Accutane without doctor supervision


After 3 different doctors and 3 failed attempts on getting prescribed accutane Ive decided to run it myself UG. I will be doing 3 months 20mg. Using Cetaphil lotion for dry skin and aquaphor for any dry lips. I will be running this after I finish my current cycle but will be on trt dose. I will be running blood work before and after treatment. Any advice from anyone who has had experience with this I would appreciate any help on anything to look for or anything I’m not thinking about.
I been doing it for like the past month and a half 20 mg a day, keep the lotion for dry skin handy cause it will happen and also keep some chapstick for dry lips. Don’t be out in the sun too long. I work outside for a living and we all got real fucked up lately but I had it the worse I mean skin scabbed up and caught a real bad sun burn.
I been doing it for like the past month and a half 20 mg a day, keep the lotion for dry skin handy cause it will happen and also keep some chapstick for dry lips. Don’t be out in the sun too long. I work outside for a living and we all got real fucked up lately but I had it the worse I mean skin scabbed up and caught a real bad sun burn.
How long are you running it for? Have you gotten any sides? Are you noticing any benefits?
You're running UGL accutane? You can get legit pharma accutane from India for very cheap. Also, you can start at 10mg per day. You may get the same results while mitigating side effects.
There's a reason docs don't like prescribing that! Shit has messed up a lot of people. Is your problem REALLY that bad? I definitely wouldn't run UGL when it comes to that.

Intentional skin care and Panoxyl can do a very good job for most people when used right.
You're running UGL accutane? You can get legit pharma accutane from India for very cheap. Also, you can start at 10mg per day. You may get the same results while mitigating side effects.
I was thinking of getting pharma grade. Yeah I will give that some thought. Just thought I would do a split dose of 10 am 10 pm.
There's a reason docs don't like prescribing that! Shit has messed up a lot of people. Is your problem REALLY that bad? I definitely wouldn't run UGL when it comes to that.

Intentional skin care and Panoxyl can do a very good job for most people when used right.
I have had cystic acne since I was a kid. My dad had the same issues. Due to that my upper back is pretty scarred up and now I’m getting more on my chest and lower back. I am seeing a person that is helping me with skin care and removing the scars but there’s still active cyst that it makes no sense for me to do all that if I’m still getting more later. Plus these fuckers are getting painful.
If you're doing blood work then you're all set. Especially at 20mg I wouldn't worry too much about it.

If you had a depression in the past I would keep an eye on that aswell as it can resurface with accutane (low chance but just so you know).
Don't bother splitting the dose. It's not necessary. Also, FWIW, accutane cured my teenage acne. The stuff works.
I split the dose 10/10 and found a huge difference personally with dry eyes and chapped lips. The Am/Pm split mainly eliminated those sides for me.
I split the dose 10/10 and found a huge difference personally with dry eyes and chapped lips. The Am/Pm split mainly eliminated those sides for me.
I did the same . Split the dose after first month to try and ease the dry lips that was the worse side effect for me. I now just use less gear/less compounds. I hate chasing side effects and just taking meds on top of meds for side effect management.
Accutane worked very well for me.
My research had ne believe that the total amount of milligrams over x period of time is what was important. Not to exceed a total amount of milligram over a certain period of time. Once you start going over that certain number is when it could turn toxic.. I could be messing this up rn. When prescribed the dose is 40-80mg daily and there's usually pre, during, and post vloods done. At 10-20mg a day "internet" says its fairly light on liver and gives good results.
I did the same . Split the dose after first month to try and ease the dry lips that was the worse side effect for me. I now just use less gear/less compounds. I hate chasing side effects and just taking meds on top of meds for side effect management.
Accutane worked very well for me.
My research had ne believe that the total amount of milligrams over x period of time is what was important. Not to exceed a total amount of milligram over a certain period of time. Once you start going over that certain number is when it could turn toxic.. I could be messing this up rn. When prescribed the dose is 40-80mg daily and there's usually pre, during, and post vloods done. At 10-20mg a day "internet" says its fairly light on liver and gives good results.
What was the total Mg over time that you found was toxic? I’m sure it’s highly individual, just curious.
my insurance covered it. I pay around $4 for my script each month.

Been doing 2 20mg capsules before bed for 5 far. All my bloodwork comes back fine each time. I think I still have another 6-7 more months to go according to my doc.

He must benefit from my insurance cause he’s always asking. You want me to call you in some 30mg too? So you can save for extra? Each time he ask I say the same thing “nah I’m good. Thanks though” lol.

If it was a more exciting drug to take, I can’t lie to you all. I may have said yes give me extra.
If you're doing blood work then you're all set. Especially at 20mg I wouldn't worry too much about it.

If you had a depression in the past I would keep an eye on that aswell as it can resurface with accutane (low chance but just so you know).
Yeah I don’t think Ill be go higher but based on what Ive read .5-1mg per kilogram would put me at 40-80mg which I don’t really want to risk anything until I see how my body handles the 20 and see how my kidney and liver values come back.
Don't bother splitting the dose. It's not necessary. Also, FWIW, accutane cured my teenage acne. The stuff works.
Thats great to hear! Did you see more benefits with not splitting it up? Ive read that splitting it up between first and last meal will help with sides.
I split the dose 10/10 and found a huge difference personally with dry eyes and chapped lips. The Am/Pm split mainly eliminated those sides for me.
Thanks for the input!
The reason accutane gets the bad rap it does is because when you have it prescribed by a doctor the regimen is going to be very heavy handed. That's because they do tests every month, doctors visits, and the treatment ends up being very expensive so they want to nuke it and hope you can manage side effects during that short time.

When you take it on your own you don't have to worry about that, you can take as little as you want over a long period of time. I've never had any side effects besides dryness and i've been on it over a year now (hopefully will stop soon)
Is there a lab test for the UGL accutane you’ve acquired? I’ve seen 2 labs from UGLs and both were severely underdosed. Also speaking to a few sources the raws degrade very quickly which is why most sources don’t carry it, and also why all accutane comes in the gel caps to protect it. I’d agree with the other member and just source it from India, it’ll probably end up being cheaper and safer.
They have remote prescriptions now with a doctor that kind of rubber stamps (as long as you pass the blood tests) orders. I use clearhealth (there are probably others) - I don't have insurance right now because had to quit job to focus on rehab after back surgery. I have them look up coupons at my grocery and get a full month at 80mg per day for 130$. I also order UGL and that works fine too - 10mg pills and took 2x a day. I'm trying to do the 6 month thing and get rid of it for a few years. If that doesn't work I'll just stick to ugl low dose.
Is there a lab test for the UGL accutane you’ve acquired? I’ve seen 2 labs from UGLs and both were severely underdosed. Also speaking to a few sources the raws degrade very quickly which is why most sources don’t carry it, and also why all accutane comes in the gel caps to protect it. I’d agree with the other member and just source it from India, it’ll probably end up being cheaper and safer.
I haven’t found a lot of sources that even cary it but yeah the couple I saw didn’t have the best test results. I will probably stick with some India pharm.
They have remote prescriptions now with a doctor that kind of rubber stamps (as long as you pass the blood tests) orders. I use clearhealth (there are probably others) - I don't have insurance right now because had to quit job to focus on rehab after back surgery. I have them look up coupons at my grocery and get a full month at 80mg per day for 130$. I also order UGL and that works fine too - 10mg pills and took 2x a day. I'm trying to do the 6 month thing and get rid of it for a few years. If that doesn't work I'll just stick to ugl low dose.
Thanks that’s helpful. I have seen some ads of telemedicine companies that prescribe stuff like this but it always end up being so much more expensive.
The reason accutane gets the bad rap it does is because when you have it prescribed by a doctor the regimen is going to be very heavy handed. That's because they do tests every month, doctors visits, and the treatment ends up being very expensive so they want to nuke it and hope you can manage side effects during that short time.

When you take it on your own you don't have to worry about that, you can take as little as you want over a long period of time. I've never had any side effects besides dryness and i've been on it over a year now (hopefully will stop soon)
Have you had any blood markers come back negatively? Have you been on anything else besides accutane that whole year?