Abysmal results for combined MK-0677 (Ibutamoren) & LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) [case study]


Well-known Member
Just a summary (unedited from my notes) for your reflection on just how poor this combination of a secretagogue (the Ghrelin mimetic MK-0677; Ibutamoren) and SARM (Ligandrol; LGD-4033) was. This is based on the data from Cardaci, T. D., Machek, S. B., W ilburn, D. T., Heileson, J. L., Harris, D. R., Cintineo, H. P., & Willoughby, D. S. (2022). LGD-4033 and MK-677 use impacts body composition, circulating biomarkers, and skeletal muscle androgenic hormone and receptor content: a case report. Experimental Physiology, 00, 00– 00. https://doi.org/10.1113/EP090741:

A case report of combined LGD‐4033 and MK‐677 use on body composition...muscle androgenic hormone and receptor content (abysmal results):

25.3 y male, 178 cm, training age 8.8 y
10 mg/d LGD-4033 & 15 mg/d MK-0677 x 5 w
blood-work drawn pre-, on- (@ 5 w), & post- (+4 w) cycle
on-cycle excision of skeletal muscle tissue & strength testing (1RM leg press & 1RM bench press), cross-sectional (vs. recreationally resistance trained men)
body comp. metrics & biospecimens collection taken upon waking, 48 h post-training & rested, fasted, euhydrated state

- body comp.: pre- to on- cycle - body mass +6.0%, LBM +3.1%, trunk LBM +6.6%, appendicular LBM +4.3%, total fat mass (FM) +15.4%, trunk FM +2.8%, appendicular FM +14.8%
- serum lipids: chol. +14.8%, trig. +39.2%, LDL-chol. +40.0%, HDL-chol -36.4%
- liver: AST +95.8%, ALT +205%
- androgen-associated: free T (fT) -85.7%, total T (TT) -62.3%, SHBG -79.6%
- "...all variables returned to pre- cycle values post-cycle, apart from total FM, appendicular FM, bone area, total chol. & LDL-chol."
- gonadotropins: FSH sub-clinical (low) both on- (1.2 IU/L) & post- (1.3 IU/L) cycle [not assessed pre-]
- in case subject vs. non-users: intramuscular (i.m.) AR -44.6%, T +47.8%, HT +34.4%, 1RM leg press +39.2%, 1RM bench press +32.0%
"...A decrease from on- to post- cycle was observed in BM (-5.7%), total LBM (-2.8%), trunk LBM (-6.7%), appendicular LBM (-2.9%) & total body water (-2.1%), while trunk FM increased further (+1.9%) & total FM (-6.7%) & appendicular FM (-1.0%) decreased, albeit not to pre- cycle levels. The bone mineral content (-3.6%), bone area (-1.1%) & BMD (-2.1%) decreased from pre- to on-cycle. From on- to post- cycle, BM content (+3.02%) & BMD (+2.9%) returned to near pre-cycle values, whereas bone area (+0.1%) did not. Visceral adipose tissue (AT) area increased from pre- to on- cycle (+4.0%) & increased further from on- to post- cycle (+13.6%)."
TT decreased on-cycle from 639 to 241 ng/dL, back to 659 post-cycle & fT decreased on-cycle from 48 to 85.7 pg/mL, back to 148.1 post-cycle.

Versus recreationally trained population, SARM use saw ↓AR content, i.m. DHT & i.m. T, but strength (leg press & bench press 1RM) was > average for recreationally resistance trained population; co-administration of LGD-4033 & MK-0677 ↑body mass, LBM & FM, while negatively impacting bone, lipids, liver enzymes, T (T & f) & LH.
So it is a case report (1 subject)?
Were the products pharma grade?
Correct, it is a study in a single subject with a cross-sectional design (compared versus recreationally trained, natural trainees). What is "pharma grade" Ligandrol & Ibutamoren? They are research chemicals that never made it to market as pharmaceutical preparations.
Correct, it is a study in a single subject with a cross-sectional design (compared versus recreationally trained, natural trainees). What is "pharma grade" Ligandrol & Ibutamoren? They are research chemicals that never made it to market as pharmaceutical preparations.
Yeah fair. Just some authentication on the lab. Who knows what he was swallowing.
If he was 180lbs he would of been 191lbs but mostly fat and water. Still he gained 5.5lbs LBM in 5 weeks. Most likely with a crashed E2.
I really wonder how interesting would be to pair test at 400+mgs doses and ibutamoren at something around 10mg for 5 months.
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Its crazy. I have a buddy who takes mk677 as a natty. he thinks it gives him phenomenal gains but I dont know if he can differentiate fat from muscle...
thats on cycle right?

his end results looked like shit and it was a waste of time.

Yeah he lost the majority of his gains. Happens more then most like to admit on here. When you come off to no TRT or PCT drugs it’s goes fast because your running sub baseline t levels.

I would like to see 10mg LGD-4033 vs 10mg Dbol I bet the LGD does better.
Its crazy. I have a buddy who takes mk677 as a natty. he thinks it gives him phenomenal gains but I dont know if he can differentiate fat from muscle...
You know how it’s goes on that shit. I once went to subway got a footlong and a bag of chips. Ate it and was like WTF cause I was still super hungry. So I drove down the road again and bought another footlong with a bag of chips and ate it all lol
Yeah he lost the majority of his gains. Happens more then most like to admit on here. When you come off to no TRT or PCT drugs it’s goes fast because your running sub baseline t levels.

I would like to see 10mg LGD-4033 vs 10mg Dbol I bet the LGD does better.
or just the water retention in the muscle just came off.

DEXA scans do not differentiate water vs LBM too.

trust me. That means I lost 10 lbs of "gains" after every cycle lol
or just the water retention in the muscle just came off.

DEXA scans do not differentiate water vs LBM too.

trust me. That means I lost 10 lbs of "gains" after every cycle lol
Exactly right. LBM is just non-fat-mass (FFM), including bone, muscle, water, etc.

I went back and added some missing data (that involved taking a bit of a closer look at some of the Figures). From this, you can see the changes to LBM are virtually entirely explained by changes (increases) to TBW (total body water), that largely explains the rapid loss post-cycle. I would also remark that this kid starts out quite fat, gets really fat on the Ibutamoren & Ligandrol, and basically goes back to just being quite fat after coming off:

Anthropometrics, etc.: 25.3 y male, 97 kg (base-line), 178 cm, training age 8.8 y: At base-line, 71 kg LBM (∴ 26 kg FM [26.8% b.f.]) [22.4 FFMI (kg/m²)]

body comp.: pre- to on- cycle - body mass +6.0%, LBM +3.1%, trunk LBM +6.6%, appendicular LBM +4.3%, total FM +15.4% (reaching 30.9% b.f.), trunk FM +2.8%, appendicular FM +14.8%, & TBW (+2.5%)
To reiterate,
"...A decrease from on- to post- cycle was observed in BM (-5.7%), total LBM (-2.8%), trunk LBM (-6.7%), appendicular LBM (-2.9%) & TBW (-2.1%), while trunk FM increased further (+1.9%) & total FM (-6.7%) & appendicular FM (-1.0%) decreased, albeit not to pre- cycle levels. The bone mineral content (-3.6%), bone area (-1.1%) & BMD (-2.1%) decreased from pre- to on-cycle. From on- to post- cycle, BM content (+3.02%) & BMD (+2.9%) returned to near pre-cycle values, whereas bone area (+0.1%) did not. Visceral AT area increased from pre- to on- cycle (+4.0%) & increased further from on- to post- cycle (+13.6%)."
Its crazy. I have a buddy who takes mk677 as a natty. he thinks it gives him phenomenal gains but I dont know if he can differentiate fat from muscle...
“natty” how? Just not taking testosterone based steroids? MK677 is not a natural compound.
did I read that right he increased his bench press by 32%?in 5 weeks? with 8 years of prior training... wth
I'm not very research paper literate but the problems I see with this study are:

- Only 1 subject so data is very weak
- 5 weeks is a very short amount of time
- Doses are low

I don't see any take away besides that LGD is suppressive which we already knew.