Like Jay said, i should be more considerate to people who get scammed, but let it be a warning to all the noobs that jump on a source that pops up here with bogo sales, if there is any whiff of trouble, stay away. it took me a very long time to order from a source that came to this board. i took advantage of all the info all the guys around here post, but it took alot of reading and research. and the guys here do so much work, and invest so much of their time to provide it. I'm extremely thankful
So it is that Big Lou did NOT hack any accounts and my apologies to him, and that he was right about AAVANG/Xeno. Smart move on his part to kick Xeno to the curb and he and Pat V (the admin of SF) should do more about other shady sources that set up shop on SF. That would be a PR coup for sure!
So it is that Big Lou did NOT hack any accounts and my apologies to him, and that he was right about AAVANG/Xeno. Smart move on his part to kick Xeno to the curb and he and Pat V (the admin of SF) should do more about other shady sources that set up shop on SF. That would be a PR coup for sure!
Mindless, how are you certain that big lou didnt hack his email? If not him..do you think someone did? How do we explain the numerous emails sent to customers/meso members that were from sf?
Mindless, how are you certain that big lou didnt hack his email? If not him..do you think someone did? How do we explain the numerous emails sent to customers/meso members that were from sf?
If he did then it was to get info to build his case on Xeno. I am also sure he got a lot of grudges against Xeno as well.
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Member name was "0o0o0o" from sf that was sending the referrals. Could of been a fake name or old name just used to do it with.
I'm going to post in this thread also brothers.
Apologies for not listening to you guys.

Still waiting on an order I was supposed to receive ten days ago. Aavang keeps telling me "its not there? I'l resend it again you will receive it in three days" Lets call it what it is! Sorry Meso brothers I should have listened to you. He made good with the first order and so i tried him again and apparently he is fucking me and playing like he's not. Sad thing is the gear he did send from the first order( dbol and test cyp) hasn't done shit for me so its probably bunk
So far I've pinned Aavangs Test-C 3 times since I finished up my other stock in which case I'm going on my 8th week cycle and so far so good. After opening the package a couple weeks ago I did have to reheat all 4 vials as they had fell out of suspension and all was good. I even contacted Aavang on said issue and he said he would reship after confirming with some pictures. Like I said though, I reheated and problem solved. Just figured is share.
So far I've pinned Aavangs Test-C 3 times since I finished up my other stock in which case I'm going on my 8th week cycle and so far so good. After opening the package a couple weeks ago I did have to reheat all 4 vials as they had fell out of suspension and all was good. I even contacted Aavang on said issue and he said he would reship after confirming with some pictures. Like I said though, I reheated and problem solved. Just figured is share.
don't care
Well guess what rpbb, fuck you too ya stupid dick head. I'm entitled to my opinions just like you. You don't like it, then leave.
Well guess what rpbb, fuck you too ya stupid dick head. I'm entitled to my opinions just like you. You don't like it, then leave.

Youre in a thread giving a review and props to a sorry ugl that ran off with a bunch of peoples money and has disappeared since then.

You realize how retarded you sound?

If you were smart you wouldve been glad you actually got some gear unlike the other people who's money he took, but youre in here hyping him up? Why? So other people will buy?

