Add Injectable B6 to Oils


New Member
Does anyone just add injectable B6 (P5P) to their homebrewed compounds or mixes? I'd love some suggestions... since P5P can lower prolactin, it seems like a no-brainer to brew things like Tren with a certain amount of B6 right in the oil.
Does anyone just add injectable B6 (P5P) to their homebrewed compounds or mixes? I'd love some suggestions... since P5P can lower prolactin, it seems like a no-brainer to brew things like Tren with a certain amount of B6 right in the oil.
How do you know p5p will lower your prolactin? Do you have blood work?

We have caber and prami that work.
How do you know p5p will lower your prolactin? Do you have blood work?

We have caber and prami that work.
I supplement with p5p and yes I have bloodwork showing prolactin in range when without p5p supplementation my prolactin had been a slight issue.
It needs to be done properly. You cant just take Tren and or Deca and then pop some p5p and expect lowered prolactin because it does not work that way.
Caber and Prami are shit drugs, we should not be taking them unless absolutely necessary and if p5p supplementation keeps prolactin in range that is what we should be using. Everyone is different and p5p may not work for some but it does work for many and it should be what we recommend, not harsh drugs that are bad for our health like Caber and Prami. I run nandrolone and Tren very often. Running them both right now. Zero need for caber or Prami.
Does anyone just add injectable B6 (P5P) to their homebrewed compounds or mixes? I'd love some suggestions... since P5P can lower prolactin, it seems like a no-brainer to brew things like Tren with a certain amount of B6 right in the oil.
That’s a good thought but injectable vitamins are water based.
I make different injectable water based compounds like B-12 and B-6 and L-Carnitine but I take p5p orally 200-300 mg per day. I don’t know about making p5p injectable and don’t see any real advantage but maybe others might have some ideas.
It wouldn’t work in my other concoctions because I dont always take those daily. I don’t use the B-12 blend when I’m cutting for example because I’m taking injectable albutrol with b-12 added. My L-carnitine I only use cutting and the dose varies depending on weather I’m loading or cruising it. So the p5p really would have to be a stand alone compound imho. And I would rather just pop a couple pillls everyday than add another shot with my daily hgh, daily AAS, daily l-carnitine, daily Albuterol and sometimes daily peptide shots. 5 shots every single day is enough for me lol
Hope that helped a little so you can make your own decision
Maybe it’s something that would work for you, dont know
True, it's very easy to take 300mg oral daily... I suspect that injectable would be more effective, but yea perhaps it's the same in the end depending on dosage.
I supplement with p5p and yes I have bloodwork showing prolactin in range when without p5p supplementation my prolactin had been a slight issue.
It needs to be done properly. You cant just take Tren and or Deca and then pop some p5p and expect lowered prolactin because it does not work that way.
Caber and Prami are shit drugs, we should not be taking them unless absolutely necessary and if p5p supplementation keeps prolactin in range that is what we should be using. Everyone is different and p5p may not work for some but it does work for many and it should be what we recommend, not harsh drugs that are bad for our health like Caber and Prami. I run nandrolone and Tren very often. Running them both right now. Zero need for caber or Prami.
You called it Deca it's Nandrolone. Deca-Durabolin is the brand name. But I noticed you called it the correct name further down your post.

Tren is a shit drug and we shouldn't be taking that unless absolutely necessary but none of this shit is necessary so I'll take whatever I want.

Funny when I Googled "Harsh Drugs" neither Prami nor Caber show up not that I disagree but I do think it's funny.

P5P might help lower prolactin a little for "some people" I never said it couldn't I said how do you know it will and where is your blood work. Which is still a valid question.

How many morons do you know in real life who take Caber or Prami while on a low dose cycle? For me number is zero and on a high dose cycle and if something goes wrong for most people P5P is probably gonna do fuck all which is why guys use Caber and Prami. Don't they?

I don't know anyone that takes them for fun but the guys I know and myself only take them if and when shit goes sideways.

If P5P works for you rock on, P5P isn't going to save my ass if prolactin shits the bed while on cycle.
You called it Deca it's Nandrolone. Deca-Durabolin is the brand name. But I noticed you called it the correct name further down your post.

Tren is a shit drug and we shouldn't be taking that unless absolutely necessary but none of this shit is necessary so I'll take whatever I want.

Funny when I Googled "Harsh Drugs" neither Prami nor Caber show up not that I disagree but I do think it's funny.

P5P might help lower prolactin a little for "some people" I never said it couldn't I said how do you know it will and where is your blood work. Which is still a valid question.

How many morons do you know in real life who take Caber or Prami while on a low dose cycle? For me number is zero and on a high dose cycle and if something goes wrong for most people P5P is probably gonna do fuck all which is why guys use Caber and Prami. Don't they?

I don't know anyone that takes them for fun but the guys I know and myself only take them if and when shit goes sideways.

If P5P works for you rock on, P5P isn't going to save my ass if prolactin shits the bed while on cycle.
I am very well aware that Deca is Nandrolone. More importantly than a brand name decanote is the ester. I usually use the word Nandrolone when referring to products I use because I use both Deca and NPP but I was just giving an example because I am currently using Deca and Tren right now. Well I just stopped the Deca but it’s going to still be in my system for a while due to the Decanote ester .
Tren has purpose and can be used on occasion in moderation without a negative impact on my bloodwork. I do not abuse it. Test is my primary anabolic always and I use Primo, Mast, Nandrolone, EQ, Tren as support anabolics in moderation when they serve the required purpose. HGH is my second to Test, the others just support to Test.
Yes I understand your point about having the right tools for when necessary. I have caber and prami on hand. Never use them. Thanks to a proper protocol with p5p and keeping E2 in range. They are harsh drugs and if one can avoid using them that is best.
As a harm reduction forum we should be first promoting safer ways of controlling prolactin before jus throwing a harsh drug like caber or prami at it was my point
Just because Tren can be harsh doesn’t mean I need to take other harsh drugs also, that reasoning doesn’t work.
B vitamins are water soluble not soluble in fats (oils).

Won’t work.

That’s why you piss monster energy drink after your daily vitamins and also the reason that they can load up 1000% daily value.
That’s a good thought but injectable vitamins are water based.
I make different injectable water based compounds like B-12 and B-6 and L-Carnitine but I take p5p orally 200-300 mg per day. I don’t know about making p5p injectable and don’t see any real advantage but maybe others might have some ideas.
It wouldn’t work in my other concoctions because I dont always take those daily. I don’t use the B-12 blend when I’m cutting for example because I’m taking injectable albutrol with b-12 added. My L-carnitine I only use cutting and the dose varies depending on weather I’m loading or cruising it. So the p5p really would have to be a stand alone compound imho. And I would rather just pop a couple pillls everyday than add another shot with my daily hgh, daily AAS, daily l-carnitine, daily Albuterol and sometimes daily peptide shots. 5 shots every single day is enough for me lol
Hope that helped a little so you can make your own decision
Maybe it’s something that would work for you, dont know

If the 300mg p5p is working stick with it but I read a clinical study that 1.2g a day was the most effective at reducing prolactin. They compared that to 600mg group and (obviously) a placebo.

I take 1.2-2g a day based on that
If the 300mg p5p is working stick with it but I read a clinical study that 1.2g a day was the most effective at reducing prolactin. They compared that to 600mg group and (obviously) a placebo.

I take 1.2-2g a day based on that
Are you taking it all at once or spread out? What do your bloods look like and what compounds are you using?
If the 300mg p5p is working stick with it but I read a clinical study that 1.2g a day was the most effective at reducing prolactin. They compared that to 600mg group and (obviously) a placebo.

I take 1.2-2g a day based on that
I wish there was a way to monitor prolactin throughout the day... I would cap a bunch of it if I knew my optimal dose!
Well if you have any idea what 10mg Oxycodone is like, think super mild relaxation like that but 10 times the painkilling. Not numb but like, your aches just don't exist. You can clean up the whole house... and you will probably want to.
Na I don’t like opiates, genuinely hate the feeling. I take the least amount possible when I’m prescribed them.
How are you dosing 2g P5P? All at once or spread out?

How much Nandrolone are you taking on cycle with 2g of P5P?

What do your bloods look like? I want to see them.

This is the second time I've had to ask, you made claims without any real proof. If what you're saying is true you should have no problem back it up with factual information. I have no problem sharing mine.