This is my plan
I'm planning to run a cycle with
Phase 1: 350 mg of testosterone, 350 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP), and 200 mg of masteron (mast) for 16 weeks. I will gradually increase the dosage over the first 10 weeks, maintaining a perfect diet, sleep routine, stress management, and training protocol.
I'll introduce NPP in week 6, which will last for the final 10 weeks of the cycle.
Phase 2: After that, I will run maintainance for a month on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). So my body gets used to the tissue.
Phaee 3: Following this, I plan to do an 8- to 10-week cutting phase with testosterone, masteron, and trenbolone at 150 mg each per week (tren 75-100mg), potentially adding in some Anavar (Var).
Final Phaee: Once the cutting phase is complete, I'll return to TRT and avoid any further blast cycles. My goal is to lean bulk until I reach around 12% body fat and then cut down to 9%, repeating the cycle as necessary.
Fortunately, I have responded well to TRT. During my bulking phases, I might use 100 mg (25 nmol), while during cutting or maintenance, I'll reduce it to 75 mg (20 nmol).
Since I’ll be turning 38 soon, by the time I reach 40, I may consider lowering my testosterone dosage to 55-65 mg a week to keep my levels as low as possible while still remaining fully functional. I was 16 nmol age 28 pre cycle and felt fine then. So I will see how much TRT I need to get me on that level.
That’s my plan. I hope to retain some size gained during the blast. Time will tell. I know one thing, I’m basically like a semi pro bodybuilder at the miniute. Love it.
I work from home and I’ve quite a chilled job, which allows me to prep every meal fresh, plan it to perfection, do my cardio, pysio, yoga etc.
I make sure the meal scores at 10/10 rating on ChatGPT.
I eat whole food. No powder. Hitting 3200 clean cals atm and gaining wel.
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