I have a Summer blast scheduled (starting very late due to supply issues) of Test C/EQ at 400/400 with all the appropriate ancillaries (Arimidex, organ support, blood donations, etc.). Someone suggested adding 200 Deca per week to it, and said he crushed it on these three when doing a VERY clean bulk for 16 wks. I don't like adding orals as none have ever agreed with my body except Anavar - had problems with every other oral tried. Goal is clean bulk after five months not training due to injury.
Anyone done Test/EQ/Deca? Results? Any 'gotchas'? Does the Deca actually add anything significant to the equation? Dosage suggestions?
I assume it's as simple as adding the Deca and something for prolactin control, but am seeking more info/advice before committing to it.
Anyone done Test/EQ/Deca? Results? Any 'gotchas'? Does the Deca actually add anything significant to the equation? Dosage suggestions?
I assume it's as simple as adding the Deca and something for prolactin control, but am seeking more info/advice before committing to it.