AAS effect on total testosterone


New Member
Hey, guys. I’m running a base of 180 mg/week of test cypionate. My TRT clinic gets labs done every month. (Yes I know this is too frequent. Please don’t comment I should change clinics.) The clinic usually only checks total testosterone and not free test or SHBG. With such frequent lab drawing, it makes it difficult to blast a longer ester of testosterone. I know that HCG will increase my TT and I have heard that nandrolone can be detected as TT in an ECLIA lab. My question is will other AAS such as EQ (testosterone based), Mast (DHT based), or Tren (19 nor based) etc… cause my total testosterone to be raised while on cycle? Or is it only testosterone, HCG and nandrolone?
Hey, guys. I’m running a base of 180 mg/week of test cypionate. My TRT clinic gets labs done every month. (Yes I know this is too frequent. Please don’t comment I should change clinics.) The clinic usually only checks total testosterone and not free test or SHBG. With such frequent lab drawing, it makes it difficult to blast a longer ester of testosterone. I know that HCG will increase my TT and I have heard that nandrolone can be detected as TT in an ECLIA lab. My question is will other AAS such as EQ (testosterone based), Mast (DHT based), or Tren (19 nor based) etc… cause my total testosterone to be raised while on cycle? Or is it only testosterone, HCG and nandrolone?
Anything based on test like dbol will, anything based on dht won't, primo, mast, var etc.
19nors like tren and deca will mess with e2 and test levels.
Hey, guys. I’m running a base of 180 mg/week of test cypionate. My TRT clinic gets labs done every month. (Yes I know this is too frequent. Please don’t comment I should change clinics.) The clinic usually only checks total testosterone and not free test or SHBG. With such frequent lab drawing, it makes it difficult to blast a longer ester of testosterone. I know that HCG will increase my TT and I have heard that nandrolone can be detected as TT in an ECLIA lab. My question is will other AAS such as EQ (testosterone based), Mast (DHT based), or Tren (19 nor based) etc… cause my total testosterone to be raised while on cycle? Or is it only testosterone, HCG and nandrolone?
Change clinics, you already know the answer.