adex dosage


New Member
my dr gave me a scriplt for armidex 1mg per day , he says he is not an expert on trt, 1 mg seems high per day , anyone with actual experence using adex ? my estrone was 124 normal being 10-60
and my estradiol value was 135 normal being 10-40
Wow that sounds like a high dose to me iron, 2mg a week is enough for me to get my estrone down from 175 to 56 above normal but acceptable on cycle to me.

The problem is that at 2mg and above I feel it in my joints.
How long is the script for? I could see going high for a week to get it under control then a much lower maintenance dose.
12 months of 1mg a day !!! Time for a new doc, or start a resale business :)
Unless you are hitting 2000 mg of test a week that would mess you up.
12 months of 1mg a day !!! Time for a new doc, or start a resale business :)
Unless you are hitting 2000 mg of test a week that would mess you up.

My E-2 would crash in no time on 1mg /day. I''ll take any extra Adex you got left over ($$) lol, my TRT doc wont give me any......4- 1mg will last me a month.....~Ogh
Shit make sure you get all your refills and you never have to buy adex again lol. Like others said .25mg EOD is perfect for me.
should the adex be tapered into pct? say a 12 week cycle @ .25mg EOD and then when pct begins run that same dosage the whole way throughout or taper towards wks 3 and 4? assume they are running clom/nolva
should the adex be tapered into pct? say a 12 week cycle @ .25mg EOD and then when pct begins run that same dosage the whole way throughout or taper towards wks 3 and 4? assume they are running clom/nolva

I run no AI two first weeks of pct, and slowly add it into the final 2 or 3 weeks of pct, and then taper the doses to prevent rebound
.25mg Adex EOD knocks my estro down to perfect (on 500-600mg test/wk). Never needed more.....~Ogh

I'm using this exact dosage and it's perfect for me. I was told by a very knowlegdable person from Meso how to go about it. It's kind of a trial and error type of thing, risk reward, everybody reacts different (at least that's my understanding) and it depends on how much and what you're taking. I've got a few inches and lbs. on OGH, but I garuntee he has lower body fat. We use the same dose, i use a little more test and it works fine for both. I was told my first time, start at .5 E3d work down or up according to your body and of course, bloods.
Also, I never have to worry about getting Arimidex again, the first time i got it knew nothing about it and got 200 2mg tablets. Why he even makes them at 2 mg is beyond me.
Also, I never have to worry about getting Arimidex again, the first time i got it knew nothing about it and got 200 2mg tablets. Why he even makes them at 2 mg is beyond me.

2mg Adex ?? Thats a surefire way to tanking your E-2 . Must be for cancer treatment for women (what doctor would prescribe those for men ???) ~Ogh