Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it.
First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful.
My main goal is to lose a little fat while gaining some muscle, suppressing my testosterone as little as possible.

-50-100 mg oxandrolone each day (I will start with a dose of 50 but it depends on how my body reacts I will increase the dose to 75 or 100 mg)
-20 mg winstrol each day
-25 mg mk-677 each day
-10 mg lgd 4033 each day (only the first 2-3 weeks)
-10-20 mg tamoxifen each day (According to what I have read they recommend taking tamoxifen a few weeks during the cycle to prevent testosterone suppression, so I will surely take 10 to 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for one or two weeks in the middle of the cycle)

-PCT: just 20-40 mg of tamoxifen daily for 3-4 weeks
You learn to love the needle bro, just do it, waaaay safer then this.