A Short Bio


New Member
I want to lay out my background quickly just in case it helps people see where I am coming from. I've lurked Reddit and other places for years but turning 40 this summer gave me the impetus to turn in my natty card.

2003: at 20 years old I became a Marine at 6'2 ~175lbs (barely 3 pull-ups)
2008: at 25 I left active duty with a determined mentality (being last every to finish every run in my SOF unit instills obligation to change)
2013: TT was measured at 403
2018: after nearly a decade of heavy lifting (up to 475x1 dead, 295x1 bench, 375x1 squat) I peaked naturally. I achieved it by training 2 hours 3-4 times a week, minimizing alcohol, and using extreme intermittent fasting/feeding daily cycles. The only exogenous substances I got into were creatine and sarms.


2019: work changed and got in the way of being able to sleep/eat/train with such discipline. I also found that energy levels are gone
Tried TRT for 6 months, 2x per week: 170mg Test Cyp pinned, 500iu HCG, and .25mg
TT ranged from 600-800 but I felt nothing, libido and energy were both still stagnant

2021: moved and new doc put me on 2x per week: 25mg Clomid, .5mg Anastrazole
2021-2023: TT measures in the range of 900-1200 consistently but I still don't feel a change in libido or energy
I'm quite a bit softer now, but though I've retained the muscle, I can't make any progress in terms of growth (OR cutting without feeling completely drained and weak).

Bloods (2023-05-03):
Estradiol 50.8 pg/mL
LH 16.2 mIU/mL
Test Total 1270 ng/dL
SHBG 61.3 nmol/L
Free Test 217.6 pg/mL
% Free Test 1.7%
Prolactin 8.4 ng/mL
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I'm considering this for a first cycle:
450mg Test E (150 EOD)
500iu HCG EOD
2-4iu HGH

Check bloods in a month. I have Anastrazole, Nolva, and Arimidex handy