Accutane without doctor supervision

I used 10mg a day of accutane for about 3 months. It worked wonders. There are studies showing the medically approved dosages are way too high. Doctors will put people on a mg/kg of body weight which is fucking crazy. I tried just 40mg and felt like my skull was going to explode. 10mg was enough to get my mouth dry but everything else was solid.

I got mine from azteca gold on SST
There's a reason docs don't like prescribing that! Shit has messed up a lot of people. Is your problem REALLY that bad? I definitely wouldn't run UGL when it comes to that.

Intentional skin care and Panoxyl can do a very good job for most people when used right.
I was about to write this too, the pills literally have a pregnant lady crossed out on it, OP you sure you need it n stuff like salicylic acid etc… doesn’t work? Cos that accutane shit is nasty af n has messed up a good amt of people in all sorta ways, but hey idk maybe you have huge welts n shit n that might be necessary (although fr if you can avoid it imo you should since it’s a fked up compound)
I used 10mg a day of accutane for about 3 months. It worked wonders. There are studies showing the medically approved dosages are way too high. Doctors will put people on a mg/kg of body weight which is fucking crazy. I tried just 40mg and felt like my skull was going to explode. 10mg was enough to get my mouth dry but everything else was solid.

I got mine from azteca gold on SST
Thanks man appreciate it!
I was about to write this too, the pills literally have a pregnant lady crossed out on it, OP you sure you need it n stuff like salicylic acid etc… doesn’t work? Cos that accutane shit is nasty af n has messed up a good amt of people in all sorta ways, but hey idk maybe you have huge welts n shit n that might be necessary (although fr if you can avoid it imo you should since it’s a fked up compound)
Doctor has prescribed me pretty much every topical drug that could help but nothing helps with the cystic acne. And they won’t prescribe accutane because of my high test level they say it’s all because of that which is true but Ive just had it since my teens its just now its flaring up. They just want to put me in testosterone suppressant and they have pointed to everything that happens to me to steroid use and give me sermons on how I will die.. lol
There comes a point that topicals don’t work. You are the only one who knows if you have an actual problem or you’re just being dirty.

Steroids make your sebaceous glands work overtime. This means they’re producing more stuff than a normal person and it’s going to give you clogged pores, ingrown hairs, and as a result, more acne.
All the creams and scrubbing bars are just a bandaid to the fact that you are basically a sponge oozing out oils and gunk.

Accutane helps to shed the dead cells and stop them from clogging you up. It also shrinks your glands substantially which will stop all that oil buildup from happening in the first place.

It’s not safe at the dosage most doctors prescribe it. But there have been studies showing a fraction of the doses yielded the same results with minimal damage. Treat it like any other steroid. Start low, monitor your bloodwork and sides, and don’t take it for too long.
There comes a point that topicals don’t work. You are the only one who knows if you have an actual problem or you’re just being dirty.

Steroids make your sebaceous glands work overtime. This means they’re producing more stuff than a normal person and it’s going to give you clogged pores, ingrown hairs, and as a result, more acne.
All the creams and scrubbing bars are just a bandaid to the fact that you are basically a sponge oozing out oils and gunk.

Accutane helps to shed the dead cells and stop them from clogging you up. It also shrinks your glands substantially which will stop all that oil buildup from happening in the first place.

It’s not safe at the dosage most doctors prescribe it. But there have been studies showing a fraction of the doses yielded the same results with minimal damage. Treat it like any other steroid. Start low, monitor your bloodwork and sides, and don’t take it for too long.
Lol Im definitely not dirty my dude lol. I shower every morning, change shirts immediately after workout or if I sweat at work. I shower after every workout and keep changing my sheets every 3-5 days. I have a skin care lady that also helps me with lotions and topicals to apply during day and nights. Thanks for the info.
Have you tried first stuff like a tanning bed/staying in the sun at the beach (depending where you at)? Cos UV rays n sun is probably the best thing for getting rid of all of that, add in salt water too n shit now that I think bout it that’s probably why most golden era guys had like zero acne.

Idk it’s worth a shot but yeah I guess the other option is fked regardless (can’t you just refuse treatment regarding that type of shit? N just go to a dermatologist or another doc?) but yeah I would say definitely try out the sun n salt thing but just be careful with the accutane if you end up taking it cos that stuff is fked
Have you tried first stuff like a tanning bed/staying in the sun at the beach (depending where you at)? Cos UV rays n sun is probably the best thing for getting rid of all of that, add in salt water too n shit now that I think bout it that’s probably why most golden era guys had like zero acne.

Idk it’s worth a shot but yeah I guess the other option is fked regardless (can’t you just refuse treatment regarding that type of shit? N just go to a dermatologist or another doc?) but yeah I would say definitely try out the sun n salt thing but just be careful with the accutane if you end up taking it cos that stuff is fked
Ive tried the salt water before. Never thought about tanning thanks for sharing. I will give it a try.
After 3 different doctors and 3 failed attempts on getting prescribed accutane Ive decided to run it myself UG. I will be doing 3 months 20mg. Using Cetaphil lotion for dry skin and aquaphor for any dry lips. I will be running this after I finish my current cycle but will be on trt dose. I will be running blood work before and after treatment. Any advice from anyone who has had experience with this I would appreciate any help on anything to look for or anything I’m not thinking about.

copied these from another post, a study on low does Accutane treatment

copied these from another post, a study on low does Accutane treatment
Thank you
Ive tried the salt water before. Never thought about tanning thanks for sharing. I will give it a try.
Oh dude fr try tanning regardless of accutane or not (idk if they have some weird combo there tho cos I remember reading sumn bout that) but regardless it’s probably the best shit ever for avoiding any type of acne n if you add in the salt water baths (if u ain’t got access to a beach hit up the store grab Epsom salts n put in your bath, shits good for you even for other stuff, I love going in em isolation tanks to relax n help with recovery for example) you would be surprised at how much of a difference it makes