What did you inject today?

25mg test E
25mg tren E
25mg Ment E
25mg Eq
25mg deca

switched things up a bit. lowered doses. i like using multiple compounds at once, i find it works better than one singular compound at the same dosage.

total mg load for the week is 875mg

i load up all the gear i use for the week into a steril vial and than draw it using slin pins.
Stop trolling, go find another hobby.
the problem is not a dose but your genetic ; you can inject 10 vials a day but you get a zero muscle

But he said he was 285 lean (30 was water, he knew exactly the amount).
View attachment 320319
150MG tren ace
200MG tren E
40MG inj superdrol (split am and Pre WO)
250MG sust
60IU lantus
2X 15IU novorapid
1X 10IU novorapid
400-800MCG IGF-DES intra workout
10MG cialis
Had a little time cruising on a lower dosage, lower food, less training, now turning things back to 100%, time to get swole

That's some big boy dosages. How come you use 2 different tren esters and not stick to one? That 150 ace doesn't give you any sides?
But he said he was 285 lean (30 was water, he knew exactly the amount).

That's some big boy dosages. How come you use 2 different tren esters and not stick to one? That 150 ace doesn't give you any sides?
Haha in all honesty mate i wrote the cycle when I only had Ace100/ml on hand, so used E ester to cut down on jab frequency as I jab ace every day. But I brewed the 150MG/ML last week so may tweak it a little but i have like 20 bottles of enth to get through anyway

Touch wood I usually tolerate tren pretty well, no sides from the 150 specifically, apart from heartburn but luckily enough omeprazole kills that for me
105mg Test E
90mg Mast E
45mg EQ
25mg Tren A
200iu HCG

2mg Mots C
10mg Methylene Blue
1mg BPC
250mcg MT2
40mg Telmi
10mg Tadalafil

1mg BPC
6iu HGH
.5mg Reta
400mcg Selank
Last edited:
200mg test
50mg EQ
20mg npp
50mg tren

I do daily injects

Also ~8iu hgh

100mg Test E
120mg Masteron E
60mg EQ

6iu HGH pre bed
60mcg Clen upon waking
20mg winstrol
20mg anavar

carbs getting cutted

105mg Test E
90mg Mast E
45mg EQ
25mg Tren A
200iu HCG

2mg Mots C
10mg Methylene Blue
1mg BPC
250mcg MT2
40mg Telmi
10mg Tadalafil

1mg BPC
6iu HGH
.5mg Reta
400mcg Selank
125mg test c
100mg mast e
150mg eq
12iu GH
10mg mots-c
1000iu HCG
75iu HMG
10mg methylene blue
80mg telmisartan
2mg salbutamol

Wow, looks like EQ is making a comeback. Boldenone is back, boys!
So it turns out I am in great health.. Heart cath revealed no blockages, CT scan of lungs was good, pulled a full workup on Tuesday hopefully a1-c is at a good range. About to start lifting again next week.. gonna drop some of these peps and ramping back up on the gh/tb/bpc starting the hgh at 4iu a day and gonna titrate up to 8iu a day within 10 days. Start cycle soon (2-4) weeks . Nothing crazy
Test/tren/Eq/anadrol or dbol to start. I will keep deca in there at 150 a week.
went down from 100->70mg everyday tren ace to now for the past month just 30mg ed

plus took a week off from gym

Unfortunately undid months of dieting and gained 10lbs eating a ton of carbs the past two weeks, feel bloated stomach is distended and lost 6 pack and can grab a handful of fat,

But I like the mental clarity of 30mg of tren since we are perma blasting it a year in already and 50mg just makes dreams weird so we’ll keep at it but absolutely FUCK CARBS
went down from 100->70mg everyday tren ace to now for past month 30mg ed plus took a week off from gym

Unfortunately undid months of dieting and gained 10lbs eating a ton of carbs the past two weeks, bloated and lost 6 pack and can grab a handful of fat, I like the mental clarity of 30mg of tren since we are perma blasting it a year in now so we’ll keep at it but FUCK CARBS

How does Tren affect your sleep?
How does Tren affect your sleep?
Wellllllll its really the dose so let’s pretend 8 hours a day every 10mg take off a hour

10mg ed I sleep 7 hour
20mg ed I sleep 6 hour
30mg ed I sleep 5 hour
40mg ed I sleep 4 hours
50mg ed I sleep 3 hours
60mg ed I sleep 2 hours
70mg I sleep 1 hour
80mg I sleep 0
100mg I’m negative 2 hours of sleep and can’t recall what happened 5 mins ago etc etc

150mg I’m like 2 days of no sleep everyday
Wellllllll its really the dose so let’s pretend 8 hours a day every 10mg take off a hour

10mg ed I sleep 7 hour
20mg ed I sleep 6 hour
30mg ed I sleep 5 hour
40mg ed I sleep 4 hours
50mg ed I sleep 3 hours
60mg ed I sleep 2 hours
70mg I sleep 1 hour
80mg I sleep 0
100mg I’m negative 2 hours of sleep and can’t recall what happened 5 mins ago etc etc

150mg I’m like 2 days of no sleep everyday

Jesus christ. I value sleep so much and i would drop the tren in a second hearing that story of yours. Question now is, how do you even sleep then?