Adding Deca to a Test C/EQ cycle?

I am about to start a test / deca cycle, 500 mg of test and 200-400 of Deca. I have arimidex I will add to the stack as well with clomid as a PCT. thoughts?

Call me paranoid, but I've always taken P5P daily with any 19 Nor cycle, and I've never had an issue with prolactin.
I am about to start a test / deca cycle, 500 mg of test and 200-400 of Deca. I have arimidex I will add to the stack as well with clomid as a PCT. thoughts?
Sounds good to me. I can’t advise as to how much adex to use, everybody is different. As far as pct, clomid is fine to use but make sure you wait long enough for the Deca to clear your system, I used to run my test 2 weeks longer after my last pin of deca, then pct once that clears “about a month for long esters” . I would also pick up some Nolvadex and run that with the clomid. Just my opinion and experience.
Therads like this its gross
Why u even juicing ?
400 bold 400 test
What exactly y try to achieve ?
Prolactin control for 200 deca.. pathetic

Lol how all people over there can only handle var and nothing else its mystery
How can all the people here dont like adding orals and instead like t add something like 200mg of deca eq primo.
200mg deca instead of 50mg dbol for example isn't going to give y even 1% of the gains dbol would
So why add deca ?
Stfu. You sound retarded. You mental midget. Fuckin bitch


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