Acne on cycle


I would just like to share my acne control protocol that has been working great for me.

I'm normally acne prone so when blasting I usually break out. This last cycle I broke out pretty bad, to a point that I was considering accutane, but I've started a new protocol that completely destroyed all my acne.

That's what I've been doing:
Dexidin 4
Benzagel 5%
Antibacterial soap
Black African soap
Dawn dish soap

Mix it all up and scrub all the affected area 2x a day when taking a shower. It dries up the skin a lot.

I'm not telling anyone to do it. Just sharing what worked for me. May it can be helpful.
For me personally 10mg accutane eod and then ed during first 2weeks of blast and 2weeks after dropping to cruise helped more then anything else and with no side effect on such small dose.
Glad you were able to solve your problem. Eating cleaner and drinking more water cleared up my skin more then any soap protocol ever did.