Advice on Test E/EQ/Tbol Cycle (NEWBIE)


New Member
What’s up everyone,

**Uber new here, so apologize if I go to the wrong thread or errors like that.**

I’ve done some extensive research. I read a lot of things that seem to contradict others, or mainly disagreements with gear and dosing. I’ve put together a cycle based on reading many posts in the forums and others. I’m hoping for some advice or adjustments because it’ll be my second cycle. First cycle was 500mg/week of test for 12 weeks.

Age: 30
Height: 5’5
Weight: 160lbs
Training: I’ve been working out most of my life with periods of time off. College athlete. Pretty well conditioned and I’d say an athletic build.
Goals: Currently training for a half marathon and SWAT school. SWAT school consists of 5-7 mile runs in the morning with full gear, plus additional PT for punishment. I’ll be pretty cardio focused along with resistance training 3x-4x a week.

Test E + EQ + Tbol
Week 1-4 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM
Week 1-18 Test E 500mg/week (2x/week)
Week 1-16 EQ 600mg/week (2x/week)
Week 13-18 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM

Week 1-18 Arimidex .25mg/EOD

Week 20-21 Nolva 20mg/day
Week 22-23 Nolva 10mg/day

Cycle Support:
N2Guard 7caps/day

Guess my thoughts are Tbol in the beginning to kickstart the cycle. EQ because of the cardio and for 16 weeks because I read that’s a good time frame. Test E carried two weeks after EQ last pin day. Tbol at the end to finish the cycle. I read mixed suggestions of taking Adex as needed or take throughout the cycle. Obviously best is to monitor E2 through blood to make sure Adex isn’t destroying E2 throughout the cycle. Also for PCT, I saw pretty commonly 40 to 20 to 10 for Nolva. Then read that more than 20 has shown no additional benefit and is a waste of additional usage. So that’s my reasoning for the PCT.

Any major or minor adjustments with my plan?

Thanks everyone!
I'd stop EQ one week earlier than currently planned (long half-life), and maybe prepare to PCT for 6 weeks instead of 4. The planned nolva doses are bit low to expect a quick recovery in 4 weeks.
I wouldn't use the N2 guard it seems like a scammy supplement marketed to pad people's pockets rather than providing much value imo. NAC, astragalus, fish oil and a multi would likely do more for you. But if I alrdy had it in hand might as well throw it in
What’s up everyone,

**Uber new here, so apologize if I go to the wrong thread or errors like that.**

I’ve done some extensive research. I read a lot of things that seem to contradict others, or mainly disagreements with gear and dosing. I’ve put together a cycle based on reading many posts in the forums and others. I’m hoping for some advice or adjustments because it’ll be my second cycle. First cycle was 500mg/week of test for 12 weeks.

Age: 30
Height: 5’5
Weight: 160lbs
Training: I’ve been working out most of my life with periods of time off. College athlete. Pretty well conditioned and I’d say an athletic build.
Goals: Currently training for a half marathon and SWAT school. SWAT school consists of 5-7 mile runs in the morning with full gear, plus additional PT for punishment. I’ll be pretty cardio focused along with resistance training 3x-4x a week.

Test E + EQ + Tbol
Week 1-4 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM
Week 1-18 Test E 500mg/week (2x/week)
Week 1-16 EQ 600mg/week (2x/week)
Week 13-18 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM

Week 1-18 Arimidex .25mg/EOD

Week 20-21 Nolva 20mg/day
Week 22-23 Nolva 10mg/day

Cycle Support:
N2Guard 7caps/day

Guess my thoughts are Tbol in the beginning to kickstart the cycle. EQ because of the cardio and for 16 weeks because I read that’s a good time frame. Test E carried two weeks after EQ last pin day. Tbol at the end to finish the cycle. I read mixed suggestions of taking Adex as needed or take throughout the cycle. Obviously best is to monitor E2 through blood to make sure Adex isn’t destroying E2 throughout the cycle. Also for PCT, I saw pretty commonly 40 to 20 to 10 for Nolva. Then read that more than 20 has shown no additional benefit and is a waste of additional usage. So that’s my reasoning for the PCT.

Any major or minor adjustments with my plan?

Thanks everyone!
Your PCT needs real help. Add Clomid at 25-50 mg a day for 2-3 weeks and HCG at 500-1000 mgs if you actually want to recover. HCG is used while the enanthate clears which takes 50 days for 5 half lives... 2 weeks definitely isn't sufficient you will still be suppressed when you start nolva. I wait a little over a month since last pin personally. EQ takes like 80 days though so you might want to stop that even earlier.

AI's seem really person to person, but I wouldn't need an AI with that much EQ. Also swap Arimidex for Aromasin, your lipids will thank you.

I love Tbol personally and that sounds like a sweet cycle just research PCT more or switch to BnC as EQ is a pain in the ass due to the decanoate ester.
Are you saying someone taking EQ won’t really need an AI?

I looked more into the half-life now. Suggested running test 8 weeks after last EQ pin. So if I did that, would I do 2 weeks or so at 500mg/wk then maybe drop to TRT doses for the remaining weeks, then incorporating a PCT?

Doing more research on PCT. I’ve concluded to do at least 6-8 weeks of PCT in addition to the above for time frame of last pin.
HOLY 1.45 grams of gear for your first cycle is a bit excessive

I understand what your going for with the Tbol and the EQ but if this is your first cycle and you start to get major side effects you won't know which compound is doing it.

EQ is known for giving some people major anxiety so may not be the best for SWAT school.

Kick starting is outdated IMO save orals for when you reach a plateau

Tbol gives me horrible cramps but 5g+ taurine a days usually fixes it
HOLY 1.45 grams of gear for your first cycle is a bit excessive

I understand what your going for with the Tbol and the EQ but if this is your first cycle and you start to get major side effects you won't know which compound is doing it.

EQ is known for giving some people major anxiety so may not be the best for SWAT school.

Kick starting is outdated IMO save orals for when you reach a plateau

Tbol gives me horrible cramps but 5g+ taurine a days usually fixes it
Second cycle. Not sure it makes much of a difference to your point.

Thanks for the anxiety heads up. That could end up being rough!

I read EQ talking so long to start so using tbol to start it faster. That was basically my reasoning. Also read mixed things on kickstarting being good and also outdated. Thanks for the taurine tip!
Are you saying someone taking EQ won’t really need an AI?

I looked more into the half-life now. Suggested running test 8 weeks after last EQ pin. So if I did that, would I do 2 weeks or so at 500mg/wk then maybe drop to TRT doses for the remaining weeks, then incorporating a PCT?

Doing more research on PCT. I’ve concluded to do at least 6-8 weeks of PCT in addition to the above for time frame of last pin.
I wouldn't say it that broadly. EQ has anti estrogenic effects. Personally, using that ratio of test to EQ i wouldn't need an AI. Its a big reason why people use compounds like EQ, or Primo.

The drop from 500 mgs to nothing is gonna suck mentally. I think it's better to come down to a TRT dose (125-175 a week), so you at least remember what its like to feel "natural" first. Instead of going from 100 mph to 0, why not try out 55 for awhile?

PCT: I would still add clomid too dude. You want to recover to where you were before so why half ass it?

Tbol is great for endurance and so is EQ. watch out for your hematocrit though.
I wouldn't say it that broadly. EQ has anti estrogenic effects. Personally, using that ratio of test to EQ i wouldn't need an AI. Its a big reason why people use compounds like EQ, or Primo.

The drop from 500 mgs to nothing is gonna suck mentally. I think it's better to come down to a TRT dose (125-175 a week), so you at least remember what its like to feel "natural" first. Instead of going from 100 mph to 0, why not try out 55 for awhile?

PCT: I would still add clomid too dude. You want to recover to where you were before so why half ass it?

Tbol is great for endurance and so is EQ. watch out for your hematocrit though.
So should I wait for the AI to see if I’m experiencing any symptoms and/or blood work (whichever comes first)? Versus starting right from the start?

Sweet! I was thinking around 200mg/wk for maybe the additional 4-6 weeks while the EQ is clearing.

I looked more into the HCG (I was hesitant cause the water mixing had me hella confused lol) so I’m gonna add that to aid.

I’m cool with adding Clomid. I had read something about it not benefiting more with both combined versus one, so I guess that’s why I was unsure.
Second cycle. Not sure it makes much of a difference to your point.

Sorry missed that in the first post but yes doesn't really make a difference.

IMO those are the I'm a 220+ pound bodybuilder looking to add more mass not running a marathon and want to increase endurance dosages.

That's one problem with AAS fourms as they are primarily bodybuilders who's goals are completely different from endurance athletes so you read ppl say "under 600mg/wk EQ won't do shit" and "500 test minimum" and that may be true from a purely building muscle standpoint but you can get the increase in RBC your looking for with 300-400mg/wk EQ with less sides and run 250-300mg test/wk to increase strength without adding mass amounts of water or having to deal with ai's.
So should I wait for the AI to see if I’m experiencing any symptoms and/or blood work (whichever comes first)? Versus starting right from the start?
I'd suggest to wait for bloodwork before starting an AI.
Your estrogen doesn't skyrocket after ur first injection so starting an AI from the first week is counterproductive.
I’m cool with adding Clomid. I had read something about it not benefiting more with both combined versus one, so I guess that’s why I was unsure.
Iv only ever done 2 pcts in my life both were 40/40/20/20 50/50/25/25 nolva/clomid
That's one problem with AAS fourms as they are primarily bodybuilders who's goals are completely different from endurance athletes so you read ppl say "under 600mg/wk EQ won't do shit" and "500 test minimum" and that may be true from a purely building muscle standpoint but you can get the increase in RBC your looking for with 300-400mg/wk EQ with less sides and run 250-300mg test/wk to increase strength without adding mass amounts of water or having to deal with ai's.
Oh shit. Thanks man. I always read less than 500mg test won’t do anything. Same with EQ being no less than 600mg. I mean a little extra size wouldn’t be bad, but more focused on the athletic benefit versus aesthetic at the moment. Although some aesthetics is always a plus.

I also don’t want to put 15 lbs of something while trying to run a half marathon. I don’t mind a sprinters body, but also don’t want to be counterintuitive.
Oh shit. Thanks man. I always read less than 500mg test won’t do anything. Same with EQ being no less than 600mg. I mean a little extra size wouldn’t be bad, but more focused on the athletic benefit versus aesthetic at the moment. Although some aesthetics is always a plus.

I also don’t want to put 15 lbs of something while trying to run a half marathon. I don’t mind a sprinters body, but also don’t want to be counterintuitive.
people that say that are idiots.

there are plenty of big bodybuilders who bring testosterone only to a level that doesnt require an AI and slap on other anabolics.

lets say 300-400 and then slap on NPP, Deca, Mast, primo.

and its relative to the person.
Oh shit. Thanks man. I always read less than 500mg test won’t do anything. Same with EQ being no less than 600mg. I mean a little extra size wouldn’t be bad, but more focused on the athletic benefit versus aesthetic at the moment. Although some aesthetics is always a plus.

I also don’t want to put 15 lbs of something while trying to run a half marathon. I don’t mind a sprinters body, but also don’t want to be counterintuitive.
Yes please don't run 1.45 grams of anbolics for a half marathon. The side effects would outweigh the benefits
There is a great log on the endurance section of the thread by @amorgan90 worth a read imo
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people that say that are idiots.

there are plenty of big bodybuilders who bring testosterone only to a level that doesnt require an AI and slap on other anabolics.

lets say 300-400 and then slap on NPP, Deca, Mast, primo.

and its relative to the person.
That’s amazing to read cause I initially wanted a lower dosage but after reading so many saying it was pointless I changed it.

Now I’m wondering if I should change my whole cycle plan.
Yes please don't run 1.45 grams of anbolics for a half marathon. The side effects would outweigh the benefits
I’m thinking I should change my whole plan now. Or do you think lowering doses would be sufficient?

There is a great log on the endurance section of the thread by @amorgan90 worth a read imo
This was an awesome read. Thanks so much!
I was in the military for nearly a decade in a combat MOS. Did my fair share of grueling schools and all that jazz. If you’re trying to use anabolics to help you prepare for something like an endurance event, you’re barking up the wrong tree. When I was in, all anabolics ever did was hurt my endurance. Yes even EQ. That shit made my blood thick like syrup and gave me terrible calf and back pumps while running. Not to mention the psychoactive effects of using it while in a high stress environment. If you’re really that committed to using gear just do something really mild like Test by itself or maybe Test/Mast. Wish you all the best in SWAT !!