Add Injectable B6 to Oils

How are you dosing 2g P5P? All at once or spread out?

How much Nandrolone are you taking on cycle with 2g of P5P?

What do your bloods look like? I want to see them.

This is the second time I've had to ask, you made claims without any real proof. If what you're saying is true you should have no problem back it up with factual information. I have no problem sharing mine.

I don’t exactly measure it to a T. I just kinda eye ball a decent 500mg-1g and throw it in each protein shake I have usually.

I wish I had bloods to show ya, but I never took any during a hyperprolactima state. It was an assumption due to running 19-nors and experiencing gyno flares.

I used this study and one of its references to base the decision off:

Safety and Efficacy of High-Dose Vitamin B6 as an Adjunctive Treatment for Antipsychotic-Induced Hyperprolactinemia in Male Patients With Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
I don’t exactly measure it to a T. I just kinda eye ball a decent 500mg-1g and throw it in each protein shake I have usually.

I wish I had bloods to show ya, but I never took any during a hyperprolactima state. It was an assumption due to running 19-nors and experiencing gyno flares.

I used this study and one of its references to base the decision off:

Safety and Efficacy of High-Dose Vitamin B6 as an Adjunctive Treatment for Antipsychotic-Induced Hyperprolactinemia in Male Patients With Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
I don't care about the study I care about your personal claims. You have zero proof that P5P is doing anything. For all we know your NPP is fake which would explain why you don't have gyno flare-ups or maybe you're not taking enough to have a flare-up or maybe you're not prone to gyno flare-ups. You have no bloods so until you do rock on buddy but I'm not taking any advice about anything from you.
I don't care about the study I care about your personal claims. You have zero proof that P5P is doing anything. For all we know your NPP is fake which would explain why you don't have gyno flare-ups or maybe you're not taking enough to have a flare-up or maybe you're not prone to gyno flare-ups. You have no bloods so until you do rock on buddy but I'm not taking any advice about anything from you.

You’re right, I admitted I don’t have the lab work to back up my personal claim. But the study has a substantial amount of bloodwork and conclusions.

At worst - it’s a vitamin b6. It’s water soluble. It doesn’t matter if I take 300mg , 1g or 10g. It’ll just be pissed out.

I’m just steering on the side of caution based on medical literature. So I’ll continue to do so, thanks for your input.
How do you know p5p will lower your prolactin? Do you have blood work?

We have caber and prami that work.
P5P is great at lowering prolactin, nearly on par with prami and caber. Prami and caber are both objectively pretty harsh drugs and not good for you to take if you can avoid it. Unlike P5P, which is pretty risk free and is easy to back off if you're experiencing toxic side effects.
P5P is great at lowering prolactin, nearly on par with prami and caber. Prami and caber are both objectively pretty harsh drugs and not good for you to take if you can avoid it. Unlike P5P, which is pretty risk free and is easy to back off if you're experiencing toxic side effects.
Do you have blood work showing this?
Do you have blood work showing this?
Yeah, actually, lol.

It's on my computer at home, I can post em tomorrow. Prolactin was at 26 on Feb 22, Brought it down to 18 with 50mg P5P daily by March 19th. It's stayed in the 15-18 range in April, May, and June as well with continued dosing.

I cut it down to 50mg every other day now (since April) on top of my b complex (Jarrows) which has 10mg in it daily.
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Yeah, actually, lol.

It's on my computer at home, I can post em tomorrow. Prolactin was at 26 on Feb 22, Brought it down to 18 with 50mg P5P daily by March 19th. It's stayed in the 15-18 range in April, May, and June as well with continued dosing.

I cut it down to 50mg every other day now (since April) on top of my b complex (Jarrows) which has 10mg in it daily.
Could you please include your cycle. I would love to see your labs. Do you have multiple bloods?