Adding Deca to a Test C/EQ cycle?


I have a Summer blast scheduled (starting very late due to supply issues) of Test C/EQ at 400/400 with all the appropriate ancillaries (Arimidex, organ support, blood donations, etc.). Someone suggested adding 200 Deca per week to it, and said he crushed it on these three when doing a VERY clean bulk for 16 wks. I don't like adding orals as none have ever agreed with my body except Anavar - had problems with every other oral tried. Goal is clean bulk after five months not training due to injury.

Anyone done Test/EQ/Deca? Results? Any 'gotchas'? Does the Deca actually add anything significant to the equation? Dosage suggestions?

I assume it's as simple as adding the Deca and something for prolactin control, but am seeking more info/advice before committing to it.
Therads like this its gross
Why u even juicing ?
400 bold 400 test
What exactly y try to achieve ?
Prolactin control for 200 deca.. pathetic

Lol how all people over there can only handle var and nothing else its mystery
How can all the people here dont like adding orals and instead like t add something like 200mg of deca eq primo.
200mg deca instead of 50mg dbol for example isn't going to give y even 1% of the gains dbol would
So why add deca ?
My last run I did 200 deca. Dont know if it added any significant gains but I enjoyed the therapeutic benefits from it.
Last big blast for bulk was Test EQ Deca. Seems to work well together.

However, I was running so much of it it kind of had to work. I felt like the test and deca did most of the work.
200mg of deca is on the low side however, that combo is the perfect bulk cycle imo. I can't really suggest dosages because everyone is different but a good dose of each is excellent for adding muscle.
I personally love a good Test/Deca cycle. My sweet spot is 500mg Test E or C/400mg Deca, minimum 12wks. Always feel great with that combo and when I used run orals, Dbol or Abombs for the last 4wks served me well.

I have no EQ experience though. With a history of thick blood I just steered clear as I have had enough health issues and never wanted to chance it, even with regular donations.

Mast on the other hand is something I have come to love and will be a part of all future cycles for me - Test/Deca/Mast will be my upcoming Winter bulk run.
Deca and EQ work well together/ synergistic effect. I had a good winter blast about 2 years ago with 500 testC-400EQ and 300 Deca. As @Eman has said. It’s hard to suggest dosages without us knowing your stats/ gear experience, exc but 200mg is on the low end. I have never had any problems with prolactin even as high as 600 mg Deca per week but again: everybody is different. I don’t know offhand what the minimum dosage is for joint relief but it is worth taking if you are getting creaky joints. Deca is also known for great nitrogen retention. I would increase your protein intake even higher then you normally would while on cycle to take advantage of that.
I recently ran test E 400 eq 500 and deca 250 and after 3 weeks I was out of breath taking out the garbage and could barley tie my shoes. Never had deca or eq reacted so fast before as far as size and holding carbs ie water. For some reason the combination had a very different effect then running them apart. I also never needed a high dose of Deca 300 to 400 tops even ran 150 in a stack and was happy. I’m going to try running 100 mg deca with my 200 mg trt dose of test C and see how it goes.
I recently ran test E 400 eq 500 and deca 250 and after 3 weeks I was out of breath taking out the garbage and could barley tie my shoes. Never had deca or eq reacted so fast before as far as size and holding carbs ie water. For some reason the combination had a very different effect then running them apart. I also never needed a high dose of Deca 300 to 400 tops even ran 150 in a stack and was happy. I’m going to try running 100 mg deca with my 200 mg trt dose of test C and see how it goes.

I always get a little lethargic around week eight on just about anything. And last Fall on Test/Tren I got up to over 220 lbs from 196 (was holding water ... Wasn't all muscle) and was close to single digit BF I saw my cardio really go to crap. I tend to be skinny and around 185 at 6' tall. Anytime I get over 210 during a cycle I feel like a slug.

It's always very interesting how these compounds can affect us all so differently. It sometimes feels like we're all just experimenting. In the 90s we ran a lot of solo cycles of whatever we could get and often mixed things we wouldn't dare today, because many of us didn't know any better. I assume youth kept me from wrecking my health.
Running this now Test E 600mgs, EQ 600mgs, Deca 400mgs a week working great for me. Well and 400mgs tren because I like to party....
I'm jonesing to do another Tren run. Been reading up here about Epitalon and other things to deal with the sides.

Love what it does for me ... But not what it does to me. Tren is the reason I had to stop training March 3rd. Three broken metacarpals in the right hand, broken ribs at 7 and 8, sprained right brachialis tendon, and a dent in my head from a car door handle.

Not my brightest moment. At 57 yo I should know better. :(
Deca and EQ work well together/ synergistic effect. I had a good winter blast about 2 years ago with 500 testC-400EQ and 300 Deca. As @Eman has said. It’s hard to suggest dosages without us knowing your stats/ gear experience, exc but 200mg is on the low end. I have never had any problems with prolactin even as high as 600 mg Deca per week but again: everybody is different. I don’t know offhand what the minimum dosage is for joint relief but it is worth taking if you are getting creaky joints. Deca is also known for great nitrogen retention. I would increase your protein intake even higher then you normally would while on cycle to take advantage of that.
I am about to start a test / deca cycle, 500 mg of test and 200-400 of Deca. I have arimidex I will add to the stack as well with clomid as a PCT. thoughts?