pursuit now in UK.

We've been able to ship gear and meds in legally for years over here (pre 2012) but the new laws strangled the supply chain for good gear and fucked things up for everyone.

Our Government probably thought that by leaving gear as Class C (legal to possess) and only giving everyone the option to buy dodgy stuff made in the kitchens of low life scum and criminals, that that would somehow slow the use of steroids in UK an deter people from getting involved in bbing. It had the opposite effect though. It only revealed the resilience of the bodybuilding community and how far people would go to get steroids and it fuelled the birth and growth of UGLs here.

Thinking forward, I'm 90% sure that steroids and all illegal prescription drugs (i.e not prescribed by a GP) will get re-classified over here sometime in the next 1 to 3 years and they will become illegal to even possess.
Class B re-categorisation is coming. Trust me !
There will be an influx of bodybuilders heading to the NHS for TRT!
And they will all get told to fuck off and be given a box of paracetamol lol
Looking to get on TRT myself, came back at 8.5. if it's below 8 they gotta prescribe it I think I read an article. Might take a few superdrol pills, crash the test and get blood tesed
Looking to get on TRT myself, came back at 8.5. if it's below 8 they gotta prescribe it I think I read an article. Might take a few superdrol pills, crash the test and get blood tesed

If things change to Class B, go private quick bro..
You won't be able to fool your GP into prescribing test/deca/dbol/tren/mast/GH,Var/EQ etc at weekly bbing doses. Not a chance ! lol

250 test every 10-14 days on Doc Prescribed TRT isn't gonna keep you jacked up :)
Do you know what the penalty is for importing roids? Say 50g of raws
I've no idea about what the actual penalty would be coz it would depend on the judge and a lot of other factors but importing raws via mail would probably get you in more serious trouble than meds in vials/amps/pills coz you'd be implicated in manufacturing your own steroids not just using them. (IMO)

What explanation would you give for why you imported raw hormone powder and what you were gonna do with it? 50g isn't a massive amount but you would probably also still need to explain how much finished product you got from 50g to avoid being possibly implicated in "with intent to supply".

Not worth the risk these days IMO bro. Be careful.
To be honest I get the impression every guy and his dog are using steroids these days, if they go to the gym, and in many cases if they don't.
I'm not preaching to the choir with this copy/paste post or making any specific point but I want UK guys to stay safe and be aware in this game so I'm posting this just as a reminder.
There's a few crafty ways around the UK steroid import laws that were introduced in 2012 to avoid being prosecuted and charged like a criminal but I'll get to that later (privately) if the convo progresses.

British bodybuilders who order anabolic steroids over the internet will be considered criminals beginning today - April 23, 2012 - under a new amendment to the British steroid law. Fortunately, the possession of anabolic steroids for self-administration remains perfectly legal under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 ("MDA"). However, the new amendment makes the importation of steroids illegal.

The only exception involves cases of "personal custody". For example, athletes attending the London Olympics this summer can legally bring steroids and performance-enhancing drugs with them in their luggage. But everyone else living inside the United Kingdom is prohibited from importing them via mail.

The amended steroid law reflects the recommendations made by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs ("ACMD") last summer. The recommendations reflect a blatant disregard for the health and safety of anabolic steroid users.

The primary beneficiary of the new steroid laws are "underground labs" (UGLs) that illicitly manufacture anabolic steroids within the United Kingdom. In fact, UGLs could not have dreamed of crafting legislation that would have been any more beneficial to them!

The ACMD did a few things that will directly and dramatically increase business for domestic UGLs.

They recommended the removal of references to "medicinal products" in the old steroid law. Courts had previously interpreted this to mean that the possession of non-medicinal UGL steroids was illegal. The new law makes UGL steroids unambiguously legal to possess for personal use.

By banning the importation of steroids, the new law effectively eliminates ALL competition from internet sources or international sources.

The new law essentially directs bodybuilders to obtain their steroids exclusively from domestic sources i.e. underground labs if they wanted to follow the law.

Harm reduction organizations are warning Needle-Syringe Program (NSP) workers to be prepared for an increase in the number of bodybuilders who may suffer adverse consequences from the increased use of UGL steroids.

Nigel Brunsdon, the director of Injecting Advice LTD and a planning committee member at the National Needle Exchange Forum, issued this notice for NSP workers involved in steroid harm reduction:

Part of the conversations with steroid users have always been about their knowledge of the law and the sources of their steroids. Previously these have been two separate topics, but with importation being illegal this now means that for at least the next few months this becomes one discussion.

After that of course we'll start seeing the fallout from the increased underground production, at a guess this will be a rise in bacterial infections, abscesses and issues relating to variable strengths of products produced.

Last year, MESO-Rx wrote about the ramifications of the ACMD's steroid-related recommendations:

What impact will this have on steroid use in the United Kingdom?

The production of anabolic steroids by UGLs within the United Kingdom will likely explode accompanied by a concomitant increase in the use of UGL steroids by British bodybuilders. Bodybuilders will switch from pharmaceutical steroids to lower-quality UGL steroids.

Unfortunately, this seems largely at odds with the efforts at "harm reduction" by the government. The quality control standards of UGLs are generally inferior to those of legitimate pharmaceutical products (that have been legally obtainable over the internet prior to the current pending amendments.)

Brunsdon also discussed the effect of the new steroid law with Martin Chandler, the Inter Agency Drug Misuse Database Manager at Liverpool John Moores University, during the Welsh National Drugs Conference last week. Chandler confirmed the negative consequences for steroid harm reduction.

This will cause a rise in home produced products by illicitly sourced raw testosterone powders, so we'll see a rise in underground products produced in the UK, this is likely to decrease the quality and increase the risk….. and this year in particular there is a crackdown on raw materials as the government have to be seen to be preventing the importation and production of anabolic steroids prior to the Olympics.

The environment for steroid users in the United Kingdom is likely to become increasingly risky as the London Olympics approach. At least Britain has resisted the increasing pressure by the World Anti-Doping Agency to criminalize the personal use of steroids. Nonetheless, the passage of legislation that takes a major step backwards from the goal of steroid harm reduction is reason for significant concern. Bodybuilders looking for steroids in the months ahead should proceed with caution as law enforcement seeks to crackdown (or at least give the appearance of a crackdown) on steroids before the Olympics.
Thanks btw for this quality post. Should be stickied. I'm gonna be importing Qingdao Sigma Chemical's Raws in a couple months.