Advice needed


New Member
To start with, yes I am another dumb young idiot who should have listened to people like DR.JIM and never started to play with my hormones, to begin with.

Anyways I been on Test for about 6 months and coming off now. I have been on 600mg of Test E for the 2 months and then on 150 mg Test E for another 2 months. And then on 250mg omnadren every other week for 2 months more.
Right now I have been off for 17 days and yesterday and today i tried 10mg nolva to see how i react.
Funny thing is that I never had any increase in libido on cycle, and actually while I was on omnadren I didn't have the libido at all. But since I took that 10mg nolva I actually had I much better and greater libido and erection. I plan to stay on 10mg nolva until Sunday and then start full pct, with Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/10. Then I have an appointment with endocrinologist where I tend to come clean.
Any advice to my stupid ass will be very helpful,
PS. I didn't start this shit for bodybuilding purposes but to be a linebacker and win a worthless trophy. So no concerns I regard to muscles loss or gym, the only focus is libido and fertility.
How old are you? When is your endo appointment? Is what you posted the only AAS you have ever done? Also, any blood work?
How old are you? When is your endo appointment? Is what you posted the only AAS you have ever done? Also, any blood work?
I'm 25, about to turn 26
I will see an endocrinologist on November 24.
What I posted was the only AAS I have ever used.
Only have blood work from prior to use"everything except a bit high SHBG" was normal and also blood work from June.
Results from June bloodwork was.
Prolactin was 556 mMe/L " norm is 86-324"
SHBG was 70nmol/l"before use it was 62"
Estradiol was 344 pmol/L "norm is 94-233"
DHEA was 14.17 "norm is 5.7 to 13.7"
Total test was higher than 52nmol/l
Free Test was 46.86 pg/ml "norm is 2,6 to 10"

Right now I'm still on 10mg of Nolvadex and some test booster"for libido", will wait to Sunday to bump up to 40mg. But some people say to wait even longer because of the long ester in omnadren. But the nice thing is my libido is back a bit, I didn't have any libido for the last 1,5 months on 250mg omnadren every other week . Even tho omnadren was legit from the pharmacy.

And thx again for yours time and help despite me being the classic version of stupidity.
The prolactin was probably the libido issue. Some individuals can process esters quicker, but without bloods there is no way to tell. Your time table is what is causing some hesitation here. Maybe the esters have cleared, maybe they haven't. Also, you will be running a PCT into your endo appointment. This will skew any testing results. Does the endo know what the source of your problems are? Maybe a phone consult with him prior to the appointment. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help.
Hey again guys just got my blood work from this week came back. Right now I'm on Nolvadex 20mg Starting week 3 of pct and 1 month 1 week since last omnadren shot.

DHEA is 16570 nmol/L.... norm is 4340-12200
FSH is 2,4 IU/L .....norm is 1,2-15,8
LH is 5,4 IU/L .......norm is 1,7-8,6
Prolactin is 68,7 IU/L.........norm is between 70-420
SHBG is 60 nmol/L...........norm is 13-53
Testerone total is 25,8 nmol/L......norm is 11,6-33,8
Estradiol is 0,05 nmol/L..........the norm is between 0,03-0,16

Should I continue with nolva 20mg or drop down to 10mg? To raise the estrogen levels a little bit
As an opinion, if you are not having the previously mentioned sides. Then wait it out until the appointment. Make sure to tell the Doc everything. Glad you are feeling better.
As an opinion, if you are not having the previously mentioned sides. Then wait it out until the appointment. Make sure to tell the Doc everything. Glad you are feeling better.
Well, libido is much weaker on nolva 20mg vs 10mg. Morning wood sometimes there and sometimes now. I will off course tell the Doc everything but until then i was wondering whatever to drop nolva down to 10mg or keep it at 20.
And big thanks for advice
Well, libido is much weaker on nolva 20mg vs 10mg. Morning wood sometimes there and sometimes now. I will off course tell the Doc everything but until then i was wondering whatever to drop nolva down to 10mg or keep it at 20.
And big thanks for advice
If inwere you I'd keep the nolva at 20mg and add clomid at 50mg ed
If inwere you I'd keep the nolva at 20mg and add clomid at 50mg ed
Thank you for advice, unfortunately, I don't have clomid but will keep nolva at 20mg
But can my low estradiol levels be responsible for the lack of libido, since everything els is in normal range
The only symptoms I have is a loss of libido and some erection problems and also anxiety . But since the estradiol is very bottom of normal I still think it might be it. If I reduce nolva to 10mg would that mean higher estradiol levels or will results be the same as with 20mg?
And thank you again
That I have no idea. I would think that 20mg nolva would bring you're e2 up faster but I dunno man.
Well just spoke with an endo and in my country endos don't know shit about how to treat problems like that. I'm officially fucked the only thing that she said was to give another blood work in about a month and then wait for an appointment with andrologist. WTF she didn't even know how tamoxifen works in men. But she said that it was a good thing that my LH and FSH was in normal range as well as my test even tho. Test can still be affected by long-acting easter in onmadren.
I do have some morning wood but my libido is shit and I do have some ED. And since my Estradiol is so low I think I might be it. Still thinking about dropping my nolvadex down to 10mg and see if that helps.
So got the blood work done 6 weeks after PCT with tamoxifen, and about 4 months after Test E use.

DHT was high- 17230nmol/L the norm is 4340-12200
FSH was normal but in lower range- 3IU/L
LH was normal mid range- 4IU/L
Prolactin was normal to low range- 100IU/L
SHBG was high 76nmol/L- the norm is 36-60
Total Testosterone was a bit higher- 40 nmol/L the norm is 11,6-33,8
Estrogen was normal low range- 0,07nmol/L the norm is 0,02 to 0,16

Unfortunately, the lab lost my free test sample so I have to get that done again. But out from this blood work does it look like my dumbass is out of the woods? Will never mess with roids or hormones again. F this hell ride