Ab cramps


Curious for input from you guys.

For a few years now my abs have been more difficult to train compared to the rest of my body due to cramping. I remember the first time it happened after doing a minute long plank at the end of an ab workout. I was stuck in the fetal position with what felt like contractions for a couple minutes, my abs were so contracted I couldn't get on my feet.

I work out abs almost every workout, which basically amounts to 3 sets per workout. I usually go until I start to feel them get tight and then I stop to give them a rest. Usually after the 3rd set I can't get much more out before the cramps become inevitable. Yesterday I was able to get in a set of 10 hanging toe to bars, then a 30 second hanging L sit hold before my abs contracted heavily again.

Now I'm sure we've all been here and we all know these cramps aren't debilitating, they're more of an annoyance because unless I want to go through simulated child birth every workout, it means I have to dial back my core training. Anyone have any tips or input on how to be able to train without this happening? It's only my abs. I take taurine daily and I drink 6-8 liters of water a day. It happens whether I'm on cycle or not. Right now I'm on 100mg test E and 100mg primo cruise doses. I used to have a very defined and strong mid section, now I feel like it's my most lacking area.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Happens to me sometimes. i just try to warm up and stick to ab crunch machine or rope crunches these two exercises make my ab cramps less frequent

For some reason decline sit ups make me cramp more often.