Adding Test to TRT/Cruise dose discussion.

Heavy Iron

Member Supporter
So @Mac37601 and I were having a discussion about adding test to a TRT dose. Say the dose is 150mg of TRT and one would like to run an additional 400mg of test p/w.
Would you add 250mg to achieve 400mg or add the 400mg on top of the TRT?

In my opinion the TRT dose is what gets you to "normal" levels. So therefore the TRT doesnt count towards what dose you are to achieve. So adding 400mgs to the TRT is well... Simply only running 400mg. I'd like to hear opinions on this. Thanks fellas.
400mg synthetic test is going to be the same either way .Your natty test is shut down whether it's sufficient or not
Well it's either 400mg or 550 is what I'm saying. The 150mg is what keeps you going. Yes your Natty test is shut down, but your "synthetic test levels" are a result of the 150mg. So would you count that for your addition to the total mgs or not. Does the question make sense? Lol. I feel like I'm having trouble with the question.
I’ll share my opinion on this. 150 might get you to “normal” but a natty normal gets shutdown so 400 mg of synthetic testosterone would be 400 mg for a natty. Since you’re on TRT it’s no different, “normal” goes out the window and if you’re talking about running 400 mg/week you’d add 250 mg to your 150 mg test dose.

But in all honesty there’s not much difference in a blast of 400 vs a blast of 550.